Am I too old to get my fitness and body back?



  • Tallawah_
    Tallawah_ Posts: 2,475 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I did at 47

    @sijomial rocks his physique

    ...never gonna hear the last of this!!! :wink:
  • bourboncop
    bourboncop Posts: 2 Member
    It's never too late! I'm a former police officer who was injured on the job. It was a life altering back injury. I've spent many years just trying to be able to walk without being in excruciating pain. Unfortunately, I've gained weight due to the lack of physical activity (and hypothyroidism). Now, it's time to shed the pounds! I'm ready to slim down! While I know I can't do what I used to, I'm going to figure this out! I'm a lot less unsure, though, knowing that there are others going through the same thing. We ALL can do it!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    babason2 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I did at 47

    @sijomial rocks his physique

    ...never gonna hear the last of this!!! :wink:
    Glad to see you have your shirt on mate - you show the rest of us up!

    Check this guy out if you want an example (and inspiration) of what's possible at 50.
  • Melvitka
    Melvitka Posts: 9 Member
    It's never to late! We're all here to help you :smile:
    GUARDiAN_GUiLD Posts: 163 Member
    Nope. You'll be fine.
  • GrandadRugRat
    GrandadRugRat Posts: 22 Member
    Melvitka wrote: »
    It's never to late! We're all here to help you :smile:

    Thank you for that.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Welcome to the best motivation suport i've found on the web. Good luck

    See you lighter
  • Denkko
    Denkko Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 60 and have been on MFP for several years. I've mostly taken this journey alone, but I'm now ready to share a bit more of myself in terms of accountability and mutual encouragement. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • GrandadRugRat
    GrandadRugRat Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome to the best motivation suport i've found on the web. Good luck

    See you lighter

    Is this place that good. Only been here a few days but love it
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    F that! You're never too old.
  • shippan
    shippan Posts: 46 Member
    I have just joined and really like this. Am in my 80's and need to get my blood sugar in balance. At this age I am comfortable with my body, but unless I eat healthy and exercise my energy will fly out of the window. Am finding this an easy program, but running into trouble
  • Tallawah_
    Tallawah_ Posts: 2,475 Member
    edited January 2016
    sijomial wrote: »
    Glad to see you have your shirt on mate...

    Hahahaha!!! Yeah its got kinda cold around here lately, thought I'd better wrap up before I catch my death!!!!

    Seriously though OP there's lots of inspirational 50+ guys around here, @blackcloud13 springs to mind but for heavens sake don't tell him I said so! :wink:
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Ditto, never to old! I started at 52 and am now at 54 in the best shape since high school, maybe better. Like you I have three grandchildren and want to be with them and avoid medication. I changed the type and amount of food I eat after coming here. Lost 50 pounds and lowered my cholesterol 50 points. I have put a few pounds back but know how to get it back off. I run 25 miles a week and do a Nautilus set every other day. Next week I will go on a ski vacation in Chamonix with my kids and grand kids, something I always dreamed of. You can and should get fit and lose weight. Its a journey, start slow and stay steady with it. I remember my last half marathon. A women who was the last runner was coming up the hill and people were cheering her on. That is when someone said "Come on Nancy" That's win she turned to the crowd and said "She's 76 years old". We all cheered wildly for Nancy and I will never forget it.
  • GrandadRugRat
    GrandadRugRat Posts: 22 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    Ditto, never to old! I started at 52 and am now at 54 in the best shape since high school, maybe better. Like you I have three grandchildren and want to be with them and avoid medication. I changed the type and amount of food I eat after coming here. Lost 50 pounds and lowered my cholesterol 50 points. I have put a few pounds back but know how to get it back off. I run 25 miles a week and do a Nautilus set every other day. Next week I will go on a ski vacation in Chamonix with my kids and grand kids, something I always dreamed of. You can and should get fit and lose weight. Its a journey, start slow and stay steady with it. I remember my last half marathon. A women who was the last runner was coming up the hill and people were cheering her on. That is when someone said "Come on Nancy" That's win she turned to the crowd and said "She's 76 years old". We all cheered wildly for Nancy and I will never forget it.

    Wow thanks for that. Have a great trip
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Hi. I'm 59. I started logging my food on mfp in March 2015. I started walking as exercise in November 2015. I feel younger, stronger, healthier than I have in years. I'm not old. I'm just 59.
  • frostflower57
    frostflower57 Posts: 4 Member
    58 here, and I started southbeach diet 9 months ago. I am 75 pounds lighter and never felt better.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,694 Member
    Can you get fitter & healthier? If you commit yourself, definitely.

    Just read the "Most Helpful Posts" sections in the forum in the categories that apply to you, and do as they suggest.

    I'm 60 now. I started rowing (those long skinny boats like in the Olympics (only slower!)) at 47. Nowadays, I row (on water & machine), take spin classes, ride my bike (well, when it's not full snowy, icy winter!), weight train, do yoga, and various other such fun stuff. I started all of these while fat - obese, technically.

    I know two guys who started rowing at 75 (after two hip replacements!) and 81, in a public class with younger folks, and they did fine. You can do what you set your mind to, just check in with your doc about any concerns up front, start slowly, and progress gradually.

    I've lost 61 pounds since April 2015, and am now nearly at goal weight. I was lucky enough not to be diabetic, but the weight loss has moved my unhealthily high cholesterol and triglycerides (for which doc had asked me to consider statins) so they are now solidly in the middle of the healthy ranges. My blood pressure, formerly tending toward borderline-high, has also dropped to healthy levels, and the pain from my torn meniscus (knee) and arthritis has decreased very noticeably.

    You may enjoy (at least some parts of) this thread in the "Over 50" group: Aging With an Attitude!

    You can do this, and IMO it's very worth the doing!
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,398 Member
    Never too old. I just turned 53, and my cardio level is at least very near where it was when I got of of the Marines 25+ years ago.

    I may have some different limits due to injuries and such, but I hope I'm still working out in some form the day my number is finally called. There are a lot of people later in life these days that are still putting in the work, and have health and fitness to show for it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,898 Member
    You can ALWAYS improve your fitness at any age. And you can ALWAYS end up being better than people in your age group. Don't compare with people who are 20-30 years younger than you.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
