Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution 2016



  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    Hey everyone I am currently on week 2 of body revolution. Have anyone had success with this program before?

    Yes...it is my favorite JM workouts! :)
  • momosunshine
    momosunshine Posts: 3 Member
    Started week 3 this week! I'm so determined to finish this. We can do anything for 30 minutes!
  • kellysimmons402
    kellysimmons402 Posts: 7 Member
    I just started week 3 today! Late to the thread but looking for others who started BR when I did. How are you doing with it?!
  • sallymason88
    sallymason88 Posts: 69 Member
    I started week 3 today, well yesterday(I am on nights in the uk). It was a step up from week 2 definitely, but I suppose that is the point. I am enjoying it, I definitely feel stronger and have gone up 1kg in my dumbells to 4kg now. how are you doing with it. I got to week 7 last year before I stopped and went on to do some Bob Harper dvd;s I still find it challenging, but easier than last year I am pleased to say
  • ss_mom
    ss_mom Posts: 17 Member
    I am almost done with week 3. I am using 5lbs for workout 3 and workout 4. I am substituting cardio 1 with other cardio workout. I have completed the whole program once 3 years ago and really loved the results. I am very excited to do it all over again.
  • sarisweetie26
    sarisweetie26 Posts: 6 Member
    ss_mom wrote: »
    I am almost done with week 3. I am using 5lbs for workout 3 and workout 4. I am substituting cardio 1 with other cardio workout. I have completed the whole program once 3 years ago and really loved the results. I am very excited to do it all over again.

    Great job! I just started week 3. I only got to week 4 last time so I'm excited to go further than that. Keep up the good work.
  • KudraM
    KudraM Posts: 73 Member
    edited January 2016
    Ive started week 5 of BodyShred. Ive only lost 1lb so far but have lost an inch on my waist and feel great. Like all other CDs, I do not care much for the first week because I am still learning the steps and my body is in shock from all the new moves. The 2nd week is fun, but then its on to the next CD =D. No complaints from week five, but I will say this - it reminds me of when I used to workout with kettlebells!
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    Just started week 3 today. Not a fan of the plank ups! Lol
  • ss_mom
    ss_mom Posts: 17 Member
    I did workout #3 this morning. I really am not big fan of plank and push-up, but I know it does work very well to tone the body. I always like the even number workouts better. This round I am replacing the cardio with spinning, elliptical and some other gym workouts. I am trying to get 150-200 min of cardio every week.

    sarisweetie26 I did finish a whole round of JMBR three years ago and loved the result. I am sure you will enjoy it too.

  • sallymason88
    sallymason88 Posts: 69 Member
    my stomach bug returned, so i am going to be sensible and take this whole week off and repeat week 3 from monday. i decided i was being stupid trying to battle on
  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member
    my stomach bug returned, so i am going to be sensible and take this whole week off and repeat week 3 from monday. i decided i was being stupid trying to battle on

    Oh no.. Take the time you need and feel better soon !
  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm almost done with week 3. I'm not a fan of the plank push ups either. I'm having a hard time doing the side sit-up because it hurts laying on my hips. I don't have a lot of padding on my hip, so I'm laying on the bone and it hurts... Does anyone else have this problem?
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    I'm almost done with week 3. I'm not a fan of the plank push ups either. I'm having a hard time doing the side sit-up because it hurts laying on my hips. I don't have a lot of padding on my hip, so I'm laying on the bone and it hurts... Does anyone else have this problem?

    Yes it bother me alot (and I have padding on my hips ;) ) I got a thick yoga mat I layer over my other one and that makes it much better!

    @sallymason88 yes, take the time off to recover! Otherwise you will not be getting the full benefits of the workout :)

    Today I do W3D2 I much prefer the back workouts to the front anyways :)
  • sallymason88
    sallymason88 Posts: 69 Member
    Thank you for the good wishes.
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Hey ladies!! Just wondering how everyone is doing?! I had to swap Sunday rest day for Wednesday so today is week 3 workout 4 then cardio tomorrow and on to week 4 Monday.
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Does anyone add extra weight lifting? I was thinking of adding a few squats, deadlifts, arms using heavier weights then what I use in the JM workouts.
  • dmegan012
    dmegan012 Posts: 63 Member
    I've been sick most of the week, so I'm trying to decide how to proceed. I may just start over, as I definitely would need to do another week of the first two workouts to get back into it. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to my workouts soon.
  • sallymason88
    sallymason88 Posts: 69 Member
    I have decided to repeat last week, so I will be repeating week 3 @dmegan012 listen you your body, it may be better to start from the beginning, how strong do you feel. ?
  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member
    I have just finished week 3. I have only been doing 5 workouts a week (M-F), since it is really tough for me to get a workout in when everyone is home. So, I will be repeating week 3 to make up for it..
    The semester has started and my classes are really tough, so it will take a lot for me to stay on track. I am now working with registered dietitian and hoping that will keep me motivated enough to finish JMBR and lose the last 30lbs. I'm really good at yoyo-ing. During the semester I will gain and during break I will lose. I'm so fed up with it.

    How is everyone doing?
    @sallymason88 I will also be repeating week 3. I think it's an awesome idea.
    @dmegan012 How are you feeling today? Take the time you need to rest, and I will be here plugging along slowing..
    @dani_doing_it I have not added extra weight lifting, but I have increased my weights. If you feel like adding a few squats, deadlifts ect.. go for it!!
    @hmrey76 glad I'm not the only one that has hip issues while doing sit workouts. I will definitely be adding more padding..
  • KudraM
    KudraM Posts: 73 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope for a lift today. Week 6 (Conquer/Triumph) and have to say I'm not quite into it. Perhaps it's because I'm not losing lbs (just inches). I'm older (46) and am sure that's part of the problem. Anyway, boo hoo. Thanks for listening. I must remember the long view for this journey!