25 year old single mom

My health has been suffering since I had my son. He's 3 and I weigh nearly as much as I did while pregnant. My first goal is to drop from 230 to 180 in the next 6 months.


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hello! I also started around there ! You can do this! If I did it, anyone can :)

    Here's what I wish I would've known when I was first starting out - for weight loss all that you need is a calorie deficit. Eat less then you burn and you WILL lose weight. There's no need for fads, gimmicks, special diets and all that. Weight loss- calorie deficit!

    To be sure that your really eating at a deficit , using a food scale is good idea. Learn how to weigh all your solids and measure all your liquids. Log it all here :)

    Best of luck to you !
  • mbellot05
    mbellot05 Posts: 17 Member
    Agree with above post the food scale is a must. Also, I found that diet is 85 percent minimum of weight loss. I know cause I lost then put back on, but two weeks of eating correctly and I am getting closer to my "old" starting weight. Good luck