Greek Yogurt???

lorilynette Posts: 39
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been seeing a lot of people talk about greek yogurt. What's the difference between this and regular yogurt? Is it better for you?


  • atashap
    atashap Posts: 85
    lots of protein!!!!!
  • tbrown1025
    tbrown1025 Posts: 165
    Greek yogurt has more protein and if you stick with the natural, it has no sugars, I think. The flavor and consistency is also different. I personoally do not like the stuff, but I can use it in smoothies.
  • Hodar
    Hodar Posts: 338 Member
    If you are talking about Fage Yogurt; it's a variation on a theme. Say for example you LOVE chocolate ice cream. Take some of Hershey's Choc syrup, a couple ice cubes and some Vanilla or unflavored Fage Yogurt and toss it in a blender. You won't be going back to Hagen Daas anytime soon, it's so creamy you will have only consumed 200 calories; but it will have tasted like 2,000 calories.

    Smooth, creamy and takes on the flavor of anything you like. Might I suggest fresh strawberries and a little maple syrup (needs a sweetner as it is slightly tart without anything sweet).

    High in protein, low in fat - tastes great ..... great healthy food that tastes better than Basken Robbin's best.
  • wjkirby
    wjkirby Posts: 120
    Double the protein and thick & creamy. Really, really good.
  • 2day2morrow4ever
    2day2morrow4ever Posts: 19 Member
    Texture is a big deal for me.
  • Jolenebib
    Jolenebib Posts: 142 Member
    If you compare 1/2 c. greek yogurt, with 1/2 c of regular yogurt, there is more protein, calories, fat etc. in the greek yogurt. I personally like plain, non-fat yogurt and I add frozen blueberries. But when I compared my roommates greek yogurt per serving values to mine, the nutritional content was the same. The serving size on my yogurt is just 1c, instead of 1/2 c. for the greek yogurt. Its just a little more "runny" than the greek yogurt.
  • sjklaus
    sjklaus Posts: 59 Member
    Thick and creamy...more it...won't go back to the same ole stuff :o)
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
  • I personally eat Athenos yogurt, and the taste is absolutely delicious. You also get much more protein and less sugar than regular yogurt. The consistency is very thick, and completely different than regular yogurt. I also find that it's much more filling, and it tastes amazing in smoothies.
  • jmconway1
    jmconway1 Posts: 29
    Smooth, creamy and takes on the flavor of anything you like.

    So true!! You can use it in smoothies or just mix it with fruit for something a little sweet, but I substitute it for mayo in my chicken salad. Just about 1/8th of a cup in a chicken salad with 4 oz of chicken. Moistens it right up, adds sensible calories (protein!!!) and, since it takes on the flavor of anything, its savory here rather than sweet!
  • Dahlface13
    Dahlface13 Posts: 65 Member
    What seems to be neat about the Greek style stuff is that it can be used as a healthier substitute for various things. Sandwhich spreads, sour cream, actual yogurt, and what have you. When I was doing weight watchers it was in a lot of their recipes as a way to flavor/thicken stuff up.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I use it in place of sour cream in recipes! Saves on calories and works just like the sour cream.

    Be careful which ones you buy. Some are not actually Greek yogurt and have a TON of sugar. FAGE, Chobani, Stonyfield, and Trader Joe's all have real Greek yogurt. In order to be real it has to be strained and not have added chemicals to it.

    Check this out:

    And Dannon has more sugar ounce per ounce than Coke!!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I had to sweeten it a lot to be able to eat it.. lots of splenda or truvia. But, I've recently been able to stop sweetening and just use my protein powder and fruit to make it sweet. If you blend or puree your favorite fruit and stir it in, it becomes more like the yogurts that are already flavored or sweetened.
  • Eat it everyday and ussually more than once. It is thick, creamy and satisfying because of the protien. I use it in smoothies. You can also use the plain in place of lots of things like sour cream. Rocco Dispirrto actually uses this as an ingredient to his fettucine alfredo. So many uses and great taste. Only two brands I like are chobani and dannon. Good luck!
  • shannieboo
    shannieboo Posts: 144 Member
    greek yogurt is not strained as many times as american yogurt, therefore it is thicker, creamer and way more protien. Its so thick and creamy its almost like a dessert.

    If you get the plain (like I do, I save tons of calories this way) I always add a little splenda because it can be sour like sour cream. and if I want a flavor I will add some fresh fruit or flavor extracts. Or a cheap way to flavor anything even a protien shake is I add 1 or 2 tablespoons of sugar free jello or pudding (still in powder form) its yummy!
  • MrsZMartin
    MrsZMartin Posts: 165 Member
    Love the ideas like milkshakes and recipe thickener!!!!
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm a texture person and a very picky eater, but I love, love, love Greek yogurt. It's an acquired taste, but have it in the house to eat and you'll never want regular yogurt again. It keeps you very full for a long time. I've tried every brand I can get my hands on, and the best tasting ones (in my opinion) are Chobani and Kroger (Yes, generic!) brand. Athenos' blueberry and strawberry are only 100 calories (which is about 30 less than the average of the other brands), so it is my 3rd favorite. I don't really like Oikos, but Fage's cherry mix-in is really good. You'll be glad you make the switch! : )
  • I use it in place of sour cream in recipes! Saves on calories and works just like the sour cream.

    Be careful which ones you buy. Some are not actually Greek yogurt and have a TON of sugar. FAGE, Chobani, Stonyfield, and Trader Joe's all have real Greek yogurt. In order to be real it has to be strained and not have added chemicals to it.

    Check this out:

    And Dannon has more sugar ounce per ounce than Coke!!

    Oh my gosh! i eat the Dannon! thanks for telling me!!! I buy Dannon because it's lotscheaper, but I guess the joke's on me... i'm getting the short end of the nutrition stick here!!
  • siirisampson
    siirisampson Posts: 3 Member
    But you can get the nonfat greek yogurt which is just as thick and creamy if not more, than the full fat greek yogurt. With less fat, there's less sugars, so that's an added benefit as well!
  • allisoncook87
    allisoncook87 Posts: 160 Member
    It's yogurt that has been double strained so it's thick and delish!
  • MissMed07
    MissMed07 Posts: 34
    Love this stuff. I eat it a couple of days out of the week in the morning for breakfast. I use a half a cup of yogurt and 1/4 a cup of blueberries and raspberries and add 12 raw almonds. Delicious, good for you, and less than 200 calories.
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    Mix it with flavored Benefiber, Crystal Light mix, or stevia for something sweet and flavorful. Use it as sour actually is easier to cook with than low-fat sour cream (doesn't break as easily in the heat).
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    Thanks for the answers. I've been wondering the same thing. Never tried it but now I wish I bought some instead of the giant bottle of mayo I just bought for my sandwiches.
  • rovs
    rovs Posts: 2
    good for thrush , dont know about a diet
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    Just want to +1 everyone who said it's more protein, MUCH less sugar (even the "sugary" ones like vanilla or fruit flavored!), and keeps you full WAY longer. It does have a different taste, but if you don't like the taste at first you can get on of the ones with mix-ins and know you are still way ahead nutritionally from the regular 55¢ yogurt you see at the grocery store.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    It's lovely mixed in with some fruit or on some chilli, however you fancy it really!
  • Wow! Thanks for the great responses. I will be trying some of those delicious ideas!
  • JaimeLaRae
    JaimeLaRae Posts: 279 Member
    We just got back from Greece & it's a huge part of their food culture... breakfast, desert, base for gyro sauce, etc. Good with a spoonful of honey on top!
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