trouble with the elliptical

charelaine Posts: 712 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi. I'm pretty new to working out, but I have been doing at least 30 minutes on the treadmill daily, at a good pace, and yesterday I started c25k. I sometimes use the stationary bike, and I have tried the elliptical. I CANNOT do it--- it hurts me after like 30 seconds. What is wrong with me? Tips, hints, tricks?



  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    elliptical used to hurt my feet. after 10 minutes I would have to stop. I started getting more and more used to it. Now I do 30 mins.
    When you get off of it that first step can be weird.
  • lisa0913
    lisa0913 Posts: 22
    just keep working at it. i too experienced the same thing. you have to build up endurance. don't give up. :)
  • Terri_39
    Terri_39 Posts: 122
    LOL...I know how you feel! I started out doing the elliptical in three to five minute intervals. I would do about 3 to 5 minutes a day for a couple of weeks then each week I'd increase it by 5 minutes. Just start out slow and you'll get there. I'm now up to 25-28 minutes. You burn way more on an elliptical then you do on a treadmill or even a stationary bike so that's why it's a bit harder. Hang in there, you'll get it.:flowerforyou:
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    I struggle with that darn machine too! So I start at 1 min. and each week I have added a minute. It's still really hard, but there is improvement! Then I go to the treadmill and/or the bike.
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    It could be where you are positioning your feet - what is it that hurts...your feet or knees? If it's your feet that hurt, try making sure you're keeping the weight evenly distributed on your feet. If it's your knees, try moving your feet closer together or further out (within the foot pad of the elliptical). I have to place my feet as close to the inside of the pads as possible, and toward the center of the pad. So just make sure you're balanced and that should help.
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    It really takes a LOT of getting used to. My first try, I lasted like 2 minutes. lol I see people all the time try and only go a few minutes. I've gotten to where I can go 70 minutes at a time (and sometimes the machine stops-maxes out at 70-and I go for a while longer) no problem. I end up a sweaty mess, but I get the burn done.

    Just practice and push, push, and push some more.
  • akaugher
    akaugher Posts: 8
    When I first started using it, I could barely be on it for a minute before I HAD to get off. Hurt so bad. But I just kept working at it and working at it and the pain eventually disappated and now I can go on for a long time!

    Just keep trying it, and if the pain doesn't go away after about two weeks-ish, maybe the elliptical isn't right for you.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I can relate with you. When I first got mine over a month ago, I could not go 5 mins without resting. It is one heck of a workout. Take breaks and just do what you can do. You will eventually work your time up but just go at a pace you can do. I call it the "Beast" because of the heart pumping sweat burning machine that it is!! Good luck to you:)

    Also another tip is turn down the resistance to the lowest setting and as you get used to it, you can adjust it up some.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    What exactly hurts? Some folks complain of numb toes which can be a shoe issue. It may just be that you are not used to it. I can go forever on the elliptical, but the treadmill is not my friend:)
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    It bothers my legs when I first get on. Once l get warmed up then I am fine. I am up to 30 minutes on it.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Make sure you keep your knees facing forward and your feet flat (lots of people start out on their toes). Go slow, dont feel like you havve to keep up with anyone. When i started I could only do 2 minutes at a slow pace minimal resistance. Now I can go an hour and push it hard. But built slowly up to that.
  • charelaine
    charelaine Posts: 712 Member
    Ok, it is good to know I am not alone. I will just keep trying, maybe adding a minute every other day or so. Maybe I will add time on that when it is not a c25k day. Thanks for the tips.

    It hurts everywhere, BTW. It wears my legs out! : )
  • Kathryn72
    Kathryn72 Posts: 17 Member
    What's hurting? How tall are you? I run and thought I was in pretty good shape, but I could NEVER manage the elliptical. My thighs were burning and I felt like I was going to fall off. This went on for years. My gym has several different types of ellipticals and I recently found one that works for me. Now I kind of love it, especially when my ankles are aching after a long outside run.

    I suspect that I'm a bit too short for some ellipticals (I'm just under 5'4"). Also, I weight train. Maybe all those lunges and squats gave my quads the boost they needed to carry me through 30 minutes on the elliptical.
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    Just try to increase you time a lil each time you do using different muscles, muscles you don't realize are there till they sore...but, if you sore you know what you doing is working. But, listen to your body if you think it's something besides soreness slow down. I felt sore in places I didn't realize I would get sore. I had a messed up ankle, I was hurting bad it swole up. I iced it down then took a nice warm bath. I kept pushing the next day though.....I'm now starting to run and my ankle gives me no problems at all. I do the elliptical 20 mins then the stair stepper 10 mins the fallowing week I do 20 mins on the stair stepper and 10 mins on the elliptical.
  • charelaine
    charelaine Posts: 712 Member
    I am 5' 6", and doing squats and lunges too, but not many at a time. I don't know what it is, but I will just keep plugging away.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Yeah I was the same's a feel the burn type of exercise for sure:)
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    I get numb toes after 10 minutes. Then the bike cramps my feet up! S.O.L. I guess....
  • Cheryl_Catrair
    Cheryl_Catrair Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks for posting this question because it completely wears me out VERY quickly too! I'm totally intimidated by it!
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Not saying that you are/are not doing it wrong, but apparently a LOT of people in fact do elliptical workouts incorrectly. Maybe this video will help. Good Luck!

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  • Robyn120
    Robyn120 Posts: 249
    you know I'm not sure..I have loved the elliptical since day one and now I try and do about an hr worth every time i get on but most everyone I know hates it with a passion. I'm starting to think it's either for you or it's not. But I think you should at least try it a couple of times probably starting out slow and work up the endurance every time you get back on it.
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