Fitbit? Are they worth it?



  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
    craziedani wrote: »
    I have a FitBit Charge HR and I never take it off (well, except to shower). I think it was worth it, for sure. Even if it's just to get to my 10,000 steps. You don't get a reward (besides a little buzz on your wrist) and yet I am still motivated to get there every day. So much to the point that i will walk in place for 10 minutes if I have to. It also helps if you have "friends" who have one too, that way you can add a little competition.

    This is me too. I love just asking sure I'm up and active and at the end of the day if I haven't hit my goal of 10,000 steps I like to get up and get moving. I have the charge hr and I like to see my heart rate when I'm working out and after just to see where I stand am I getting better etc.

    YES! My bf got me one and its really cool. Simple enough & just makes you want to put it to work.
  • whoisfriend
    whoisfriend Posts: 1 Member
    Only if you like wasting your money on a product with customer service that treats you like crap.

    I haven't had any problems with their service. In fact, I lost my Flex shortly after getting one, and when I finally contacted them months later, they asked for my receipt and sent me a brand new one. I was floored.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Only if you like wasting your money on a product with customer service that treats you like crap.

    they have always been great to me since I had mine.
  • EleanorLynn1989
    EleanorLynn1989 Posts: 130 Member
    Only if you like wasting your money on a product with customer service that treats you like crap.

    I haven't had any problems with their service. In fact, I lost my Flex shortly after getting one, and when I finally contacted them months later, they asked for my receipt and sent me a brand new one. I was floored.

    I as well as many other Fitbit users haven't been able to use ours for a week now because of a software glitch with Fitbit Connect and syncing issues. I'm about to throw mine in the trash.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    go to their forums and they will help you. I had that issue with updates and nothing they suggested worked. so they tried and tried and nothing. they sent me a replace because mine would not update to the new version. since then I dont have problems with it. the only thing that is wonky is the app not syncing info with the fitbit and it says tracker not found. but I think its their app software right now. if you go to the forums it will tell you if that is whats going on or not
  • quiarga
    quiarga Posts: 408 Member
    I got the Charge a few weeks ago. I already have a Polar HRM, and wasn't really interested in the HR feature on the FitBit. So far I absolutely love it. I can sit at the computer for longer than I care to admit, and have actually had to delete a few sleep logs because it thought I was sleeping even though it was just me sitting at the computer not moving. That is eye opening actually seeing those chunks of time I should be doing something like moving! The challenges with friends (or even just by yourself to reach your daily goals) are motivating and seeing how everyone else is doing, getting cheered on or cheering on your friends is also fun. I always want to get my steps in and find myself chasing my dog around the living room in circles playing to get a few more in each night, just to see that higher number.

    I also can't believe how much I missed wearing a watch. I haven't worn one regularly in nearly a decade, but find myself relying on the time (and date!) from it more and more in just these few weeks I've had it. Also, getting the vibrate and caller ID means I don't miss as many calls, and can make a quick decision on whether or not to stop what I'm doing and go get the phone depending on who's name shows up!
  • flyingfur74
    flyingfur74 Posts: 80 Member
    I love mine. It keeps me motivated to get my steps in everyday.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    MrsGreco wrote: »
    At the start of your workout you can put the device in "exercise mode" by holding down the button (it will vibrate) This will track steps, distance, cals burned & heart rate" So YES this will be beneficial to use during crossfit. You just probably won't be getting a lot of steps. But it will determine calories burned based off your heartrate.

    So I'd assume you don't know much about crossfit?

    The step count will be overestimate because it'll assume arm movements are steps, so that contribution fo calories expended will be wrong.

    Basing calorie ehxpendirure estimates on HR assumes that HR is broadly constant and aerobic range. Crossfit sessions are rarely constant HR or consistently aerobic range.

    Neither approach to approximating calorie expenditure will give an accurate figure.
  • EleanorLynn1989
    EleanorLynn1989 Posts: 130 Member
    go to their forums and they will help you. I had that issue with updates and nothing they suggested worked. so they tried and tried and nothing. they sent me a replace because mine would not update to the new version. since then I dont have problems with it. the only thing that is wonky is the app not syncing info with the fitbit and it says tracker not found. but I think its their app software right now. if you go to the forums it will tell you if that is whats going on or not

    I did last week. I went to the Fitbit Flex Help Forums last week and they started moving threads around and no one was responding to the issue. I went to their facebook page hoping there'd be something there about it and there wasn't. I waited 2 days for a response and we never got one. Now I keep going back there and there still isn't anyone telling anybody what's going on with the glitch. It's been a week now. I'm really disappointed because these things aren't cheap. I got mine as a Christmas gift and I feel like I should pay my family back for something that isn't working before I get another tracker. Other than that, the product was great and it was an awesome motivator and I had even thought about getting other Fitbit models before this syncing issue happened.
  • CherryChan81
    CherryChan81 Posts: 264 Member
    i really love my HR Charge... and now got upgraded to Surge... so far loving both and kinda making my obsessed over it... :D
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    I think its a great motivational tool. I made the decision to buy a fitbit zip even though I have a garmin. Not that interested in running races but I missed inviting my friends to a weekday hustle or a weekend warrior challenge and competing against them while talking *smack*
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    for me, its an overpriced gadget.

    i wear it, but i dont care about steps or track anything on it.
  • Sarahj_692
    Sarahj_692 Posts: 6 Member
    I adore my Fitbit! I bought mine in February of last year, and have worn it almost everyday since.
    What I will say is, make sure you get the model most suited to your lifestyle, not the lifestyle you wish you had. I own the Fitbit one, and it works perfectly for what I need, (ideally I would like a HR, but I work with food, so I am unable to wear anything around my wrist) same goes for my Mum and work colleges. However 2 members of my family went out and bought the Surge models, because they thought it would turn them into super sporty people.
    Plot twist, it doesn't.
    They totalled 3,000ish steps a day, and then soon after just stopped wearing it.

    Anyway, If you get one, make sure you add people that do similar steps to you, because the whole thing is way more fun when you can race people. Plus they can hold you accountable when you don't
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member
  • Buckeye_Dave
    Buckeye_Dave Posts: 59 Member
    I've been wearing a Charge HR for a couple of months now and absolutely love it. The daily/weekly/weekend challenges are fun and motivating.
  • thehexenbiest
    thehexenbiest Posts: 114 Member
    I have an old Fitbit Flex. I'd say if you're looking for something totally accurate that does more than motivate you, it's mostly not worth it. I use mine as motivation to move more, not to get exact measures. It's one thing to kinda sorta maybe know you're not really all that active, it's another thing to have a device / statistics presenting you with the cold facts. Doesn't work wonders but it's a little push. :)
  • Pawsforme
    Pawsforme Posts: 645 Member
    Absolutely worth every penny.
  • flcknzwrg
    flcknzwrg Posts: 4 Member
    Have had a Fitbit Charge HR since... april 2015 or so. Got it pretty soon after it entered the market. I wanted it to count "calories out" for me.

    So I coupled my Fitbit with MFP, and I let it adjust my calorie goal all the time. In order to do that, it adds or subtracts a "fitbit adjustment" (appearing in the exercise calories segment) many times during the day. I just eat accordingly, which works fine for me after an initial phase of getting used to Fitbit moving my calorie goal around all the time.

    And it works! Thanks to fitbit, over time, my weight does pretty much exactly what I program it to do in MFP. So fitbit's error can't be larger than 5% (about 100 kcal for me) or so. The only exception are rather special days - hiking in T-Shirt in bright sunlight that confuses the heart rate sensor a lot, for instance. Anyway, I am very happy that I can trust Fitbit's "calorie out" measurement. I honestly did not expect it to be *that* good, but it is. It is so good, I don't want to live without a competent tracker any more :)

    As hinted above, the step tracking and heart rate sensing are not *always* spot on, especially during exercise, which makes it a sub-par exercise tracker. But I bought it for tracking my "calories out" 24/7, which it does amazingly well almost every day, so I can live with that.

    Add to all this the educational effects. Using the app and the website, you really learn stuff about yourself.

    With all that said, there's always room for improvement. Obviously, we want all tracking to be perfect. And longer battery life would be nice as well. And did I mention that a 24/7 tracker should be perfectly water proof, not just splash resistant? Also, I'd like to have a fitness tracker and capable smart watch in one device.

    My verdict: I couldn't be happier and am looking forward to further improvements in the next generation of 24/7 trackers. IT'S WORTH EVERY PENNY.
  • dujyandco
    dujyandco Posts: 90 Member
    I love my Charge HR. I got it for the same reason.... heart rate. It doesn't do so well on counting steps at home (walking in place with games, or aerobics). but since it considers heart rate in figuring how hard you're working, it seems pretty good. As far as the step count goes, I've become accustomed to the low count (for competing purposes) and I just work harder! :)
    I've had it for a month (Dec. 19th), and my average is up around 27000 steps per day. People 'challenge' you, too, so that may inspire some to stay active.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I hate wearing things on my wrist and I wasn't fussed for a HR monitor, so I've got the One and I love the thing. I have a very sedentary desk job and it was frightening to realise just how few steps I took during the day. Now I make myself get up every hour and walk from one end of my building to the other and back again. Starting on the first floor and walking up to the third. If I do this eight times I can clock an additional 6,500 steps and 24 floors before going home.