Tone your belly

Wats the best exercise for toneing your belly


  • surendranmenon
    surendranmenon Posts: 12 Member
    Planks and situps
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Planks and situps

    Unfortunately that's not true

    Lose body fat
    Compound lifts / progressive resistance

    Planks are OK for beginners but once you can hold one for a minute you're not really getting any additional benefit unless you make them progressive / dynamic .. so a press-up for example is better for your core strength than a 3 minute plank

    no amount of sit ups is doing much of anything

  • kdalton1979
    kdalton1979 Posts: 19 Member
    Wat are planks I'm new to this thks
  • Talan79
    Talan79 Posts: 782 Member
    Overall fat loss from a calorie deficit will reduce size/fat.
  • Larissa_NY
    Larissa_NY Posts: 495 Member
    edited January 2016
    Here you go: Planks.
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    You need to lose body fat to have a smaller stomach. Compound lifts have done more for my core strength than anything else has, but I still don't have visible 'tone' (ie muscle definition) on my stomach because my body fat percentage is too high.
  • kelleymporter
    kelleymporter Posts: 4 Member
    Wat are planks I'm new to this thks

    Hi Kdalton! A Plank is like where you get into the position like you are going to do a pushup(With your arms fully extended) and you hold it. Sometimes people will get onto their forearms so your elbow-wrist are on the ground. This can be challenging at the beginning. you can always drop to your knees like you're doing a modified push up and that will help a little bit! Start with holding for just a few seconds and increase every day!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I've got great obliques and top abs showing through from lifting weights. I hardly ever do abs exercises exclusively.
  • fabat52
    fabat52 Posts: 44 Member
    I do two DVD exercises that really work my abs. They are both by beach body. Turbo Jam and Hip Hop Abs. You will feel your abs when you do them.
  • chrysalis2015
    chrysalis2015 Posts: 212 Member
    I've got great obliques and top abs showing through from lifting weights. I hardly ever do abs exercises exclusively.

    I now have to second this one. I can't do a lot of ab exercises (surgeries, etc) and those I could do I could feel a burn but not see much difference.

    Been lifting and have noticed a huge difference especially recently with my stomach area. Still have that "c-section pooch" but when I turn sideways I'm noticeably I used to look 7 months pregnant and now I just look like a work in progress :smile:

    Oh, and follow that link. It's got great tips :smile: good luck!