Here goes nothing

Hi, I am soooo not good at this on line, blog, computer "thing" so please bear with me. I am a dieter from way back...most of my life. I lost 75 pounds about 7 years ago and kept it off for a long time. The past few years I have been struggling with gaining about 15 of those pounds. Although I exercise very regularly I cannot seem to get my head back in the game when it comes to food. I found this website a while ago but am just getting around to taking it seriously. HELP. Any advice for getting myself mentally back on track would be greatly appreciated!



  • Cakelly
    Cakelly Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am soooo not good at this on line, blog, computer "thing" so please bear with me. I am a dieter from way back...most of my life. I lost 75 pounds about 7 years ago and kept it off for a long time. The past few years I have been struggling with gaining about 15 of those pounds. Although I exercise very regularly I cannot seem to get my head back in the game when it comes to food. I found this website a while ago but am just getting around to taking it seriously. HELP. Any advice for getting myself mentally back on track would be greatly appreciated!

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Welcome to the boards, CK! Using the food log will really help you see exactly what you're putting in your mouth every day & you will bea able to make revisions from there to healthier habits. When it is all out in front of you, you are more likely to see your mistakes & be able to fix them. Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • dragonfly81
    dragonfly81 Posts: 272 Member