
Hey! I'm looking for some good exercises I can try and do around my house. I was in a bad car accident 6 years ago and I'm lucky to be here today. I need a hip and knee replacement but I'm to young for them so I'm limited on what I can and cannot do. Any suggestions?


  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    It's hard to recommend without knowing what your current abilities are.
    Have you looked into Yoga? There are some great beginning programs on Youtube, and many targeted to people with disablities.
    Isotonics/Isometrics are good 'in place' and again, excellent videos on youtube to get you started. Hope that helps!
  • MrsJBro
    MrsJBro Posts: 59 Member
    I would work on strengthening those legs if that is where your injury is. Done with proper form the added strength will help stabilize the joint and can eben reduce pain.
    The best recommendation I can make is seeing a physiotherapist. Even if it's only once, get those base exercises down and then once cleared move into more advanced movements incorporating greater weight.