i need to be honest .....



  • What you've done so far is a HUGE accomplishment! Keep it up, you will have as much encouragement as you will need here! I know that what you are struggling with is a daily battle, so just take it one day at a time and remember that you are not perfect, but you are at least trying. :)
    As far as the stretch marks go, there are some treatments that some Drs. are trying with some success, so hopefully in the next year or so it will become mainstream and better. Good Luck!
  • bpe101
    bpe101 Posts: 53 Member
    So I have a bit of a confession, and I figured that non of you actually know who I am and its a site where I feel I can be open because its a "judgment free zone". Since I was probably 10-11 I developed an eating disorder. I am an emotional eater, over eater, whatever you want to name it. And I have been struggling since then. I am now 21. I joined MFP not really expecting to stick with it or be able to even come close to my calorie goal. But its been 11 days and I have had ZERO "binges" and I haven't really even wanted too. I started off weighing 204and I'm 5'7. 11 days later I'm 197.2 !! Seeing the results on the scale is such a boost of confidence and it makes me want to keep it up. The point of this posting was to ask if anyone else has been through this and if it has worked, I've had someone tell me that once I have an eating disorder ill always have it and diets won't work for me. I'm trying so hard to prove them wrong. Also, eating the way I did put a huge toll on my body, leaving me with uncountable stretch marks and cellulite. I feel like ill never be confident enough to wear shorts, bathing suits or even tank tops. Does anyone have any advise for me?

    Thank you <3

    Congratulations on your great start! If you would like to add me, I would be happy to support you through your journey!
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    Thank you for being so open. Reading your post is another step toward helping me be honest with myself and others. It's scary for me to say it outloud, but I am also a binger. I relate so much to your story. I have done a lot better since I've joined this site though and my biggest problem was at the beginning. Now Im started to "forget" to turn to food :0).... I did discover that I am definitely triggered by emotions and the feeling of being out of control. Last night I stayed up too late with some "issues" on my mind. Because I was up so late, I got hungry. It was true hunger and I ate. I didn't eat to just fill my tummy though. I ate and ate to fill my sense of control. :0( The good news is that I finally faced up to what my triggers are. I will do my best to avoid those now! The other good news is that I found this post of yours and I just said OUTLOUD what I've been doing. Yikes! but a good yikes! :0)

    Thanks.... and please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I posted this less then 45 minutes ago and I CANNOT believe the amount of people who commented. I am sitting at work in TEARS right now reading everyones comments. (Happy tears of course !!!!) I had the chiils the whole time. I cannot thank you ALL enough for such encouraging, powerful words. I can't get over it ! Thank you SO much everyone. With all your kind words, I fel like I can get through this because I now have support ! Call me crazy but I consider you all my best friends now lol thank you thank you thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!

    A few people made comments on how hopefully ill get other people to want to get it off their chest...
    Let me tell you what a relief it Is !!!!
    Add me if you want to talk !!
    Thank you again everyone !
    You made my day !
  • Genomerio
    Genomerio Posts: 4
    Just have to want to change and be willing to work at it. I quit smoking in October, after having smoked for 23 years. I crave a cig almost every day, but I've just finally taken control of that want and pushed it aside. Changing my eating habits is the same thing. I do fail occasionally but I use that failure as motivation to try harder. And I always figured, if I can do it, anybody can do it. SO, You can do it!
  • jammer1963
    jammer1963 Posts: 106 Member
    I think it's fantastic the progress you've made so far! Keep it up!! I used to think that when someone said, "I lost 5 pounds", big deal. But it really is a big deal. It takes a lot of work and will power to lose weight. I started a weight loss program last year using this program and I lost 30 pounds. I was so proud of my accomplishements. Ihad so much extra energy, my aches and pains were gone and felt damm good about how I looked. the problem is I didn't know how to maintain to keep the weight off. I did put almost all he weight back on but I'm at it again! this time, I know better what I'm doing and I will keep it off. I not only started calorie counting but I started the "Belly good" diet. It's basically reduced carbs and sugars from your diet. I've lost 13 pounds again without even exercising. I started at 189 and I'm down to 176. It's a slow process but it'll be very maintainable. Be proud of what your doing and don't be ashamed to sneak a look in the mirror that you pass by...that person looking back at you is also very proud of what your doing. Keep up the good work Becca!!
  • DanAndMeg
    DanAndMeg Posts: 2
    I have the cellulite issues, but not the binging. No matter how much I lose or gain or exercise or massage in 'specialty lotions' I have the little dimples that make me envy other people's smooth legs :o( .......... but you already have the answer you are needing on your "ticker"....YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

    Beautiful comes in a million different varieties and is NEVER perfect (despite media attempts). Your outer appearance will vary, weight will come and go, your hair will eventually gray and your eyes will crinkle from your numerous smiles and laughter. Your beauty will never be dependent dependent on any single factor...it will always be the compilation of love and compassion that you give to others.

    Advice from my grandfather: Love is not how you feel about someone...it is usually the way that they make you feel. Soooo... The way you make people feel about themselves will impact your beauty more than any stretch mark could ever deter from it....

    Good luck in taking your own advice...it is usually the hardest to believe
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    I was bulemic, and while I think you'll always have to watch yourself more carefully than someone who is just dieting but doesn't have emotional issues (if such people even exist!), I definitely think you can do it! From when I recognized that I had an ED to when I felt like I had a somewhat "normal" relationship with food took three long, struggle-filled years. But it made me stronger and it made me believe I can do anything!!

    So congrats on not binging! I know your success will continue and you will keep believing you can change - and then one day you will look back and be so proud of how much you have changed!!
  • good job!! It's so hard to eat healthy, when unhealthy tastes SO good! But I am thinking of my health and image. Of course I want to look good in shorts and bathing suit. I am 61 and up until 6 years ago, I was quite slim. Then changes happened. My heaviest was 175, now it's 157. It is so good to be able to read about other people's struggles and achievements in the weight lose department. I get motoviation from reading what all the people have to say on MFP. This is a fairly new site for me and I love it.
    I am a lazy person and I procrastinate, ALOT.....I am trying to overcome these habits, day by day, a little at a time. I keep telling myself to keep trying, and to go day by day, one day at a time. I did do upper body weights yesterday. Yea!! So, here we go on our journey of life, to be better and to make wise decisions!!
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    I binge eat too! Well I havent in the past month since being on here, but its an old habit of mine as well. I think about what ifs? sometimes... But I havent yet. Good luck!
  • justtodayjen333
    justtodayjen333 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm a user of food too. Recently I heard Bob Greene on Oprah (I'm an Oprah fan) make a comment something like this that really spoke to me--"you are never going to beat this problem. This is a problem that you have always had--and you will probably have it for the rest of your life. Your results are simply about how you manage that problem." This makes SO much sense to me--I'm always going to battle my emotions and desire to use food to placate what ever my need is at the time. This problem is never going to go away for me. So if I can learn some skills and tools to manage this problem, perhaps that's where I should focus my energy. Here's the link to the video in case you are interested--good luck! MFP seems to have a lot to offer--lots of great people.

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