Any over 45 women who lost weight, regained some and now working to loose?

Like most women I have done the weight loss & gain thingy for years. In my 30s had gastric bypass and lost 168 lbs. I was doing AWESOME until about 3 years ago. Stress, a move to a new province and a new relationship that eats very unhealthy has found me gaining 30 of those pounds back.
I am on a new mission to loose 15 lbs by March 15th which will bring me to my weight just over a year ago. Then the goal is to loose yet another 15-20 lbs so that I can run the Calgary Marathon in May 2016.
I need support and a kick in the *kitten*!
This past week and a half has been awesome. I have tracked my food (every ugly bite) and got serious. Made clear goals with a reward too! (the first 15 gets me a new pair of really nice running shoes and not clearance (mens) lol)
What I can't seem to figure out is calories. I've seen a variety methods; but no real consistent method. Right now I have limited myself to 1600 doing active w/o 5 days a week and keeping it at 50% protein, 30% carb & 20% fat. This seems to work for me and helping me to stay full.

Suggestions? Feedback? Any other Older Women who are focused and reaching for goals? Let's connect. Oh and if you are in Saskatoon, SK that would be cool!



  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Hi and welcome! Not in Canada but I have been to Canada and love it there. It sounds like you have a good plan. Just giving you a woot woot!!

    Read this just in case you haven't.

    Best wishes!!
  • lburckhardt01
    lburckhardt01 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am deep into my 40s and am trying to lose the weight I've regained in the past two years. I lost over 40 pounds on WW 3 years ago, but I've regained more than 30 of it due to stress in life and work. I can't believe I let myself regain most of those hard-lost pounds! And here I am again--battling to lose it. It's even harder now, though--maybe age and hormones? I have zero time and very little willpower, so I'd love to team up with others for help.

    Great job on your momentum, Serena! I love your clear goals and vision. I motivate others better than I do for myself, so I'd love to help you stick to your plans.
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    30 but been there and you did it once your body has a memory you can do it again. I too have a man who eats so much and hes a chef so food everywhere but ive learnt to limit my portions
  • gfit123
    gfit123 Posts: 36 Member
    48yrs and lost 15 lbs 2 years ago. Kept off 10 steadily but stopped exercising, let the stress get out of control and lost my routine. I'm back now though and I'm determined as ever to stick with this and lose another 15 this year. To do this I have to log everything I eat, commit to exercise 4-5days a week making sure that I don't over exert myself as that increases my appetite. Get in some yoga, spa days and massages to be kind to myself after all that discipline and routine..yech!
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    I'm over 45. Would love to lose 25 pounds plus get to 20% BF by Easter
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    Hi Serena, I'm a fellow Canadian and also in the process of "re-losing" and working towards being a healthier me. I've sent you a F/R. Happy to help motivate :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    Like most women I have done the weight loss & gain thingy for years. In my 30s had gastric bypass and lost 168 lbs. I was doing AWESOME until about 3 years ago. Stress, a move to a new province and a new relationship that eats very unhealthy has found me gaining 30 of those pounds back.
    I am on a new mission to loose 15 lbs by March 15th which will bring me to my weight just over a year ago. Then the goal is to loose yet another 15-20 lbs so that I can run the Calgary Marathon in May 2016.
    I need support and a kick in the *kitten*!
    This past week and a half has been awesome. I have tracked my food (every ugly bite) and got serious. Made clear goals with a reward too! (the first 15 gets me a new pair of really nice running shoes and not clearance (mens) lol)
    What I can't seem to figure out is calories. I've seen a variety methods; but no real consistent method. Right now I have limited myself to 1600 doing active w/o 5 days a week and keeping it at 50% protein, 30% carb & 20% fat. This seems to work for me and helping me to stay full.

    Suggestions? Feedback? Any other Older Women who are focused and reaching for goals? Let's connect. Oh and if you are in Saskatoon, SK that would be cool!


    Hi Serena,

    I'm 49 and have been yoyoing for decades.

    What is the trouble you're having figuring out calories? I just plug my stats and weekly weight loss goal into MFP and eat the amount it tells me to eat. I let my fitbit add in calories from walking and I add in calories from yoga. When I only do super gentle yoga, I only add in half the calories as the MFP calorie burns are widely thought to be inflated.
  • Outrageous_HappYness
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Hi and welcome! Not in Canada but I have been to Canada and love it there. It sounds like you have a good plan. Just giving you a woot woot!!

    Read this just in case you haven't.

    Best wishes!!

    Thanks for the information! Helpful! :)
  • Outrageous_HappYness
    Hello! I am deep into my 40s and am trying to lose the weight I've regained in the past two years. I lost over 40 pounds on WW 3 years ago, but I've regained more than 30 of it due to stress in life and work. I can't believe I let myself regain most of those hard-lost pounds! And here I am again--battling to lose it. It's even harder now, though--maybe age and hormones? I have zero time and very little willpower, so I'd love to team up with others for help.

    Great job on your momentum, Serena! I love your clear goals and vision. I motivate others better than I do for myself, so I'd love to help you stick to your plans.

    So let's motivate each other. Remember to not view the dieting as a pass or fail....instead prepare for the "not so great" moments - don't let them define you. YOU DO HAVE WILLPOWER - we all do. :smiley:
  • Outrageous_HappYness
    30 but been there and you did it once your body has a memory you can do it again. I too have a man who eats so much and hes a chef so food everywhere but ive learnt to limit my portions

    How do you balance what "they" eat verses what you "should" be eating?
  • Outrageous_HappYness
    gfit123 wrote: »
    48yrs and lost 15 lbs 2 years ago. Kept off 10 steadily but stopped exercising, let the stress get out of control and lost my routine. I'm back now though and I'm determined as ever to stick with this and lose another 15 this year. To do this I have to log everything I eat, commit to exercise 4-5days a week making sure that I don't over exert myself as that increases my appetite. Get in some yoga, spa days and massages to be kind to myself after all that discipline and routine..yech!

    I MUST remember these things - self care important!
  • Outrageous_HappYness
    HIITMe wrote: »
    I'm over 45. Would love to lose 25 pounds plus get to 20% BF by Easter

    You got this :)
  • carrieEL
    carrieEL Posts: 16 Member
    Lost 127 over 3 yrs and gained 22 over the past 6 months but have been trying hard to get the 22 off...It's so hard but we can do this :)
  • olusha123
    olusha123 Posts: 2 Member
    Well, I'm not over 45, but I'm close and have a very similar story!

    I'm 38 yrs. old and I had bypass surgery 9 yrs. ago. At surgery, I weighed 305 lbs. I immediately lost almost 100 pounds (even though I was killing myself every day to lose more) and then a prolonged illness had me losing another 45 or so. I didn't look good that small, I looked very unhealthy.

    Then 9 months ago, I got put onto a medication that is notorious for causing weight gain. That, combined with the fact that I was healthy enough to eat every day again, caused me to gain almost 75 lbs. over the next 7 months.

    I finally got tired of feeling FAT again and not having anything to wear. So I started on the first and I'm already down about 10 lbs. I don't want to get down to my smallest weight, but at this point, I've got around 50 lbs. to lose.

    I feel like the only benefit from being sick all those years was the weight loss and now it's gone. I had surgery and went through everything that entails (it wasn't a smooth ride for me), and it just feels like I lost so much ground. Yes, I'm still down 70 lbs., but really? I could have done that without surgery. So disappointing.

    Oh well, it is what it is! Here I am again, seems like all I ever do with my life is try to get smaller. Not giving up just yet though.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    Hi I am in Victoria, BC. 62yo lost the weight in my 50's during menopause, and kept it off.
    Just popped by to say...

    You have found the most consistent method to count calories right here on MFP.

    Enter your stats into MFP and set a reasonable goal. With the amount you have to lose. 1 lbs would be good.
    Eat all the calories MFP allocates you. Your deficit is already included in this number.

    Also if you chose to exercise, it is good for you, eat back a portion of your exercise calories 50-75% (MFP overestimates) you need these calories for good health. You don't want your daily life to suffer because you aren't feeding your exercise burn. Family and friends don't like it when you are tired and crabby all the time.

    Buy yourself a digital scale and liquid measuring cups and spoons. Use these for everything. A slice of bread- weigh it, salad dressing- measure it, apple, banana- weigh them, single serving pre-packaged foods- weigh them, glass of wine- measure it.
    Use grams, they are more accurate, double check the entries to make sure they are accurate. The USDA is good.

    You can eat what you want, when you want, but over time, once you are happy counting calories. you may want to focus a little more on nutrition, and what makes you satisfied the longest.
    Different things work better for different people and tracking your macros over time you will see what works best for you.
    The most common, but not the only approach, is to take care of protein first, then fats, and let carbs fill in the rest of your calories.

    This isn't a race, take your time and let it fit into your life; not be your life.

    Cheers, h.
  • ChickaDee2012
    ChickaDee2012 Posts: 49 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi Serena! And hugs to all!
    I'm turning 53 soon, and in Toronto. Glad you started this forum, as I am also curious to know what has worked (or hasn't worked) for women of our age group. I know for me, that there is already a difference between what I was able to do at 50 vs. now. What I did to lose 10 lbs when I was 50 is not working now. The scale isn't budging at all. Mind you I have focused on getting my diet right the past few weeks, and not so much on exercise... and that hopefully will be the key. The weight has steadily climbed the last 3 years. Now I have 20 pounds to lose. I'd always been the type to go all in and expect to see results fast. After all the reading I've done about losing weight in your 50s, I've accepted that it's probably not going to be fast to see results at this age. So now my mantra is "Slow and Steady". As other women have already's not a race. I've read a lot about eating/exercising recommendations for those our age and have decided here are some of the things I plan to do:
    1. Low carb, high fat diet. Protein will remain lower for now until I start really exercising, that's when it will be needed and I'll change my macros then. This means staying away from processed stuff on the whole. And having more veggies every day... I've been getting very creative in the kitchen, especially with cauliflower! :smile:
    2. When I exercise, it will be combination HIIT and weight training - they say steady state cardio just wont achieve the weight loss so HIIT it is. And weight training for muscle mass - increase muscle means increased metabolism.
    3. Lengthen my timeline - I'm no longer expecting results after a month or 2.... Now it's more like 4-6 months...or more if needed.
    4. Sleep well - I am having trouble sleeping the past few weeks, so this isn't helping. But my intention is to get good sleep so that the efforts will go toward fat/weight loss.
    5. Intermittent Fasting - I've chosen to eat only in an 8 hour window from 8:30 to 4:30pm, and then fast for 16 hours until 8:30am the next morning. I've been doing this the past month. And it's working for me... I've gotten used to it and now don't feel the need to eat after my last meal. Articles suggest skipping breakfast and start an eating window from 11:00am to 7pm... but I like my breakfast :) I entertain the thought of fasting for 1 full day, but I just haven't gotten the willpower yet to do it.
    6. Cheat day - I'm not going to be overly strict about this, and will allow myself to eat what I want for one day of the week. If the odd time it will be 2 days then so be it (but this will not be the norm).
    7. Drink water - I aim 8 glasses every day, but I manage only 6 glasses so far this past month. A work in progress!
    8. Vitamins/Supplements - I heard that this would be helpful (i.e. fish oil, good multi-vitamin), but I haven't quite gotten this into the routine yet.
    9. Log food - MFP is the best!

    @middlehaitch, it's great to hear that you lost weight and kept it off in your 50s! :smile: Oh! and in addition to her suggestions, I'd also highly recommend getting a heart rate monitor that can more accurately determine how many calories you've burned, but also keep your heart rate in check as you exercise.

    It's great to have this support here. Feel free to add me!
  • collettkc
    collettkc Posts: 2 Member
    Life is a journey. I am late 40's and find myself losing weight again! Ive lost 60lbs over there last year and now am wanting to lose another 50'
    I understand your struggle and would welcome encouragement from others and to be an encourager myself.
  • EllenFlickner
    EllenFlickner Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 47 live in CT, USA and have my son's assistance in losing weight, but its still a daily struggle to be motivated and to stay on track. It's difficult to stay energize on my work schedule due to lack of sleep; 7 hours is the max most days, but since I started I've lost 5 lbs but I like to lose another 75 lbs. I could use encouragement and can gladly offer some. Feel free to add me.
  • careylf
    careylf Posts: 2 Member
    Hello...nice to see some over 45 ladies on here. I'm in Ontario, 49 , sole parent of 2kids. Have been an overeater all my life and in the past 8 years have gained 60 lbs. Its so much harder to take it off at this age! I've been on and off WW, Tops, and MFP and my problem is staying with it for the long run. I'm back. Feel free to connect any time
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    Hi Serena, I'm 67 and live in the UK. I've been to Canada once - loved it!

    I'm losing weight just fine -32lbs lost since last September doing CICO and a bit of exercise. This time [the last time] I'm going to make sure I maintain properly when I get to my weight loss goal.

    I like your plan!