Feeling Guilty and Stupid

This is my 16th day back on a healthy lifestyle after moving to India and gaining about 30 lbs in a little over a year. So far, I've lost 3.6 lbs in 14 days and only went off track with my eating twice. I want to lose as much weight as I can in the next 4 weeks because I have to go see my husband's family and I don't want to feel embarrassed or self-conscious when we go. I'm trying for 10 lbs.

I've been walking everyday. I started with 20 minutes, then 30, now I'm up to 40 and pushing for 45. Yesterday, I did my first HIIT workout which was great (I can barely move my legs today and there isn't a part of my body that's not sore), but food-wise I fell off the wagon and ended up eating a whole extra day's worth of calories. I went out with my husband and ordered veg steamed momos for lunch, but then he encouraged me to have some KFC because he knew I wanted to try this new cheesy fried chicken they have there. I caved and got it. Then we went to a movie and he got me chocolate gelato ice cream (at least it was 96 percent fat free).

In the evening, we had a birthday dinner to go to, and if anyone could understand how Indians are about food, I was in a very awkward position. Usually, the only parties I go to are the ones I host in my own place and I can control how much food I eat in those situations (usually I end up eating less than I normally would because I'm busy hosting). This time, however, my friend was chasing me around with a plate of momos all night (at least they were steamed). I managed to get away with just taking 4, and then they served me a HUGE plate of Bengali pulao (rice), fish, and chicken for dinner. To refuse or leave food would have been very rude and insulting- the girl who's birthday it was spent the whole evening cooking for everyone with her mom- so I just ate what she gave me (I won't lie, it was delicious). I limited myself to just 2 drinks but I knew I had done some serious damage anyway.

I wasn't even going to log my food for the day, but I thought it would help for me to see what that cost me in calories and I thought I should own up to it, so I completed my entry and am trying not to feel too guilty but I can feel myself getting upset and obsessed again. I really hope that one day won't ruin anything. I can't do my HIIT workout today- even walking hurts, so I'll let my body recover, but I'm back to my regular diet and am trying to remain positive.


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    3.6 pounds is still nearly 2 pounds per week for two weeks. No reason to feel guilty or stupid. Those kinds of thoughts aren't going to help you. Losing another 10 pounds in 4 weeks is going to be pushing it, especially if you are only looking to lose the 30 pounds you gained. Do what you can in a reasonable manner.
  • Nell8i8
    Nell8i8 Posts: 61 Member
    It's great that you will start tomorrow with your goal in mind. I Think that is a big part of being successful at weight loss and that is being conscious Of what we put in our bodies. We all can take a step back sometimes. I use my frustration with myself as fuel to do the right thing the next day. Meal planning has helped me out with this. If I know I'm headed to a party I'll save a good chuck of calories for that meal. It's awesome you also doing HIIT. If you feel sore perhaps take a little walk even if its a slow one and stretch to flush your muscles out. :)
  • SaraAhmad117
    SaraAhmad117 Posts: 43 Member
    Nell8i8 wrote: »
    It's great that you will start tomorrow with your goal in mind. I Think that is a big part of being successful at weight loss and that is being conscious Of what we put in our bodies. We all can take a step back sometimes. I use my frustration with myself as fuel to do the right thing the next day. Meal planning has helped me out with this. If I know I'm headed to a party I'll save a good chuck of calories for that meal. It's awesome you also doing HIIT. If you feel sore perhaps take a little walk even if its a slow one and stretch to flush your muscles out. :)

    Thanks for the advice :-) Struggling a bit today, but so far so good. I was thinking of going for a walk later on too :-)