Couch to 5K reviews/thoughts?



  • hhazlett62
    hhazlett62 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you!!
  • KiwiAlexP
    KiwiAlexP Posts: 185 Member
    I completed it last year (in the middle of winter!) although it took me closer to 40 mins to run a full 5k - then I went on holiday and lost the habit. Just started again last week but started at week 5 so I can build up to the 10k trainer at week 9
  • tojohn71
    tojohn71 Posts: 3 Member
    Couch to 5k worked for me and my friend. Four years ago I was 59 and never was a runner. My bff and I completed our 3rd half marathon this past fall and have completed many other runs. We love running now and keep each other motivated! Preparing for our third winter 5 mile run in Feb and a half in June. Do we ever walk while training? Yes! Do we finish? Yes! We have a blast! Yes it works. Find a friend or virtual friend. So worth it. Does it hurt? Yes some days. Is it hard? Heck yes! Best therspy ever. Best feeling to win a medal. Best feeling to keep up with grandkids! And oh those days walk/running a scenic trail alone. Serenity and clears the mind. Stress be gone!
  • anisia85
    anisia85 Posts: 15 Member
    I did the whole program a couple of years ago and found it great. What I found helped a lot was redoing the weeks I struggled with a lot.
  • hhazlett62
    hhazlett62 Posts: 19 Member
    Update: wasn't able to do C25k yesterday due to a blizzard hitting. But, as soon as the weather clears up I'm starting the program :)
  • kbaker001
    kbaker001 Posts: 61 Member
    I loved it. The first week was very hard, but keep going. I did my first 5K on July 4th last year (right about 9 weeks into C25K) and then did 5 more race last year.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    hhazlett62 wrote: »
    Update: wasn't able to do C25k yesterday due to a blizzard hitting. But, as soon as the weather clears up I'm starting the program :)

    good luck and enjoy :)
    might i suggest getting good shoes before you start. go to a running store and get fitted (after you dig out from the blizzard). they will do a gait analysis, or go to a different store, and fit you for the right shoe. shoes are important because your feet are important and helps avoid injury
  • hhazlett62
    hhazlett62 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you! I have gym shoes, but I'm not sure what type they are for, running, walking, etc.
  • belinda_73
    belinda_73 Posts: 149 Member
    I did a class 8 years ago and I still run twice a week 30 minutes. I LOVE IT, it's a wonderful accomplishment that makes you feel so good about yourself. I do other things during the week since I have knee issues. I did the fleet feet one because at the end you get this jacket that said you finished it. it was a cheap thing but I wanted it so bad. the first day had about 100+ people, there's about a 50% drop out rate, I like to run in large groups, and it was really motivating to be in the middle of 20-30 people that I stuck with it.
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    C25K is what got me started with losing weight. I did the 9 week programme in 7 weeks as I felt i could push myself. Although it is more of a couch to running for 30 minutes - i was not running 5k by the end but i was running for 30 mins as i was very slow (I built up speed over time) i remember the first time i ran for 30 minutes - i was so proud. It was a wonderful feeling! Even better than my first half marathon!
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    hhazlett62 wrote: »
    Thinking of doing couch to 5k. I'm in relatively decent shape, need to fit in cardio & am training for a pageant. Any reviews of couch to 5k?

    for me, I didn't like it, to many time it would jump by 2 min. I think it went from 5min to 7min. I could barley do 5 now I have to do 7min?
    My suggestion would be this: Figure out your running pace, It should be something that is a bit faster then your walking pace. then figure out your duration pace.. It maybe 10 seconds.
    Figure out your pace, then the following day, add 10 seconds.
  • skawtiep
    skawtiep Posts: 2 Member
    I started it last spring and finished it although took longer than the actual program. I'd run on Tuesdays, Thursdays, then either Saturday or Sunday morning, depending on which day worked better for me. I also repeated some weeks when I wasn't comfortable moving forward. I think a lot of that was getting over mental hurdles rather than not being physically to go on. While I haven't ran any 5k events yet, by September 2015, I was using a program and phone GPS to run 5k+ 3 times a week.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i would either find a running store near you, google didn't really bring anything close up, or some websites like runner's world have a guide to help you choose a shoe that should fit your needs
    i would also read this so you want to be a runner
    and the stickies for the c25k group
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    I like it. I started it May of 2015, starting at "Not being able to run 1/2 mile without stopping, and dying..."

    Fast forward to Thanksgiving: Finished an 8K in 48 minutes, net time.

    Fast forward to today: My 8K PR is 43 minutes and change. My 5K time is right around 26 minutes.
  • Bizzarrini
    Bizzarrini Posts: 69 Member
    Run much, much slower than you think you should. I would always run too fast, get knackered and not be able to make it to the next walking section! So I kept giving up. I joined a local jogging group and the beginner group pretty much jog at walking pace lol. But it meant mentally I was able to continue jogging for longer periods before needing to walk. Now I am working on increasing my pace. But I do actually feel like I CAN jog which is the biggest hurdle for me. Good luck :)
  • Monnik73
    Monnik73 Posts: 16 Member
    I love the c25k. I started it again yesterday after about 2 years off running. The advice to go slower than you think you should is good, and something I have to remember. I always seem to go too fast and then get discouraged when it kicks my butt. I have to do mine on the TM this time of year, so there'll be an adjustment in the spring when it gets nice out. Running outside always feels harder to me. But my goal is to be able to enjoy a few nice early morning 5K runs with my son when we take him to Ireland/Scotland in late May. That will be quite a reward!
  • catlynk
    catlynk Posts: 2 Member
    I started zen labs C25K last Friday, I'm 53 years old and 90 pounds overweight and skeptical if I could do this. This morning I finished week one.
  • jayclock
    jayclock Posts: 51 Member
    It is excellent and I recommend to anyone trying to get fitter and burn some calories. I started it almost 10 years ago and have now done three Ironmans. And I am no lightweight. Listen to your body and get treatment for any injury
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    catlynk wrote: »
    I started zen labs C25K last Friday, I'm 53 years old and 90 pounds overweight and skeptical if I could do this. This morning I finished week one.

    Yay, @catlynk !! Well done!

    Just make sure you're having enough rest days. The body makes improvements while you're not running.

    Keep up the good work, and keep us updated!