Hunger Issues

So this is my 3rd try at tracking my food and calories etc. The first time I did it I used weight watchers and It was a success.... however my mother was paying for it then and now it's not really in my budget sadly. Everytime I start Im super excited and then reality hits and im like "OMG Why am I always hungry!!!" This can't be normal! I have follwed my rules and I havent gone over and now Im dreading going home because Im so damn hungry and I want to reach for the first thing i can find and shove it down my throat! How do you keep from getting hungry and not go over your calories!? Please help me! I realyl need to lose the weight and I have no one physically here to help me through this (the virtual world is really the extent of my support system)
P.S. I have been drinking water non stop all day and it has not put off my hunger one bit!!!!


  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Whole grains and foods high in fiber will also help with hunger.
  • MuchoGusto
    MuchoGusto Posts: 18 Member
    Well, we did you eat so far today? It's easier to help when you know what you're dealing with. ;)
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    I exercise, I find it surpresses my hunger (possibly because I drink lots after, I dont know) but also it give me extra calories to eat.

    Also on days when im really hungry I try and fill up on soup as I find that really fills me up on quite few calories!

    Good luck xx
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    A good part of it is psychological. Like when you quit smoking the best way to attack cravings is to practice incompatible behaviours. Basically, do things that you can't do and eat at the same time. Go for a walk, take a bath, read a book, have sex, knit, fold laundry, wash dishes by hand... whatever.. just so long as it's not sit in front of the T.V. or hunting through your cupboards.

    It'll take a day or two (or three) before your stomach gets the picture and starts feeling fuller sooner.

    If you simply MUST eat, try high protein (hard boiled egg, cheese, handful of nuts all in VERY small amounts) or munch on some veggies (I snack on cabbage a lot).

    Good luck!
  • kjlowrey
    kjlowrey Posts: 3
    Eat more protein - through in a healthy, good protein shake...should fill you up and keep you full longer.
  • sportsjunkee70
    sportsjunkee70 Posts: 173 Member
    What is your breakdown? Eating more protein and fiber than carbs will help you stay full. Not sure if you are already doing this but try to eat about every 3 hours. Eating simple carbs will keep you feeling hungry and craving for more carbs.
  • adriperez
    adriperez Posts: 20
    I know that you are trying to monitor your calorie intake, but try having a small snack in between meals. Having something to eat every few hours usually keeps the hunger away. And also boosts your metabolism. You should always be able to fit in snacks in your daily caloric allowance. It is something I have also gotten past. At first I was ALWAYS hungry. Just make sure they are healthy snacks.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    OMG! I KNOW! the first week i started this website (my first diet EVER) I was honestly like so exhausted and lightheaded and I felt so weak too!! I don't even know how I got through it to be honest. I would just load up on drinking water and try to conserve my calories for later in the day before bed so I could at least fall alseep without my stomach killing me. and i was only 145 pounds. pretty pathetic. lol
    I would just say try to get your mind off it. WORKING OUT helps so so so so so so so much. After 5 min you forget you are hungry, it takes up time, and it gives you extra calories. I still get hungry a lot, but that is a good thing because it means your metabolism is fast =] ! just eat a lot throught the day
    what i do now is literally LOAD up on veggies. I make an entire plate of cooked brocli, carrots, cauliflour, peas, spanich, cucumbers, and I eat the whole thing! It's usually under 100 calories, and it actually fills me up =] !
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    If you'll open your diary we can maybe give you some suggestions. Remember that protein and fats keep you fuller longer. Have a snack when you start to get hungry and that will keep the edge off and help you not over eat later.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • AmyBMelt13
    AmyBMelt13 Posts: 20
    Green veggies! Eat all you want (avoid green peas - too starchy) They are usually considered a "free" food on most programs. They fill you up and take a longer time to digest.
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    I keep a lot of very low calorie snacks on hand for just this kind of thing.
    1) Veggie straws (like chips) 38 are just 130 cal
    2) 90 calorie granola bars
    3) cantalope or watermelon (you can eat the whole thing)
    4) any fruit
    5) Veggies
    6) Animal crackers (16 are 130 cal)
    7) light soups (100 - 160 for the whole can)
    8) Nestle's fat free hot cocoa (20 cal per serving)
    9) tea
    10) coffee

    If you do want to over indulge then take a walk to post pone or offset whatever you decide to have.
    Good Luck
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    stuff yourself to the gills with VEGGIES! eventually your body will get used to your new way of eating and it will be easier.
  • brickok
    brickok Posts: 117 Member
    Make sure you are eating every 2 to 3 hours. I pre-package my snacks Sunday for the week. Carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, pretzels, nuts etc. So whenever I get hungry I just grab what I am hungry for and they are all pre-measured so it is easy to program into my diary. My (and my grand daughters) favorite sneaky snack is a tablespoon of frozen dark chocolate, chocolate chips. She gets half of them and it is a wonderful pick me up for me.
    Good luck on your new healthy lifestyle journey.
    You can add me as a friend if you want.
    Kim :)
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    I'm still new to this website so I will try to open my diary and eat more veggies.... it doesnt help that my fiance is lazy and doesnt need to lose weight so he doesnt really understand where im coming from.... Thank you for the tips though :)
  • sarahttini
    sarahttini Posts: 186
    Teas really help with my hunger pains...especially green tea and Aveda makes a tea that I drink as well.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Yes, open your food diary we can help! Dont give up
    or beat yourself up, you can do this.
    All the helpful people on this site are priceless
    feel free to ask, vent,rant....what ever you need to do
    we will listen and help you.