what does a typical week of working out look like



  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    I change it up a lot. Right now it looks something like this.

    Monday - either nothing or a walk/jog in the morning for 30-40 minutes. Depends if I'm awake enough - it is Monday, after all.

    Tuesday (as of right now) - nothing, due to me being at work or in class from 6am - 10pm

    Wednesday - jog/walk 30-45 min at 5am, 15-20 minute walk at lunch time, possibly a 15-20 minute HIIT or body weights workout in the evening.

    Thursday - See Wednesday

    Friday - See Wednesday

    Saturday - Gym day! I typically do strength training and 30-40 minutes of cardio around 7-8am (treadmill, elliptical, bike)

    Sunday - jog/walk 30-45 minutes, maybe some body weights and/or a fitness blender video.

    As you can see, my schedule is currently pretty scattered. I'd like to get down a good routine, but for right now this is what's working for me.
  • kaitlinteeter
    kaitlinteeter Posts: 13 Member
    I am absolutely LOVING reading all these different workout regimes! It is so fascinating to see what people do to keep active and fit in their lives, and what is enjoyable/meaningful to them!

    I go to a gym that does a bootcamp type workout (cardio and weights, sort of HIIT style). I typically try to do the workouts 5-6 times a week, resting on Sundays/Saturdays however I am getting back into running now, so either Saturday or Sunday I will try for 30-45 mins on the treadmill (as much as my knee can handle at this point in time).

    I love being active and going for walks, and am looking forward to hiking more once the snow melts! For now, I am trying out skating too which seems to be a good bit of cardio if you give 'er!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    I am absolutely LOVING reading all these different workout regimes! It is so fascinating to see what people do to keep active and fit in their lives, and what is enjoyable/meaningful to them!

    I go to a gym that does a bootcamp type workout (cardio and weights, sort of HIIT style). I typically try to do the workouts 5-6 times a week, resting on Sundays/Saturdays however I am getting back into running now, so either Saturday or Sunday I will try for 30-45 mins on the treadmill (as much as my knee can handle at this point in time).

    I love being active and going for walks, and am looking forward to hiking more once the snow melts! For now, I am trying out skating too which seems to be a good bit of cardio if you give 'er!

    @kaitlinteeter How much snow do you have? I'm challenging myself this winter to get out there despite the weather. It sure is harder walking in snow, even just a few inches. So far the lowest temperature I've walked in was with a Feels Like temperature of 11 degrees F. I wear my hiking boots in the snow, and they weigh twice as much as my sneakers, which takes some getting used to.

    I don't have rain gear yet, and am not psyched about walking in the rain anyway, and am planning on going to the local skating rink next rainy day.
  • fitdaisygrrl
    fitdaisygrrl Posts: 139 Member
    Wow this is totally motivating me. I've been really focusing on food and doing the Couch to 5k right now. With a 4-year-old at home, there's always the guilt and time thing to deal with. But I'm finding ways to make things work. So here's what I'm doing, even though I'm no where near as athletic as the rest here!

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday= 30 minute run/walk (Couch to 5k) on treadmill
    Thursday=a 20-30 minute workout dvd or walk on treadmill with incline
    Saturday= a full-body strength workout (30-45 minutes) and walking (either on treadmill with incline challenges or outside if it's not -30)
    Sunday- maybe another run or else just a long walk

    I aim for 10,000 steps a day.

  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Monday - 30 min cardio, Squats, Bench Press, Barbell Row, 30 min cardio
    Tuesday - 60 min run
    Wednesday 30 min cardio, Overhead Press, Deadlifts, Squats
    Thursday - 60 min bike
    Friday 30 min cardio, Bench Press, Squats, Barbell Row
    Sat - MMA
    Sun - Distance day
  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    Only 3-4 days a week and have I no actual set days its just whenever I can get up at 4am. I try not to go longer than two days without getting to the gym. I do about 45mins of weightlifting full body routine 3 days a week and those are spaced out by at least day along with 20min HIIT on the treadmill. If I make it for that 4th day then I usually do 45mintues of cardio and abs routine. I work Mon- Fri so I walk for 30 minutes of my lunch also.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Monday - dance
    Tuesday - weight lifting.
    Wednesday - dance and 2 hour boot camp type of work out
    Thursday rest because I'm usually sore from the boot camp.
    Friday - dance
    Saturday - weight lifting.
    Sunday - weight lifting.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited January 2016
    Lately (training for a marathon):

    Monday: off or pilates
    Tuesday: some kinds of weights and run
    Wednesday: run
    Thursday: run and swim
    Friday: pilates and run
    Saturday: weights and bike
    Sunday: long run
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    Monday - Friday I work all day. So on these days, I do cardio on my lunch break. Either 30 minutes of running on the treadmill, or 30 minutes on the elliptical. Sometimes I take one workday off in the week, but not always.
    In the evenings during the week, I do Stronglifts 5x5 Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
    Saturday is my long run day.
    Sunday is always rest day.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    Sunday - Yoga
    Monday - Zumba
    Tuesday - Aerobic/strength combo class
    Wednesday - Zumba
    Thursday - Aerobic/strength combo class
    Friday - 40 minutes strength training class, 20 minute walk
    Saturday - Walk 30 minutes (weather permitting)

    I'm in New England in the middle of a cold snap, but when it's above 30 during the day, I usually walk 30-40 minutes a day, which usually replaces a cardio class.
  • Interbeing
    Interbeing Posts: 33 Member
    Sunday - 1 hour strength training, hiking with spouse
    Monday - 30 min strength training, 45 min rowing
    Tuesday - 30 min strength training, 90 min cycling
    Wednesday - 30 min strength training, 45 min rowing
    Thursday - 30 min strength training, 90 min cycling
    Friday - 30 min strength training, recovery day
    Saturday - 4 hours+ cycling
  • CarrieA180
    CarrieA180 Posts: 903 Member
    As soon as I get up:

    *Leslie Sansone 5 Mile Boost Walk (5×week)
    *Leslie Sansone Tone Every Zone Walk (Sunday and Thursday: 5 & 8 lb. Weights used)

    Overall goal is to get 10,000 steps a day. I will use one of her other DVD'S or walk outside to reach it. :)
  • Christa_Smith
    Christa_Smith Posts: 24 Member
    I love group fitness classes. When I workout at home I don't put as much effort into it.

    Monday - 60 min Bootcamp
    Tuesday - 60 min Zumba
    Wednesday - 60 min Bootcamp
    Thursday - 60 min Crossfit
    Friday - 60 min Bootcamp
    Saturday - 60 min Zumba
    Sunday - 60 min Zumba & 20 min Ab class

    I'm also trying to get up early and get 30 minutes in on the treadmill most mornings.
  • lilybuggg
    lilybuggg Posts: 5 Member
    High intensity interval training 3-4x a week for 30-45 min. That's it. It works wonderfully
  • katiely95
    katiely95 Posts: 63 Member
    edited January 2016
    I use a program called "fitness blender" and I absolutely love it. It's free work out videos created by a pair of adorable personal trainers, and they make working out seem like fun. It's almost like having a work out buddy.

    Here's a snapshot of this week:

    Monday: Rest day, Maybe some Yoga
    Butt and Thigh Workout with HIIT cardio (26 minutes)
    Extra Credit
    Butt and Thigh Burn Out (9 minutes)
    Upper Body Strength Training and Flexibility mix (30 minutes)
    Extra Credit
    Yoga & Pilates Mix (27 minutes)
    HIIT and Abs workout (29 minutes)
    Extra Credit
    Pilates Butt and Thigh (11 minutes)
    Upper Body Strength and Cardio (34 minutes)
    Lower Body Strength and Cardio (29 minutes)
    Sunday (Optional):
    Feel good: Stretching Workout (15 minutes)

    All of this burns approximately 1370 extra calories a week. Maybe even more, but that's the amount I strive for!

    It changes every week. Hopefully that helps!
  • mrtastybutt
    mrtastybutt Posts: 87 Member
    Monday - 60 min Body Pump class
    Tuesday - 45 min Tabata class + TRX shoulder and back work + Arc trainer
    Wednesday - 15 min Arc trainer + TRX
    Thursday - 15 min Arc trainer + bicep, butterfly machine
    Friday - 15 min Arc trainer + squat machine, leg machine
    Saturday - off
    Sunday - 60 min Body pump class

    FWIW, I kept spelling it Body Bump class. :D
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    M - golf / treadmill / tennis
    T - golf / weights
    W - golf / treadmill
    R - treadmill / weights
    F - yoga / tennis / volleyball
    S - weights
    S - rest.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    This is my off-season, so I do relatively more of my sedentary hobbies in the Winter, and fewer of my active ones. (I'm a rower.) Winter's generic schedule looks something like this:

    Mo: Weight training (I'm working on some specific rowing-related remediation now, not a standard program)
    Tu: AM spin class, core routine at home
    We: Rowing team practice in evening (rowing machine in winter, on-water in Spring & Fall)
    Th: AM spin class
    Fr: Weight training
    Sa: Core routine
    Su: Usually rest

    I sometimes throw in some walks or extra rowing machine if I feel like it.

    In summer, I'd be rowing on water typically 4-6 times per week, plus the spin classes, a bit more walking, and bike rides (short - like 10mi) maybe a couple times a week. I hope to continue some weight training in season this year, after having had a few years hiatus in my weight work. The plan is to shift to a more comprehensive weight program when I feel good about the remediation (later this winter), and I hope to then continue that program in season.

    Why weights only twice a week? I started up at 3 times/week in late summer, and it didn't go well while I was in significant calorie deficit - may be worth noting that I'm 60 y/o and my stamina isn't what it was before chemotherapy. So I backed off to twice a week, but keep it gradually progressive.

    Weight loss, IME, is about eating more than activity. I've been active (similar to above) for a dozen years, and stayed fat (lower end of obese BMI). I've lost 60 pounds since last April by eating more sensibly. That said, some kind of weight work should help retain strength/muscle during weight loss, and cardio earns more calories you can eat back and make the process more sustainable.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member

    Swim + Hula Hoop

    Walk + hand weights (Joyce Vedral Weight Training Made Easy program, upper body)

    Wanna watch TV? I have to hula hoop while I do it. It's gotten so that if I so much as walk into the TV room, I pick up the hula hoop. Sometimes, my husband has to remind me, "I thought we were gonna cuddle and watch a movie?" oh, yeah, sorry hon...
  • pineapple1989
    pineapple1989 Posts: 195 Member
    My routine is:
    Monday - 1 hr dancing (burlesque class so generally not a huge burn but good for balance and core)
    Tuesday - 45 mins spin
    Wednesday - 30 mins Meta-Fit, depending on the routine it varies in how much cardio there is
    Thursday - summer: 5k run, winter: gym, or rest of I've eaten well over the week
    Friday - rest
    Saturday - 1 hr Zumba
    Sunday - walking, distance varies depending on where I am.