Staying on track while in pain?

So I have tried this many times before and always I have given up within about the span of a month - usually due to pain. I suffer from migraines and when I'm hurting, all I want to do is throw the diet out the window, write off exercising for the day, and stuff my face with delicious food. This is usually what throws me off track.

Currently I've been doing well and I'm seeing real progress, but I'm having my wisdom teeth all removed next week and my mouth HURTS. My jaw is sore as hell, it's giving me a headache, and I'm just ready to have these teeth out. I've been miserable all day and am starting to crave junk food. Anyone else ever experience this? How do you get through it?


  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    I have chronic pain because of an accident. Everyone is different but I can tell you what works for me. I break my meals up into several smaller meals so that I never get a point where I'm starving or ready to eat just for the sake of comfort eating. If I am feeling hungry but know that I have eaten enough, I drink 16-32 ounces of water. If I'm still hungry after that, I eat something that will be satisfying. For me, that means some protein and fat must be part of the meal. Straight carbs (even fruit and veggies) will just lead to more eating for me. My snacks might be a banana and peanut butter, Greek yogurt that I sprinkle with slivered almonds, a whole grain English muffin with peanut butter and honey, deli meat and a cheese stick, etc.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I have a chronic foot problem that is sore or hurts most of the time. While its thrown me off my exercising these past 3 months I've kept to my calorie count. The way I look at it, life throws us many curve balls that can be used as excuses to overeat. I can only think of a couple that might make me really not care. Hang tough and try not to comfort eat.
  • daltonjsmom
    daltonjsmom Posts: 74 Member
    I suffer chronic migraines--10+/mo. I understand how you feel 100%. I struggle with binge eating also, and the migraines make it much worse. If yours have a hormonal component, as mine do, it can also make it worse. However, one thing that makes a big difference for me is pre-logging my food the day before and prepping my food. That way if I get hit with one, I always have something ready to eat that is healthy and a part of my food plan. It might not be exactly what my brain tells me it wants, but that is part of the habits I am changing. I also have to stay away from any kind of trigger food--not even one bite--certain foods either a) live in the basement kitchen, b) my husband hides, c) get thrown in the trash. When things get severe, I have even been known to write a time schedule for my meal plan, including what time I can have my vitamins and migraine meds, just so I can make it through the day. (This may sound crazy to some, but if you have ever had a real migraine, not just a headache you called a migraine, you know how bad it can get.) I also have a tube sock filled with rice that I microwave and lay across my eyes/forehead or the back of my neck. Make sure you drink extra water, and feel free to add me as an MFP pal if you like. Best wishes!
  • jflanaganasl
    jflanaganasl Posts: 40 Member
    I suffer chronic migraines--10+/mo. I understand how you feel 100%. I struggle with binge eating also, and the migraines make it much worse. If yours have a hormonal component, as mine do, it can also make it worse. However, one thing that makes a big difference for me is pre-logging my food the day before and prepping my food. That way if I get hit with one, I always have something ready to eat that is healthy and a part of my food plan. It might not be exactly what my brain tells me it wants, but that is part of the habits I am changing. I also have to stay away from any kind of trigger food--not even one bite--certain foods either a) live in the basement kitchen, b) my husband hides, c) get thrown in the trash. When things get severe, I have even been known to write a time schedule for my meal plan, including what time I can have my vitamins and migraine meds, just so I can make it through the day. (This may sound crazy to some, but if you have ever had a real migraine, not just a headache you called a migraine, you know how bad it can get.) I also have a tube sock filled with rice that I microwave and lay across my eyes/forehead or the back of my neck. Make sure you drink extra water, and feel free to add me as an MFP pal if you like. Best wishes!

    Oh yeah, I completely get that. I've had several that put me in the hospital, so I know how rough it can get. I just find that I lose all motivation to eat healthy when it happens. I've started to not stock junk food in the house, but I can turn anything into junk food when eating enough of it - migraines sometimes make me crave carbs, so I just eat like a plate of dinner rolls lol. Thank you for the advice.
  • jflanaganasl
    jflanaganasl Posts: 40 Member
    I have chronic pain because of an accident. Everyone is different but I can tell you what works for me. I break my meals up into several smaller meals so that I never get a point where I'm starving or ready to eat just for the sake of comfort eating. If I am feeling hungry but know that I have eaten enough, I drink 16-32 ounces of water. If I'm still hungry after that, I eat something that will be satisfying. For me, that means some protein and fat must be part of the meal. Straight carbs (even fruit and veggies) will just lead to more eating for me. My snacks might be a banana and peanut butter, Greek yogurt that I sprinkle with slivered almonds, a whole grain English muffin with peanut butter and honey, deli meat and a cheese stick, etc.

    Great snack ideas! I did this type of break down into smaller meals at one point and kind of stopped doing it - it was before I was logging, so I'm not sure if it was helping or just adding calories. I might have to give it another try. Thanks!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Pain can make it hard to want to care about doing extra-watching what you eat.
    But remember the pain will pass. it sucks and it exists and there is only so much that can be done, but it will pass.
    but sometimes, it's fine just to care for yourself.
  • Wendy77685
    Wendy77685 Posts: 27 Member
    My sister suffers from terrible migraines and has found some relief with acupuncture. She also was struggling with her weight because of how much time she would just be in bed from them. If you don't have someone who can make something healthy for you, and you feel terrible, you are going to eat whatever is convenient or comforting. Make sure that you have healthy snacks on hand that you actually like, and force yourself to eat them instead of junk food when you have cravings. After some time, you should start craving the bad food less in those situations. I hope you feel better soon!