Honest support required

My name is Nicola and I am 22
I am overweight, and have been for at least four years, if not more
I have been yoyo dieting for as long as I can remember
I need to find a method that sticks. Eat less, move more seems to be the only good idea

I need to connect with people on here and find friends who are encouraging and make sure I stick to my goals. I also need you to call me out when I do somethings bad, I.e. "That chocolate bar won't help you lose any weight". Things I know, but need to hear from other people. I PROMISE to always log EVERYTHING so you know I am trying to stay on track. I don't want people to be mean, but honest :)

Plan to get to 75kg by the summer and 65kg by Xmas. The good weight for my height is 62kg, but baby steps!!


  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I'm supportive and encouraging but I'm never going to tell someone they can't eat something.
    You can have whatever you want as long as it fits into your calorie goal/IIFYM.
    If you're trying a different approach and/or can't just have a little chocolate and you need me to remind you of that then I can do that.
    Feel free to add me.
  • deviolantte
    deviolantte Posts: 13 Member
    I'm quite honest if you are ok with it and I totally expect the same from you. We have a goal to reach and I want to make sure my dieting partners and me reach the same goal together. I won't talk sweet when you lose your track because that's only make you go back to the loop all over again and then a few years later you will end up heavier than you are now. Trust me it is happening to me now. So add me if you like. Let's get through this together. We can chat outside of here as well. Skype,fb or WhatsApp
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    If you are honest with yourself (weigh/measure/log) and can fit the chocolate (or whatever item) into your diary, eat it. I did not cut out any food items (i.e I eat out, eat junk food, am a chocoholic, love fast food) and I work these items into my food plan and plan my day around what I want to have.

    Former Yo Yo dieter here and firm believer in eat less, move more...worked for me.
  • losingweightfor2016
    Thanks all!
  • sarahxlara
    sarahxlara Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there same story as myself I'm now determined to make the change as I have a big family wedding coming up so that's my goal to look and feel good by November please feel free to add me we can help each other out :)