Ready to be a Mom!

My name is Danielle and I've had issues with my weight since I left the Army. I could never stay on track and I would go back and forth with losing weight then gaining weight. I've recently gotten married and even though I want a family, my husband is concerned for my health since I've had a miscarriage before.

His stipulation is that if I lose fifty lbs and get myself to a healthy reasonable weight then we can start trying. Which means I finally have true motivation to lose this weight! So since I'm such an introvert and don't really communicate well with the people I do now, I would reach out in here and maybe find some support.


  • agdharry
    agdharry Posts: 41 Member
    edited January 2016
    You can do anything you put your mind to! After all, you WERE in the military lol. Dealing with this will only build character
  • DaniDoll57
    DaniDoll57 Posts: 72 Member
    I know I can, I just sometimes lose focus! I have PTSD so sometimes food is my comfort. I know I have to stay strong!
  • Marshuna
    Marshuna Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Danielle! I'm a fellow vet (Go Navy, LOL!) with the same problem and goal. Maybe we can motivate eachother. ☺
  • DaniDoll57
    DaniDoll57 Posts: 72 Member
    Marshuna wrote: »
    Hi Danielle! I'm a fellow vet (Go Navy, LOL!) with the same problem and goal. Maybe we can motivate eachother. ☺
    You've been accepted :D I need all the motivation I can get and I'll try to do the same for you!

  • maxally777
    maxally777 Posts: 27 Member
    I find exercise can really help. I've dealt with PTSD and it's good to have a focus. You are strong and you have a great reason to stay motivated. Good luck you have a lot of support here. Add me as a friend.
  • DaniDoll57
    DaniDoll57 Posts: 72 Member
    maxally777 wrote: »
    I find exercise can really help. I've dealt with PTSD and it's good to have a focus. You are strong and you have a great reason to stay motivated. Good luck you have a lot of support here. Add me as a friend.
    That's what I've been hoping for us support. Because of everything, I'm very much an antisocial introvert so I don't do well with face to face interaction so I'm quite isolated. Having this community support will do me wonders!

    I have added you :)