I'm out of control .... I'm an emotional eater need some suggestions...

Work is stressful .... Relationship with fiancée is stressful .... Future mother in law in nursing home is stressful and eating is a momentary fix. Then I feel horrible when it's over!


  • _JustNate_
    _JustNate_ Posts: 68 Member
    More fornification. Or I could just be on app too late after working 13 hrs today. lol
  • aurorathealien
    aurorathealien Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a stress eater as well....and a bored eater....Yikes! I feel horrible emotionally and physically after the fact too. Every time I head into the kitchen, I have gotten into the habit of filling a bottle full of water (20 oz) and drinking that first before I reach for something to nibble on.
  • mamapettit
    mamapettit Posts: 7 Member
    Yep, yep and yep. Been there, done that. Have eaten for all reasons.
    I have started practicing mindfullness, not meditation but being present in how I feel. I am trying to observe the craving cycle, assess whether or not I am hungry and what the emotions are and what I really need. Food will ALWAYS make me feel better. It will always release dopamine but the cycle of shame and weight gain that follows is too great for me to bare anymore. When the urge comes I am trying all sorts of things to sooth. Adult coloring books, baths, podcast on my commute, lots of tea, walking the dogs, painting my nails or even a good movie away from the kitchen.
    Light and health to you...
  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    Actually this could work...try it. I keep a tin of imported hard candies from Germany that I buy from TJMax and keep two or three times in my kitchen for when I feel I am losing control and need comfort.... By popping one of these into my mouth to suck on. The flavor and taste I find calming and soothing. For me it works every time, otherwise if I am strict with myself and try to resist, it is just like trying to hold a spirited and high powered Thoroughbred back when he is driven to run and it never works. Try the hard candies. The brand is Cavendish and Harvey made in Germany. Gourmet and costs 2.99 a tin. I have traveled the U.S. and I always find them in luscious flavors at TJ Max.
  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    Correction: 3 TINS, not 3 times:)
  • saltandalex
    saltandalex Posts: 2 Member
    When you feel as though you want to binge eat, ask yourself "can I make it through today without binging?" Just make it until tomorrow without binging.

    You're much more resilient than you think, and one of the reasons exercise and weight loss so hand-in-hand is because exercise is a great coping mechanism, and unlike a binge you won't hate yourself after.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    I think most MFPers are on here because of emotional eating of some for or another. You are not alone. I seonc bellabonbons suggestion. I have a jar of Quality Street chocolates - 44 cals per candy and when I am starting to lose it - usually in the evening - I have one of those. That seems to work for me.
  • NoteForJulie
    NoteForJulie Posts: 18 Member
    Oh my goodness. This sounds like me. I am an emotional eater and always feel bad once it's done. Happy to take any advice, support and friendship from anyone, so please feel free to add me :)
  • Lmck13
    Lmck13 Posts: 17 Member
    An emotional eater here too! I couldn't keep a tin of candies around.., I would eat 17 not just one. I like the idea of drinking h2o or tea though. I try to keep my hands busy... I draw. But that didn't stop me from scarfing down the leftovers from dinner tonight... At least it was a healthy dinner. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • joey4014
    joey4014 Posts: 159 Member
    Well Chickey you just proved to everybody that you are a human. Don't look down on yourself for doing things that helped you get through those rough patches. Now just commit a certain amount of time where you'll dedicate yourself - to yourself. Starting with making this week perfect, then it'll snowball. If you need or just want to slip up - make it one meal - not a day - but a meal. Most of all don't stress. Nothing is worth stressing: not your fiancée, not your job or anything else. Just reframe how you think about them.
  • jacklifts
    jacklifts Posts: 396 Member
    get rid of fiancee. that's 70% of stress gone right there in one fell swoop
  • harrybananas
    harrybananas Posts: 292 Member
    jacklifts wrote: »
    get rid of fiancee. that's 70% of stress gone right there in one fell swoop

    Couldn't have said it better myself. Matter fact, that's probably what's causing all that stress. If you're still stressed, quit your job. A stress-free life is only a resignation letter away.
  • crystalwenner1
    crystalwenner1 Posts: 15 Member
    I can relate to all these stories! Looking for some words of incurragement and some friends to add I have had this app for a long time but I can not figure out how to add people? So if any of you would like to add me that would be AWSOME!