Plantar fascitis?



  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    This is my second round of Plantar fascitis. I looked on line to see what people were saying about it and saw someone had a testimony about the Strassburg sock. Ordered it and the next morning after wearing it that night I was at least 75% better and now after wearing it a week my symphtoms are almost gone! Best 30 dollars I've ever spent! The first time I got Plantar fascitis I was 45 years old and started running again. My doctor started me on Aleve which worked but tore up my stomach so I knew I couldn't do that this time. I'm so happy I could get rid of it this time without meds. I feel for you, it's impossible to stay off your feet.
  • Slavic_Spice
    Slavic_Spice Posts: 78 Member
    Bump, very good info. here, I have this condition as well.
  • VSgirl2010
    VSgirl2010 Posts: 145 Member
    I found one of the socks you can order, here is the website:
  • VSgirl2010
    VSgirl2010 Posts: 145 Member
    here is another one, LOL- hope it helps!
  • Alcyone
    Alcyone Posts: 4
    I also suffered with Plantar Faciitis pain for a long time. The stretches shown on this site will help. I did the second stretch called the Wall Calf stretch. Instead of using their slant board shown inthe picture, my doctor told me to put my feet on a door ledge which is several (4-6) inches off the ground and let my heels drop to stretch the calf. You need to hold it for 60 seconnds and you will definitely feel the burn :sad: . I did this 4 times a day and the pain went away within about 3-4 weeks.

    Good luck :smile: