
Greetings from San Diego! Started a week ago, kept calories to about 1800 a day, lots of water, lean protein, no alcohol, crossfit in the evenings and mornings jogs of about half a mile. Want to lose 10 pounds and last week my first week I only saw a drop of 1.6 lbs. was expecting to see lots more as I hear of people losing a ton first two weeks or at very least some water weight, here's hoping week 2 is more encouraging. Anyone experience something similar? Does it get better? -Chris


  • Hi Chris! 1.6lbs is absolutely fine! As you only want to shift 10lbs you won't see a dramatic loss like others can experience. Keep at it and you will reach your target. I eat a low carb refuel meal after my workouts and try to stick to protein vegetables and fats (healthy) the rest of the time. Only eat fruit once a day it's full of sugar! Good luck don't give up! Slow and steady loss is much more sustainable than dramatic losses. L X
  • Rdsgoal16
    Rdsgoal16 Posts: 302 Member
    1.6 pounds is a 5600 calorie deficit for your first week. I think its a great start... if you are ramping up with new exercise muscles will hold water for repair. I often look at this when pissed about a small drop, add another 50% to this pile of fat..

    fat.jpg 27.9K
  • triciaperseveres
    triciaperseveres Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome, Chris! It's not clear to me if you've just started CrossFit with your other healthy habits or if you've been doing that for some time and just started eating a restricted diet. The weight loss your first week sounds totally spot on to me if these are new eating habits and extra exercise. I had quite a bit to lose when I started CrossFit and ended up with a 40lb weight loss over four months. So...that's about 10lbs a month...or 2ish lbs a week. The more extra weight you carry, the more significant the weight loss will be initially. My rule of thumb is also to not expect to see immediate results...you have metabolic systems that need to adjust to what you are doing. Three weeks is what I usually give my body to show me what I've been doing to it...either positively or negatively. Ha. Christmas treats are kicking in right...about...now...

    PS: I think if this is the first week you're doing all of this...you'll see a similar drop next week and then a significant drop sometime around weeks 3-4. And by significant, I mean...like 3lbs for the week. You'll be at your 10lb loss in no time.
  • Upstate_Dunadan
    Upstate_Dunadan Posts: 435 Member
    If you are losing more than that consistently you're not eating healthy. To be honest, depending on your vitals, 1800 calories doing Crossfit and running is probably not enough food. My average CF session burns about 650 calories. A half mile run might be another 50-100 depending on your speed. Assuming the lower, you're on average going to burn 700 calories after consuming 1,800, so your Net Calories (what counts) is only 1,100. That probably not enough to fuel doing CrossFit daily. I think you may find yourself without energy and having trouble recovering. Have you tried a TDEE calculator to see what it says you should eat? Here's what I use - http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm.
  • shannon_berry23
    shannon_berry23 Posts: 5 Member
  • chrisreyes959
    chrisreyes959 Posts: 3 Member
    Rdsgoal16 wrote: »
    1.6 pounds is a 5600 calorie deficit for your first week. I think its a great start... if you are ramping up with new exercise muscles will hold water for repair. I often look at this when pissed about a small drop, add another 50% to this pile of fat..

    Rdsgoal16 wrote: »
    1.6 pounds is a 5600 calorie deficit for your first week. I think its a great start... if you are ramping up with new exercise muscles will hold water for repair. I often look at this when pissed about a small drop, add another 50% to this pile of fat..

    If you are losing more than that consistently you're not eating healthy. To be honest, depending on your vitals, 1800 calories doing Crossfit and running is probably not enough food. My average CF session burns about 650 calories. A half mile run might be another 50-100 depending on your speed. Assuming the lower, you're on average going to burn 700 calories after consuming 1,800, so your Net Calories (what counts) is only 1,100. That probably not enough to fuel doing CrossFit daily. I think you may find yourself without energy and having trouble recovering. Have you tried a TDEE calculator to see what it says you should eat? Here's what I use - http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm.

  • chrisreyes959
    chrisreyes959 Posts: 3 Member
    @Upstate_Dunadan Thanks so much for the info. Been doing crossfit for about three years but honestly I eat whatever I wanted and drank beer like a fish so I didn't really gain weight up or down just kinda maintained. Now I'm
    Serious about working out so I'll take your advice. @Rdsgoal16 thanks so much for the pic and advice! Puts things into perspective. Patience is key! @triciaperseveres oh my god! Great info! I'm being too hard on myself. Looking forward to weeks 3-4 and beyond! Im 5-9 and weight 181 so I def can lose some weight and tone up but your right I have less to lose so might take a bit longer. Gotta be consistent. @louiseburgoyne632 thanks for encouragement I guess I am on pace and need to stick to my diet of lean protein and plenty of veggies! @shannon_berry23 hello right back at ya! What a great community this is. I feel motivated more than ever to get in best shape of my life! You can count on me for some moral support on your own weight loss journey!! :) -Chris
  • shannon_berry23
    shannon_berry23 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you so much