Looking for an accountabilibuddy!

I am so ready to lose this extra weight I have been carrying since getting pregnant about 3 years ago. I need someone that can help keep on track and I would be willing to do the same!


  • KarenCourticeMom2016
    i am in the same boat. I need to lost 55lbs and needs support. I will add you as a friend. Anyone want to support each other... feel free to add me too.
  • roseml6792
    roseml6792 Posts: 30 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • michelleblankenship206
    I would like to join this as well. Starting a program at my YMCA, but not until march. I need to start tracking NOW. We are going to Disneyland in May and I want to look and feel better.
    CW about 300, need to get weighed.
    GW 200 (very long term)
    First day and I am under on my calorie count but still too much fat in diet. Drank 64oz water so far and only 1 diet soda.
  • dramamama06
    dramamama06 Posts: 32 Member
    Feel free to add me too
  • kirstendawm
    kirstendawm Posts: 101 Member
    I definitely need an accountability buddy! Maybe we could help each other!!
  • Patti705
    Patti705 Posts: 264 Member
    Me, too! I haven't found the right people for support so let's do this!