I never thought I would be posting this...why am i not losin



  • fearlessbetz
    fearlessbetz Posts: 97 Member
    I've had a couple of plateaus, one for two weeks, and one for three weeks. Both were so frustrating as I was staying within the calories or below, and was kicking up the excercise all the time. The first I took a day off of excercising since I'd been doing it everyday, then Boom! the next day I was down 4 lbs. The second one I started training sessions, and then I started the descent again, slowly but surely. I've read that taking a day off of excercise once a week or so allows your body to burn up a lot of what you've been working on. And perhaps changing up the routine can help. I honestly thought at my weight I woudn't have a plateau because anything I was doing was better than what I was doing before (nothing!). However, my trainer said the body can adapt so quickly to a certain excercise if it isn't changed up all the time. I try to throw a curveball at this body of mine every weekend, either swimming, a hike, biking. Stay positive, because it is very easy to get frustrated and think well what the hell! Let us know how you are doing, and keep up the good work!
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    You seem a bit defensive when in your responses to people--there have been some wonderful responses and ideas given to you, I don't really understand this line of thinking, but I DO understand that you must be frustrated, because you think your way is correct because it has worked so far...but if it were, would you have written this post? Open yourself to other options and may be you might find something that is holding you back...or something that works better.

    Good luck to you, I hope you can find what works for you.
  • JenGranzow
    JenGranzow Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks, King, but I stand by my belief that clean eating will make your body a more efficient machine than what you have if you eat 1,200 calories of Doritos per day.
  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    You seem a bit defensive when in your responses to people--there have been some wonderful responses and ideas given to you, I don't really understand this line of thinking, but I DO understand that you must be frustrated, because you think your way is correct because it has worked so far...but if it were, would you have written this post? Open yourself to other options and may be you might find something that is holding you back...or something that works better.

    Good luck to you, I hope you can find what works for you.
    She was just explaining that her 'fries' were homemade and healthy, same with the sloppy joes. It tends to make anyone a bit testy when you ask for advice and ppl immediately jump down your neck about alll the *garbage* your'e eating. You can say the same thing in an encouraging and kind way, folks. You don't need to say that "your food choices suck", like someone did on this thread earlier. And not everyone wants to gho low-carb. 'clean', or any other number of strict lifestyle changes. Its true - you CAN lose weight on a balanced diet.
  • unaffected
    unaffected Posts: 154
    I'm no expert, but perhaps try drinking more water (maybe set a goal of 6 glasses per day at first, see if you can get there) and maybe try cutting back on some of your carbs. Even though you are under your carb goal daily, some days it still seems like a large amount of carbs to me. I wouldn't say to give them up completely, but just rethink if you really want that garlic bread or pasta.

    I hope you can get the scale moving in the right direction again soon! Good luck! :)
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    You seem a bit defensive when in your responses to people--there have been some wonderful responses and ideas given to you, I don't really understand this line of thinking, but I DO understand that you must be frustrated, because you think your way is correct because it has worked so far...but if it were, would you have written this post? Open yourself to other options and may be you might find something that is holding you back...or something that works better.

    Good luck to you, I hope you can find what works for you.
    She was just explaining that her 'fries' were homemade and healthy, same with the sloppy joes. It tends to make anyone a bit testy when you ask for advice and ppl immediately jump down your neck about alll the *garbage* your'e eating. You can say the same thing in an encouraging and kind way, folks. You don't need to say that "your food choices suck", like someone did on this thread earlier. And not everyone wants to gho low-carb. 'clean', or any other number of strict lifestyle changes. Its true - you CAN lose weight on a balanced diet.

    thanks for sticking up for me! i'm welcome to suggestions but when someone tells me i'm unhealthy when in reality i am not it makes me feel defensive!! i was asking for advice, not judgments.
  • kkadams21
    kkadams21 Posts: 5
    I have lost 7-9 pounds in 2 weeks. You need to be weighing yourself every morning...eating the right kinds of foods with help you lose weight way faster than eating junk and exercising a lot. Trust me, i know. I follow a strict diet but I am not hungry! I eat all day but only healthy foods. You need to be eating 1200 calories a day- 2 servings of protein (steak only once a week), 4 servings of vegetables, 3 servings of fruit, and only 2 servings of starches (one slice of whole wheat bread=one serving starch). After working out or if craving something sweet, you can eat one nutrition/protein bar (check for how much sugar is in it). It is very strict but trust me, I used to absolutely love junk food and now i only want a little bit of it one day out of the week. If you follow that plan exactly, you will lose weight fast and keep it off.

    Let me know what you think! If you want more details about what you can and cant eat send me a message!
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    Okay- FIRST OFF stop quoting my response when you are talking about what someone else said to you. I TRIED to give you some insight on why you may have gained- high sodium and also about the HRM and substracting your BMR. I didnt SAY your diary sucked..that was someone else...I was TRYING TO HELP YOU and I said I didnt understand your line of thinking but understood how you could be frustrated. So much for trying to be nice...
  • crazymama2two
    You seem a bit defensive when in your responses to people--there have been some wonderful responses and ideas given to you, I don't really understand this line of thinking, but I DO understand that you must be frustrated, because you think your way is correct because it has worked so far...but if it were, would you have written this post? Open yourself to other options and may be you might find something that is holding you back...or something that works better.

    Good luck to you, I hope you can find what works for you.
    She was just explaining that her 'fries' were homemade and healthy, same with the sloppy joes. It tends to make anyone a bit testy when you ask for advice and ppl immediately jump down your neck about alll the *garbage* your'e eating. You can say the same thing in an encouraging and kind way, folks. You don't need to say that "your food choices suck", like someone did on this thread earlier. And not everyone wants to gho low-carb. 'clean', or any other number of strict lifestyle changes. Its true - you CAN lose weight on a balanced diet.

    thanks for sticking up for me! i'm welcome to suggestions but when someone tells me i'm unhealthy when in reality i am not it makes me feel defensive!! i was asking for advice, not judgments.

    get over it. you opened yourself up and your diary up to criticism. i make homemade fries too and mark it in my diary "homemade fries' DUH sloppy joes, label it differently OR shut your diary out to people, and as far as what nan said you took it personally. you can't handle criticism? dont ask for advice. i thikn you got great advice from a lot of people on here but you chose to take it personally when thigns were pointed out to you that didnt look "healthy" ISNT THAT WHY YOU WROTE? to get advice? take it down a notch girlfriend. i understand your frustration as i was on a six-week plateau and was tearing my hair out, but taking advice personally when it's not what you want to hear isnt going to help you AT ALL...my two cents, which really dont even amount to that much.
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603

    get over it. you opened yourself up and your diary up to criticism. i make homemade fries too and mark it in my diary "homemade fries' DUH sloppy joes, label it differently OR shut your diary out to people, and as far as what nan said you took it personally. you can't handle criticism? dont ask for advice. i thikn you got great advice from a lot of people on here but you chose to take it personally when thigns were pointed out to you that didnt look "healthy" ISNT THAT WHY YOU WROTE? to get advice? take it down a notch girlfriend. i understand your frustration as i was on a six-week plateau and was tearing my hair out, but taking advice personally when it's not what you want to hear isnt going to help you AT ALL...my two cents, which really dont even amount to that much.

    look- i dont even know you. you don;t know me. i am not being mean to anyone, please don't be mean to me. also, please don't message me or comment on anything i post anymore.
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    I want to say thank you to everyone who has given me advice. I would also like to say that maybe we should start trying to be kinder to each other. I don't understand the hostility with some people. Instead of attacking each other, we should be giving postivie and encouraging comments. We are all here for the same reasons. We should be working together, not against each other.
    Yes try not to eat your exercise calories, drink water and look at the fiber inake in your diet. Keep up the: good work -you r proof it can be done!!!
  • pixieval
    pixieval Posts: 64 Member
    You know what I believe helps me, filling up at breakfast, big time. I try to get in a lot of protein at breakfast, and lunch.
    My dinners are so late because of work and running around with my daughter, I avoid breads and rices, and eat a lean meat and fruits, veggies and a yogurt.

    I also found that since I added fresh berries and oranges into my diet every day, I've had a lot more energy, and have been losing a consistent amount each week.
    I wish you luck! :)
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    SUGGGAAARRR! you almost always go over on sugar i peaked at your diary for the past week and there was only one day you didn't go over on sugar and your remander was 1. watch your sugars because sugar turnes into fat in the body. i eat a lot of fruit and usually don't go over on sugar.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Two thoughts...

    One, you have had a few days in the last week or so where you go over in your sodium - one by quite a bit. So it could just be water retention. Be careful with eating too many high sodium foods and make sure you're drinking plenty of water and getting fresh fruits and veggies to help clear all of that up.

    Two, you said you just switch up your exercises - can't remember exactly but something by Jillian which usually means strength training. There's a good chance that your muscles are retaining water as part of the natural healing process. Anytime you switch up your exercises, this is likely to happen because you're using muscles you either don't use much or you're using them in a different way.

    So, simply put, stick with it, drink plenty of water (and get it from natural sources like fruits/veggies), wait a couple of weeks and I bet you'll see some progress. Also, take some measurments - sometimes those tell more about progress than the scale.
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    I never eat my exercise calories back because then I feel like what's the point of burning them off if you eat them back. Also, the type of food you eat makes a difference If you are eating processed food as opposed to whole food there is a big difference on how the body handles the breakdown of the foods. I stay within my calorie limit and only eat fresh fruit & veg., lean protein, fat free dairy in the form of Greek yogurt (not cheese) fat free cheese is gross! and I also eat whole grains like wheat berries, brown rice, quinoa. Thescale has started going down again after a looong plateau. P.S. I also cut out bread. You can check my food diary if it might help.
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    I'm sorry that you're going through a frustrating plateau. I've been there for the last 3 months myself, losing and gaining the same 3 pounds over and over. I don't know how long you've been eating at a calorie deficit, but since you've lost over 50 pounds (I'm almost there too!), I would guess it's been awhile. I would stay under my goal by 200 or so calories thinking I would lose quicker, but it always backfired. I'd eat more on the weekends, around 2200 to 2400 calories/day (which should have been maintenance), gain 2 pounds, and then work my butt off during the week to lose that same 2 pounds.

    For the last couple of weeks, I've tried a different approach. I stopped stressing about it. I haven't been pushing as hard in my workouts, and I set my goal to maintain. If I was under by a little, that was okay, but I really tried to get to that maintenance goal, including eating my exercise calories. So that was equal to 2600 calories some days. I haven't lost or gained any weight this week. None last weekend, and none this week. I think I just needed to reset my body. We're so afraid to gain weight that even maintenance seems scary. But you might want to give it a try. You don't really have anything to lose since you say you're stuck at your current weight--maintenance should maintain it.

    Good luck, and let me know if you do decide to try this! :)
  • spaduke
    Thanks :) Im starting to think its the menopause thing that is part of why it is so difficult, my body has changed so much in the last year and a half uuugghhh but im still hanging in there, going slow but thats ok... my goak is in april so almost 2 months to my trip to loose my 20 pounds... thanks again
  • lauehorn
    lauehorn Posts: 183
    I took a peek at your diary, and honestly, it's not a very healthy one (sloppy joes, fries, coca cola). I don't see any/many fruits/veggies and whole grains. I'm all for things in moderation, but at some point ,you need to look closer to your diet and see what is going on.

    ^^ THIS The type of calories you are taking in matter. Period.

    Also, you said you tried upping your calories for one day... unfortunately, it takes more than a day to assess whether a change in the amount of fuel you take in will have an impact. Check your BMR. If you are always eating below that and not eating any calories from exercise back, that may be your issue. If so, try eating more for a week or two. And go by more than the scale - measure and take pictures. There isn't a one size fits all approach, so try playing around with things, just be realistic that tweaks won't do much overnight.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    ^^ THIS The type of calories you are taking in matter. Period.

    No they don't. There have been cases where ppl lose weight eating just junk food. Weight loss does not require clean eating. Weight loss is about calories in va calories out. HEALTH on the other hand is a different matter.