Valentines Day

Since I'm on a kick here on posting....

What are you doing for Valentines Day? Personally its my birthday, but won't be able to do anything as I am back in school and I will have class that night. Work 8-5 and have class from 6-9:50. So nothing romantic about that. :sad:

But I'll probably do something a different night anyway, which we do anyway. As everything tends to be to expensive and then everything is booked too. Oh well. I loved my birthday as a kid.:laugh:


  • trishara
    Since I'm on a kick here on posting....

    What are you doing for Valentines Day? Personally its my birthday, but won't be able to do anything as I am back in school and I will have class that night. Work 8-5 and have class from 6-9:50. So nothing romantic about that. :sad:

    But I'll probably do something a different night anyway, which we do anyway. As everything tends to be to expensive and then everything is booked too. Oh well. I loved my birthday as a kid.:laugh:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    In the restaurant biz, we used to call Valentine's Day "amateur night". The joint will be packed, the kitchen will be slammed and the romance pressure will be on. I always move the date to a less crowded one, or I make a lovely dinner at home (actually like to cook, see "restaurant biz" above. . . now that I don't have to do it for a paycheck, I love it)

  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    We(hubbz, our 2 girls & I) are going out to Beale Street restaurant(creole food) for some din din.
    I'll make them some red velvet cupcakes and that will be the end of our Vday celebration:heart:

  • shana1875
    Well Valentines Day I am working BUT seeing February 12th is my anniversary (14 years) and my husband has always made a big deal out of our anniversary:love: I get to go to a bed and breakfast for the weekend after Vday:heart: I work in retail and hubby is a police officer with crazy hours and after all the holidays this will be a much needed break. Part of the weekend is a 7 course wine dinner--I am hopeing to be able to kind of stick to my diet. If not I will be doing A LOT of exercises to make up for it:laugh:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    7 course dinner, yumm.

    I never was a big supporter of V-day, mostly because I know how it makes you feel when you are single - and it's my dad's birthday, so we usually celebrate that.
    I'm volunteering as a bartender for a charity event that night. My poor husband will be home alone though :frown: I'll have to have something nice waiting for him for dinner - no 7 courses though.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I will be at Disney World on Valentine's Day! Maybe my mom can watch our son so my hubby and I can go out to a nice restaurant there!
    Marywilldiet - I agree about not being a big fan of V-day because I know how it feels to be single on that day. My younger sister once got three roses from three different guys that we both worked with and I got nothing! Ugh! She didn't like any of the guys and I liked one of them! Talk about a slap in the face! I'm not bitter or anything. :laugh:

  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    I will be crying into my checkbook. I just bought my wife something she has been wanting for a long time, a Movado watch. The look on her face when she open's it though, it will be worth it. As for what we will be doing, hopefully the watch earns me some *ahem* affection (if you catch my drift). Not that that's why I bought it but...I AM a guy. :bigsmile:
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    Pretending it isn't Valentine's Day.

    Actually, I'll be coming a romantic dinner for my parents, who have been married for 39 years.
  • PeiDub
    PeiDub Posts: 77 Member
    I'll be chilling on my couch with my dog, and probably some Chipotle.
  • erinc5
    erinc5 Posts: 329 Member
    I always make homemade pizza on Valentines day. My husband and I started dating 2 weeks before Valentines day, so we decided to stay in the first year, and the tradition has stuck since then. I usually wash the pizza down with quite a few beers, but this year, I think I'll stick to rum and diet coke with just one slice of pizza (I'm thinking deep dish this year).
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Nothing really, I don't usually make a big deal about holidays tho.
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    My chap hates Valentine's Day but I love any excuse to celebrate, so we'll probably compromise by getting a big takeaway - it's a nice treat, without being all 'romantic'.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    We don't do anything for Valentine's Day. It will be like any other Sunday, so I'll probably be hanging out at home with my daughter.
  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    We usually go out near to Valentine's day but not on Valentine's day :)
  • gracepost123
    gracepost123 Posts: 81 Member
    My boo and I always go to Cheesecake Factory. For some reason that's our spot :) we will probably go the weekend before or after
  • alismommy1992
    alismommy1992 Posts: 72 Member
    Hubby going to take me out for dinner im sure but im starting to think what place has a low cal menu
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    I will be at Disney World on Valentine's Day! Maybe my mom can watch our son so my hubby and I can go out to a nice restaurant there!
    Marywilldiet - I agree about not being a big fan of V-day because I know how it feels to be single on that day. My younger sister once got three roses from three different guys that we both worked with and I got nothing! Ugh! She didn't like any of the guys and I liked one of them! Talk about a slap in the face! I'm not bitter or anything. :laugh:


    Aww, don't leave your mom at home while you go out. Take her with you!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!, I am thinking fine wine, fine food and sex. that's my Valentines.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I have no idea. Probably nothing special. I've never been a fan of holidays that don't really celebrate anything.
  • britishbeau
    britishbeau Posts: 60 Member
    Going to watch a rerun of last years rugby challenge cup final at wembley. Coz im single and I can do what I want. Im also gonna buy myself some Urban Decay make up, Naked 3, coz im so worth it!