New to fitness pal

Hi. My name is Kathy and I am new to Fitness Pal. I just started weight loss counseling and my therapist suggested that I use this. I currently weigh 295 pounds and I'm 5'7" tall. My biggest problem is eating sweets, and as I record things, I see that I eat a lot more than I thought that I did. This week I'm just recording everything that I eat. Next week I'll start trying cut back. Looking forward to this journey.


  • rudy336
    rudy336 Posts: 66 Member
    best of luck. i was 242 pounds and now im down to 214 or so. yes, i didn't realize how much i was eating till i started using my fitness pal. my biggest thing was CARBS. potatoes, pasta, pizza etc. i cut those things and replaced with proteins like eggs and chicken breast. its filling and makes you feel full for longer periods :)
  • jjseth
    jjseth Posts: 1 Member
    I grew up in a home with 4 brothers to compete with for meals which meant you had to inhale your food for any shot at 2nds that you knew you would need. That of course got easier as brothers went off to college and left home, before long getting extras was easy and it wasn't the challenge it was once.

    Fast forward several years, and a pattern emerges that shows I subconsciously eat and treat meal times the same way. Talking is a last thing because cannot eat your food if my lips are flapping,

    Now I'm working on that relationship I have with food and controlling it as best I can. I let it know that it will get fed after my workout and that I'm the master. Now, when I get back from the gym, I'm pretty hungry and ready to eat the face off a cow. Ok ok. Chicken, since it's challenge now is not in the form of delicious donuts, but a very pregnant and loving wife.
    Finding that balance of how I can cook healthy for me but get her the bad snacks and avoid them is quite the challenge. So far. So good. Even though I beat myself into submission at the gym, I will find the time to make dinner for both of us, as long as I know that she would even be remotely interested in what I'm making. Otherwise I'll go with something simpler for you and will feed the beast. I'm fighting her on things that I am doing that don't fall in line with her thoughts on how to lose weight,and get healthy. Eggs are bad and the worst thing you can eat, she says. I point to several recent studies that show the opposite. While I have cholesterol levels that aren't ideal, my,doctor told m e that one thing I can do to improve that number would be from exercise and a diet including the whole egg. And chicken thighs. They are so horrible and not good for you. Remove the size, and half those concerns are gone. Heck, even with it on Its not a large amount of fat of calories and adds in a nice flavor. And white rice? I may as Well go to a Chinese buffet and open my mouth for an hour and let the ice cream machine fill me with those delicious calories. Now, that sounds like a challenge fat me would love, but that is not my goal.

    But even though I'm doing things wrong. I have been consistent. I track everything that goes in my mouth and have kept them between 1400 to1750 calories a day, and working out for at least an hour 3 days a week. I was going to,bump that up another day this week, but wit b the wife out of town, I'm on toddler duty.

    My goal in this is 2 fold and why I am doing it now and not jumping on the food train until after,the baby gets here in May. Number 1. I want to be strong and confident that I can handle,any task given me at that time. 2 when my wife is recovered and she needs someone to motivate her I will be far enough along that she can take my,energy and put it into her exercise there too. And 3 is selfish. But I miss being the hot guy I was when I was 20 and want my wife to enjoy that version of me.
  • katballoo
    katballoo Posts: 4 Member
    You both sound really motivated. I haven't started the dieting part yet, just the recording. What an eye opener! I eat way too much. I have yoyo dieted all my life, but I'm dedicated to eating healthy and losing weight for my body's sake, and not just for looks. I also deal with a really bad back (three fusions, none good), and I just had my knees replaced - one in July and one in October. So exercise is hard. I can do water aerobics and I think I can use a recumbent bike. I used to be fit and strong, but not so much anymore.

    A couple of days ago I was diagnosed with strip throat and a UTI infection, so I haven't been able to eat much. Looks great on the weight loss side, but feels like phphthpht.

    I was a teacher for 20 years and then had to go on disability because of my back. I had gained weight, my back hurt, I was taking pain pills and the ritalyn to keep me alert and klonapin to help me sleep. I filmed myself teaching one day for the the principal, and I realized, I wasn't doing a good job. So, after the doctor advising me for three years to quit and go on disability, I finally did. So at 57, I'm trying to find a way to define myself again. I am a Christian but I won't foist my beliefs on you. I have been happily married for 27 years and I have two grown boys, one 31 and one 34. I also have one grandchild, Oliver, who is the light of my life. He has two half brothers and they are a joy as well.

    As soon as I am healthy again (over strep and the UTI) I'll start the food watching more carefully. I also hope to start going to the pool as soon as I can. Any motivational words, or tales of troubles would be welcom. Congrat jj on the new baby coming! :)
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Get out now while you still can! Have you learned how to make a shank out of a toothbrush and a bar of soap? It could be life saving.