How can I become a morning exercise person????



  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    By setting your alarm! Haha classic, train your mind to be ready thinking up and ready, this important to me I will be up I will be ready. I will be stronger!
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Definitely agree with those that say just do it and make it a habit. It is hard and takes adjusting to. I never thought I could get up at 4:30 in the morning to work out, but now I can't see not doing that!! It only took me a couple or 3 weeks to get into the habit. I love having my workout completed before the day has even started! No time to think up excuses not to workout!!

    Good luck. Make a pact with friends or MFP friends to hold you accountable.

    Yep, this and what others have said! I was doing well for months before the winter getting up early to hit the gym...and then it slowly just took a landslide! Because I hate the heat, I also will be trying to get in the habit again.

    If you don't have anyone to text you "get up and run, dammit!" can try what I did....I recorded my own voice saying "Leslie....get up and go to the gym...the fat isn't going to fall gotta BURN IT!" and used that as my alarm's actually quite effective and pretty annoying so I usually get up pretty quick to turn it off! ( I also try leaving phone and clock on other side of the room so I have to get up to turn it off!)

    Good luck!
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    set your alarm clock across the room so that you have to actually stand up and walk across the room to turn it off. other than that, you just have to make yourself do it. every time i hear the alarm, i have the same mental debate. but if i want results, i have to get up and do the work. that's all there is to it.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    I would suggest going to sleep earlier so when you wake up earlier you will feel refreshed. I wasn't really a morning person either but I became one because it was more convenient. Waking up earlier and going to sleep earlier feels so good now instead of staying up late and sleeping in late. Make sure you get 8-81/2 hours of sleep and that will boost your metabolism. Can you join a gym? There are some that only charge $1 each time you go, so if you go every day for a month its $30. Or Planet Fitness charges $10 a month I think? Totally worth it, and you can avoid the heat and make friends!
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    You only need one thing: motivation. There are, unfortunately, no shortcuts. I am not a morning person at all, but I do all of my running in the morning with the exception of Sunday (I have to fast before Communion, so long runs are out before church). I am motivated to reach my goals, so I get my rear out of bed. I got up at 3:25am this morning. I have to get up alot earlier than that on some days. If I have to run 14 miles before work, or whatever, it just takes me awhile. I wish I were faster.

    Anyway, it comes down to motivation. I can hear someone saying "Oh I could never get up that early!" Really? What if I made a deal, and was good for it, that if you got up at 4am and ran every day for 30 days I would give you $3,000,000 in cash? You think you could do it? Of course. Why not now then? Motivation. It's just a matter of finding a reason to run. Every day. In fact, when I ran the OKC Memorial Marathon in 2005, that was the theme for that year and was printed on the posters: "find a reason to run".

    You probably never will be a morning person. Welcome to the club! But give it a try. It's actually a great way to start your day! :smile:
  • corimac
    corimac Posts: 30 Member
    Make a deal with yourself. If you get up early to run/workout, you can nap during your usual later running time. I make this deal with myself all summer and I hardly ever actually need the nap. Also- I tell myself that I'm not clear headed enough at 5 am to make any sudden changes in the wonderful plans I made during normal hours the day before.
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