Losing for the wedding! Friends, please!

Hi all!

I am getting married in September 2016 and am looking for some new friends to keep me accountable. While staying healthy is always on my mind, I am trying to keep up with shedding a few pounds/toning up around all of the bridal showers, parties, and other wedding-related activities. I would love for some friends to help me with this goal, and of course I will help y'all with yours!

Can't wait to meet you :)


  • Gerbsxyng412
    Gerbsxyng412 Posts: 86 Member
    wish you the best and congrats to you
  • cpaulino4
    cpaulino4 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey girl. I also aim to lose for the big day. The day after mystery man popped thr question i knew i had to lose some blubber. I'm 5'2 and I weigh 138 lbs. I want to lose 20 pounds. I'm in N.Y. Message/add me on here. It would be great if we could motivate each other.
  • maxally777
    maxally777 Posts: 27 Member
    Good luck to the both of you. Ad me as a friend I can help.
  • Nell8i8
    Nell8i8 Posts: 61 Member
    How exciting! I'll send you a request!
  • Yvonnie16
    Yvonnie16 Posts: 67 Member

    Losing for the wedding is awesome. But I think, staying healthy and lean should be made into lifestyle. My attempts are work in progress.

    Good luck :)