Willpower Quote

cmkaz Posts: 2
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
Where is my Willpower

I need to lose weight!! Please self control call on your willpower!! Who is this Will that is so strong it can help control my Self, when Self wants Pizza & Ice Cream. My Will is a meek little voice that Self over powers. How do I call upon Will to help me through when Self is so strong? Self like a wild horse yet tamed looking for Will to jump on and ride until submission, but Self has to be ready to accept Will or Will would be forever bucked off!! I am asking Will to get the heck on the horse and ride, and tell Self to giddy up!!!


  • gee this is the hardest thing i have had to fight my whole life...i'm here for you:happy:
  • ezranch208
    ezranch208 Posts: 25 Member
    Stay focused and you can do this. I pray for help and He has given me help. Mind over matter!:smile:
  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
    bump! let me know when you figure it out. this is my only problem in my weight loss struggle...my willpower over food!! I love to eat!! and literally can not stop myself if I see or smell something I want. hell, even if I just think about it. I have been known to leave work to run to the store if I want something that I don't have.
  • The_Saint
    The_Saint Posts: 358 Member
    Ask not for a lighter load, but the strength to carry more.
  • bflicker11
    bflicker11 Posts: 296
    I sometimes wonder if I have an addiction to food. It's like what I imagine a crack addict goes through.

    Wake up and think, "I'm gonna eat good today. I'mgonna stay in goal." Crack addict, "I'm not using crack today!! It's a fresh start."
    Driving past Dunkin Donuts I think, "Well, maybe just one donut. I won't eat lunch. Yeah, one donut is fine." Crack addict drives by an area he's used and thinks, "Well, maybe one hit. I won't go on a binge this time. No one will notice." After one "hit" of a donut, "Well, I screwed up, screw it! I may as well just binge." (ordering a dozen donuts) After one hit of crack, "Screw it! I already took one hit, just one more binge and I'm done." Then the feelings of self hate, guilt and disgust. Wake up and try again the next day. I'm seriously consisering joining a 12 step program for eating because I need additional support. I'm fine if I'm not around food buy my house does have a kitchen sadly.

    I wish there was an easier way to drum up willpower, for me and all those crack addicts. (-:
  • cmkaz
    cmkaz Posts: 2
    Thanks everyone! I wrote this around 3 months ago when I was at my wits end. I have since (hopefully) found my voice (willpower), and continue each day to try and silence my self when it keeps saying eat this and that. It did motivate me, I have lost 21 lbs since I wrote this, I guess it made me really think about it!!
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