19 days of cleaning out the junk.

So 19 days ago I went sugar free. Dairy free gluten free. No sugar substitutes. NONE. I cannot tell you how different and great I feel. Eating lots of veggies. Fish. Chicken. No white anything. No pop. 100 oz of water daily along with green tea. I am seeing changes in my body and i know I have a ways to go. Sleeping like a rock. Hitting gym 6 days a week. Love yoga. Weight training and HIIT. This is the year of me finally getting what I want. Making my body the best I can. It's worth it.


  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    That's great you are making progress toward your goals. I too have had similar results: weight loss (30 lbs and now in maintenance), increased energy, better sleep, focus on exercise, improved overall health. I drink more water, eat more veggies and lean protein than ever before in my life!

    Only I didn't label anything junk and didn't cut anything out, especially not because of the color of something.

    I hope you find the changes you are making sustainable. For me, heavy restriction like that would not lead to long term adherence. Good luck!
  • bracey100
    bracey100 Posts: 58 Member
    Well done that's a massive change u will get the body u want determination an motivation will see u thru u will come to a stop tho I been dieting since march 015 I lost 5 stone so it can be done deffo
  • bdt0831
    bdt0831 Posts: 28 Member
    I have known for some time i had a dairy intolerance and gluten problem. Clearing those out have transformed by intestinal habits. Amazing. Sugar is a hard problem for me. I am what you could classify as a sugar addict. I could eat it morning noon and night. After 45 days I will slowly add in healthier forms of sugar but for me j have to stay away from the pastries. Cookies. Cakes. It's like an addict with alcohol. I literally have been in therapy for food issues and they mainly deal with sugar.
    I love veggies and lean meats and fish. I have never been a bread eater. Do not care for potato chips. Or ice cream. Never a pop drinker. So this is not that hard for me really. The sugar part has been the only problem.
    Red meat has been eliminated due to high cholesterol. Fish and chicken only.
    I am tired of carrying around 15 lbs I DO NOT NEED. Feeling healthy and stronger and like I have control is an amazing feeling. I have had several "hard core cravings" for sweets but I worked through it and didn't budge. Didn't give in. It is empowering to tell my brain "too damn bad. You don't need it and you know the slippery slope this will create! I am stronger than my cravings!" It's getting easier and easier to live without sugar.
  • bthao7
    bthao7 Posts: 54 Member
    You got some massive willpower! Fantastic job thus far!