Is impossible to exercise at home

I have a three year old and five month old. Whenever I try to exercise one of them invariably interrupts me. My husband does not stop them. I feel like he is not supportive of my goals. I work full time. What do other mothers do for exercise?


  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Incorporate them into your exercise. Be flexible with your routine.. Hold the younger one while the older one "plays" along.. When it's warm out, try using a stroller to accommodate both. Or work out during naps.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    The only way I found I could exercise was to get up early. When no one else was up I could get my exercise in and then be on with my day.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hfeff wrote: »
    I have a three year old and five month old. Whenever I try to exercise one of them invariably interrupts me. My husband does not stop them. I feel like he is not supportive of my goals. I work full time. What do other mothers do for exercise?

    Have you asked him to entertain the kids for 30 minutes while you work out?
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Wake up 30 mins before the Kids. Or wait until the baby naps. You can give your older child TV time during your workout. Put on a kids DVD for the older child and tell him that he must either sit and watch it while playing with toys or he will have to have a nap like the baby.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Train your husband better!
    You have told him how you feel haven't you?
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Hfeff wrote: »
    I have a three year old and five month old. Whenever I try to exercise one of them invariably interrupts me. My husband does not stop them. I feel like he is not supportive of my goals. I work full time. What do other mothers do for exercise?

    Sounds like you have 3 children in the house. Your husband should be playing with the kids while you exercise.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    I would either push mine around the neighborhood in his stroller (great workout if you have hills!). Or....I would simply announce to hubby that I was going upstairs to use the treadmill for 30mins. Then I would disappear. He could survive for that long with the baby.....

  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    I have this same problem. My 10 month old doesn't sleep in the day and he wakes up at 6am and is constantly clingy to me which makes it impossible to do anything
  • LCD_80
    LCD_80 Posts: 26 Member
    Presumably they go to bed around 7-8? Can't you exercise then?
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I have 4 kids ages 1, 3, 5, and almost 7. Currently I work out during nap time and put a tv show on for the bigger kids. Occasionally a kid will wander down and ask me a question or watch. I incorporate them into my workouts too. I went snow shoeing with my 6 year old yesterday. In the summer we do bike rides and hikes in the woods while I wear the baby. When the baby was your baby's age, I often wore him in a carrier and did Leslie sansone's walk at home videos because he went through streaks of refusing to be out down. Honestly I just make it a priority and it gets done. I work part time so I just fit it into my schedule the best I can.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    When my daughter was younger, I would wake up at 5am and go out walking for an hour and some change before hubby had to be up and out to work at 7.
    Then she started back up in preschool for 4 hours 3x a week and I'd go hiking a mile from the preschool and come back in time to pick her up.
    She's now 7 and in school and I have a baby that just turned 12 months. I put her into the drop-in free babysitting at the YMCA and I go workout for 45mins-hour.

    Can you join a gym that provides free childcare? It really works wonders. It gives you some much needed "me" time and without distractions.
  • lainy1979
    lainy1979 Posts: 173 Member
    Hi, I'm single mum to a 16 month old. At the minute my exercise routine consists mainly of walking while pushing her in her pushchair, it's the only way I can do anything to burn a substantial amount of calories. I've also bought a fitness hula hoop, i manage to do 10 minutes a day while she's in her highchair eating her dinner :)
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Hfeff wrote: »
    I have a three year old and five month old. Whenever I try to exercise one of them invariably interrupts me. My husband does not stop them. I feel like he is not supportive of my goals. I work full time. What do other mothers do for exercise?

    Close the door and let your husband know that for the next 30 minutes or an hour etc, you need to be alone. This is irrelevant of whether you exercise or not, your husband should be able to keep the kids entertained so you take a short break. Or, leave the kids to your husband and go to the gym or for a walk, jog etc. This has the added bonus you really cannot be interrupted, and your husband gets to learn how to bond with the kids without running to you every 5 minutes for help. Or exercise when the kids are in bed.
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    edited January 2016
    I created a little play area in my basement near my equipment for my boys. I always have an eye on them and can tend their needs immediately.

    Use a Mei Tei for the baby, this'll add a nice Burn to your workout, and let the oldest play near you.

    Get a few 1-2 lb weights for the older child so that they feel as though they're working out like Mommy - my guys love playing with the smaller weights and will attempt to mimic my routine.

    Work out at night when the baby and oldest are asleep...or, try to time out their naps so that you can have 30-45 mins to work out.

    Squat for EVERY THING, don't bend over. Picking up the baby, squat. Getting a pot or pan from a bottom shelf, squat. Picking up a ball for your oldest, squat.

    Lunge while holding your baby or oldest.

    You get the picture.

  • quiarga
    quiarga Posts: 408 Member
    I'd definitely have a chat with your husband and make sure you're both on the same page with this! Surely he can find it in himself to be supportive of this time for yourself! It took me a long time to get to where I just said I was taking that time instead of asking for it, or letting myself get interrupted.

    Personally for me, getting up early was not a good option, but after the kids were in bed worked best. They do have to sleep sometime, and hopefully you already have a bedtime routine in place. Don't let there be any other excuses (trust me, I know from experience how easy it is to find them), and make that time right after they go to bed your time!
  • beretta82
    beretta82 Posts: 8 Member
    I used to get up early to workout but it totally sucked. It takes me awhile to feel "awake". So I do it in the evenings now. Now that it's a habit (lifting weights) my 4 year old looks forward to it every night! I give him some 2 lb weights and he does all the moves with me!

    My husband works nights so I totally get where you're coming from. I would talk to the hubby of course but if that didn't work you will have to commit anyway!

    As long as you have kids running around there will be a lot of starting and stopping! If I were you I would just try to make it scheduled. Kids do great with a schedule. So that way they know they have to do _____ at ____time. And make it fun! Have some activities to occupy your 3 year old during this time and plop the baby in a swing or something. Good luck keep us posted!
  • Siobhan256
    Siobhan256 Posts: 27 Member
    I get up at 4.45am to fit my 45min - 1hr work out in. I leave to go to the gym at 5.20am whilst they're all sleeping. By the time I'm home at around 6.40am they're only just up. If the kids need anything, there's a parent at home. I find this works really well for me. I'd never been a morning person before but started this 2 years ago and might take one day off for a rest in a fortnight. I absolutely love my gym time now and only find winter mornings hard because I hate the cold. I guess you keep focussed on your goals and find a way. I understand it's hard to find time when you're a full time working mum.
  • Hfeff
    Hfeff Posts: 37 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    When my daughter was younger, I would wake up at 5am and go out walking for an hour and some change before hubby had to be up and out to work at 7.
    Then she started back up in preschool for 4 hours 3x a week and I'd go hiking a mile from the preschool and come back in time to pick her up.
    She's now 7 and in school and I have a baby that just turned 12 months. I put her into the drop-in free babysitting at the YMCA and I go workout for 45mins-hour.

    Can you join a gym that provides free childcare? It really works wonders. It gives you some much needed "me" time and without distractions.

    When I went to the gym with baby sitting My son refused to stay and I got called back to the room because he was inconsolable.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Meh, I exercised in the house with a 1, 3, and 5 year old. I told them not to cross the line I set. If they did, I paused, moved them back across.

    Your spouse isn't the problem.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Hfeff wrote: »
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    When my daughter was younger, I would wake up at 5am and go out walking for an hour and some change before hubby had to be up and out to work at 7.
    Then she started back up in preschool for 4 hours 3x a week and I'd go hiking a mile from the preschool and come back in time to pick her up.
    She's now 7 and in school and I have a baby that just turned 12 months. I put her into the drop-in free babysitting at the YMCA and I go workout for 45mins-hour.

    Can you join a gym that provides free childcare? It really works wonders. It gives you some much needed "me" time and without distractions.

    When I went to the gym with baby sitting My son refused to stay and I got called back to the room because he was inconsolable.

    If it's not a viable option for you, what about involving the kids? Do Zumba or dancing together? That or have a sit down with hubby and express that he needs to be involved and help out for an hour while you workout and have "me" time.