30 day shred...day 1



  • cathyg18
    cathyg18 Posts: 150 Member
    I want to punch her smug face in.... and those two girlies who smiled all the way through. My husband looked worried at one point as he came in while I was lying sprawled on the floor unable to do the end cool down...with one of my hand weights across my neck!!

    This made me laugh out loud! I just ordered it becasue I have heard such good things about it. I am excited to give it a shot, but I'm nervous about it also.
  • clugo2511
    clugo2511 Posts: 2 Member
    Great!! thank you!!
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    It does get easier, don't worry! And you will notice results VERY quickly.
    <--- I'm on L1 Day 5, and that there bicep just showed up today :)

    A word of advice, that you may not want to hear but it is the truth: try doing it in the morning. This is the 3rd time I've tried doing the shred, but only the first time I've made it to day 5 (lol). The other 2 times I tried it, I was soooo sore and could only do 1-2 days. This time, I've been doing it in the mornings and even though I feel exhausted immediately afterwards and want nothing more than to sit on my *kitten*, I can't. Because I have to get in the shower and go to work. The soreness is not as intense when I do it in the morning, because afterwards, I'm moving around all day and basically stretching the muscles that I just worked. When I did the shred previously, I would sit around afterwards and then go to bed, and then wake up feeling like a pile.

    It's not easy to do it in the morning, but it proved to be impossible for me to do at night so this has been working for me. If you still want to do it at night, I'd suggest doing extra stretches afterwards and/or going for a walk. The "cool down" in the video is VERY minimal, which is why people get so sore from it. I'm determined to get through the 30 days this time, and the results I'm seeing already are keeping me motivated! Good luck girl. Friend me if you wanna shred together, I'm only a few days ahead of you!
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    I want to punch her smug face in.... and those two girlies who smiled all the way through. My husband looked worried at one point as he came in while I was lying sprawled on the floor unable to do the end cool down...with one of my hand weights across my neck!!

    HAHAHA! Oh man, glad to see you lived through it!
  • aud82
    aud82 Posts: 30 Member

    Ok...so I spent a leisurely 20 minutes or so watching the DVD last night while eating some toast thinking hell, yeah...I can do that. A piece of p***

    It is now 6.22pm, about an hour after I have finished Day 1 of level 1 of the shred and I feel like I have been run over by one of those rollers they use to on roads to flatten wet tarmac.
    Even my ear lobes are sore
    I cannot physically walk
    Can someone please tell me it gets 'easier'...or a bit easier...or lie through your teeth...Please...ANYONE?????

    Very sorry, but that post had me ROLLING!! :D I think I'd sound the same way! Best of luck! I'm sure it'll get easier, you're just not used to it!
  • cianna11
    cianna11 Posts: 19
    Fabulous replies...many thanks. I WILL do this.
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    I love this video, but does anyone know when it is time to change levels?? How long should I stay at level 1??

    I'm planning on staying on each level until i can do each workout on the non-modified version and not feel like my arms/legs are going to fall off. I think its a personal thing, even if it takes more than 30 day, its doing it right that counts :)
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    It does get easier as in you aren't feeling like you were hit by a mack truck! The first day I did it I was sore for about 4 days. I wound up getting sick and was out for about a month of exercise. When I got back in it was much easier and I wasn't that sore again. I'm in the midle of level 2 now and I don't get sore but boy do I sweat and get winded and heart pounding!!!!! It's so worth it though!
  • aud82
    aud82 Posts: 30 Member
    This has seriously got to be the funniest feed I've read thusfar! You guys cracked me up! I'm sure it's worth it in the end... but the temporary onset of torrettes you guys got is priceless!! Keep up the hard work guys! You will be there in no time! Meanwhile, I think I need to get the video and see what kind of words come out of my mouth... if it helps me reach my goals! :)
  • Alishaa18
    Alishaa18 Posts: 21
    I just talked to a friend doing the 30 day shed and she stretched hers out a little further. Instead of bumping up every week she bumped up every other week. She looks fabulous but she did say it was very difficult but if you stick to it you will defintely see results. I'm sold on it!..I'm going to get mine today :)
  • kcalli0429
    kcalli0429 Posts: 27 Member
    Well I almost died my first couple of days then it got easier instead of 5 minutes in saying" oh my god i am about to die" it was 17 minutes in before i started saying that. But it totally killed my knees and on day 7 i had to take a break. wrong thing to do!!! it has been 14 days since i have done it and now i am starting it over tonight. I am not waiting for a new week, i am doing it today. I am done procrastinating on getting healthy, tomorrow never comes. stay with it, if something is too much or like me the jump n jacks kill your knees swap it for another form of cardio, run in place while you do your arms like doing the jumping jacks, but what ever you do don't stop. in those 7 days i lost more weight than any other week while i have been dieting. I hate Jillian but the woman knows what she is doing
  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    I want to punch her smug face in.... and those two girlies who smiled all the way through. My husband looked worried at one point as he came in while I was lying sprawled on the floor unable to do the end cool down...with one of my hand weights across my neck!!

    I know exactly how you feel. I thought she was talking to me through the TV telling me there was no modification for jumping jacks. Wanted to knock her teeth down the back of her throat! Was screaming trying to lift the weights ( 8 lbs) and do the squats. My husband and daughter were afraid to come in the basement from all the noise I was making. Unfortunately, I didn't complete the first workout...just 5 minutes short :-( crashed on the couch and needed my inhaler....Anyway, I plan to start again on the 27th and this time I will NOT be defeated!!! Looking at before and after pics of other MFP members who completed the shred in the Success Stories forums really helped motivate me to give it all I've got.

    Good luck and happy shredding!! Know that you are not alone!!!!!
  • Alishaa18
    Alishaa18 Posts: 21
    lol!!!....this made me laugh because it's so true!
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    It does get easier, don't worry! And you will notice results VERY quickly.
    <--- I'm on L1 Day 5, and that there bicep just showed up today :)

    A word of advice, that you may not want to hear but it is the truth: try doing it in the morning. This is the 3rd time I've tried doing the shred, but only the first time I've made it to day 5 (lol). The other 2 times I tried it, I was soooo sore and could only do 1-2 days. This time, I've been doing it in the mornings and even though I feel exhausted immediately afterwards and want nothing more than to sit on my *kitten*, I can't. Because I have to get in the shower and go to work. The soreness is not as intense when I do it in the morning, because afterwards, I'm moving around all day and basically stretching the muscles that I just worked. When I did the shred previously, I would sit around afterwards and then go to bed, and then wake up feeling like a pile.

    It's not easy to do it in the morning, but it proved to be impossible for me to do at night so this has been working for me. If you still want to do it at night, I'd suggest doing extra stretches afterwards and/or going for a walk. The "cool down" in the video is VERY minimal, which is why people get so sore from it. I'm determined to get through the 30 days this time, and the results I'm seeing already are keeping me motivated! Good luck girl. Friend me if you wanna shred together, I'm only a few days ahead of you!

    I completely agree with you about doing this in the mornings. If I don't do this in the morning, I don't do it at all because I get lazy. Even being on vacation this week - I wake up and first thing I do is 30DS...I will start level 2 tomorrow morning and I have already lost almost an inch in some areas :bigsmile:
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