New to this:

Hi everyone,
Sadly I've gotten way out of control with my weight. I need to lose 130 pds to get in a healthy range. I'm super busy and always on the go.

-what are some tips you might have for me?

-any (easy/fast) recipes you'd suggest?

-on days I want to throw in the towel, what would you say?

All positive feedback is welcome. I know I have a long journey ahead. Thanks in advance!


  • shadows2424
    shadows2424 Posts: 179 Member
    Remember its 80% food, 20% fitness. You can lose weight without exercise but either way you have to make sure you eat within your calorie limit. Eating clean healthy foods will help you lose weight quicker but you can maintain a kinky diet and lose weight if you eat the right amount of it. A couple eggs and a couple sausages and toast for breakfast, salad for lunch, and some grilled chicken with a dinner roll and a veggie could be one days worth of eating. On the days that you want to quit i suggest you remind yourself of why you want to lose weight in the first place, reassure yourself that the weight will come off if you stick to it, and remember even if for a day or two you do go off track to get back on track! A couple days won't hurt you but falling down and staying down will.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    My tips:

    Don't be too aggressive with your caloric deficit
    Use a food scale
    Have realistic expectations
    Be consistent
    Realize that weight loss isn't linear, there will be days where the scale won't move and there will be days that the scale will go up. Do NOT let that deter you from your plan.

    On days when you want to throw in the towel, realize that it took you xx amount of time to gain weight so the weight won't magically disappear because you ate "good" for a week or you exercised for x amount of hours. Take your time, work your plan, be nice to yourself.
  • ghimm
    ghimm Posts: 38 Member
    edited January 2016
    A couple days won't hurt you but falling down and staying down will.
    This part is really important. A lot of people think it's all or nothing. Do your best, pay attention to what you're doing, but just because you screw up doesn't mean you've ruined it. If you are able to adjust your calories for the day to make up for it, do that. If you can squeeze in some exercise to negate it, go for it. If none of that is possible, just do better tomorrow.

    Try to plan out your food the night before or first thing in the morning. Sometimes plugging in your dinner first thing helps you make good choices when you get snack-y during the day. You're less likely to end up at dinner time looking for something that's only 100 calories because you ate away your calories earlier. You can decide whether or not that donut in the break room is going to be worth it or not if you have a good idea of where your calories are going later.

    For recipes, I very much like the website She has a very wide variety of recipes that are achievable for all types of cooks and lots of dietary preferences.
    Vary your diet so you don't get bored, but don't over think it. Eat lots of veggies, moderate carbs, and lean proteins.

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    Your crockpot is your friend. Explore lower calorie meals you can toss in the crock to have ready when you come home. Set an example for your children by having lower calorie snacks available. Weigh and log everything! Very important!!! Drink enough water, try to stay with your calorie goals. Make sure you stick to portion control for yourself. Plan for the nights out by eating less the rest of the day and try to find meals that are within your calorie goals. When you choose to eat more than your calorie goal, log it and move on. It was a conscious choice so own it. Weight loss is not linear. If you weigh every day, log it on a spreadsheet so you can graph it so you can see the trends. No guesswork. Weigh and log everything! Enjoy the journey. This is a lifestyle change so plan on doing these for the rest of your life not because you are on a diet but because you want to avoid being in this position again. You can do this!