What made you decide to act? - If you comment, I'll send you a friend request



  • thehoss316
    thehoss316 Posts: 125 Member
    Was just sick of living a slow, sluggish life. I feel much better being in shape (or at least trying to stay that way). After losing 80 pounds, I just couldn't envision ever going back to that.
  • thehexenbiest
    thehexenbiest Posts: 114 Member
    It really strikes me the different reasons for each of us taking that first step to a happier, more confident version of ourselves.
    No matter the reason, it is OUR reason, it's OUR personal journey and it's important to share that journey with like minded people, and for that reason I think MFP is invaluable.
    One question I have been asked by friends and colleagues alike, is why I think I 'allowed' myself to become the size I am. Allow...? Did I allow this? It's a good question I suppose, one I think I need to ponder further, but there is one thing I am pretty certain of...I don't think it's something I will be able to explain to someone who has never faced weight issues, because how do you explain the battle between wishing desperately to be slimmer and the demon that is all too ready to convince you to reach for the biscuit tin?
    What do you think? Do you feel you 'allowed' yourself to get to the point where you found yourself saying enough! Could you explain to someone not familiar with weight issues how you feel?

    Whatever your views, your feelings - I want to wish you all the very best of luck in rediscovering you and to reaching your goals. And I want to thank you for responding to my post <3 xx

    Hmm, that's tough. I mean in a way you could put it like that because the only person who "allows" you to do something is you (at least when personal aspects are concerned). But that would be too easy because as for myself, I know I wasn't really conscious about it. Not all the time anyway. You know how they say that you don't notice small changes right away and gaining weight, like losing weight, doesn't happen over night. Somewhere in the back of your mind you know you shouldn't eat that pizza, you shouldn't spend the day on the couch, but unless you make the conscious decision to go to that place and face that demon, it's too easy not to really notice what's happening.

    And while it's true that people who've never struggled with weight issues and / or food cravings, they must have their own flaws and weaknesses. There must be something they should do but won't.

  • whoffmanz
    whoffmanz Posts: 87 Member
    I figure I can grow old and fat or grow old and active. I would rather be active.
  • bourboncop
    bourboncop Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Good question! For me, well, I was injured on the job as a police officer. It was a life altering back injury. I've spent a decade just dealing with the injury. Needles to say, I've put on weight. Now, it's time to get rid of the flab! Not only will I feel better, but it'll help my back if I'm not lugging around the extra pounds. We can all reach our goals, ladies and gentlemen! Let's do it!
  • cpaulino4
    cpaulino4 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey girl. Im also trying to lose weight for my wedding. My goal is to lose 20 pounds. What's your goal? Message me. Let me know what stage of wedding planning you are in.
  • xveer22
    xveer22 Posts: 93 Member
    I gained two pants sizes in only a couple of months. At that point I had the biggest pants size that was in the 'regular' store. And I just really didn't want to go to a store for big sizes for my pants, so I realized something had to change.