Anyone 20-30 who would like to be friends, looking for a great support team! :)



  • ciorii
    ciorii Posts: 11 Member
    hey- Im the same way! @Starrasmommy123 once you get more comfortable youll be out in the middle of the floor doing crazy stuff. My boyfriend is huge into fitness- so we do circuit training exercises. He gladly kicks my butt and the hardest part ( besides the fact i could barely do anything when we first started) was getting over my fear of being watched! but i got over it one cares what I'm doing! Its easier to say then do but TRUST me im with ya!
  • Starrasmommy123
    Starrasmommy123 Posts: 13 Member
    @ciorii yes I feel like it just takes time going and then I will get over it lol :)
  • ciorii
    ciorii Posts: 11 Member
    @Starrasmommy123 girl- you got this!!
  • Starrasmommy123
    Starrasmommy123 Posts: 13 Member
    @ciorii thank you! And same to you! :)
  • vachtymichuk
    vachtymichuk Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there, I'm newer to MFP and would love any motivation as I find I'm a always so hard on my self! If anyone wants to add me please don't hesitate
  • Starrasmommy123
    Starrasmommy123 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi @vachtymichuk welcome to mfp! :)
  • vachtymichuk
    vachtymichuk Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you very much!

  • CaseRN27
    CaseRN27 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ashley! I'm new here too and trying to keep things small so I don't get too overwhelmed all at once. I feel your pain with the exercise. I have Hashimoto's, an autoimmune condition, so I have to start small, but I'm doing something called Primal yoga, a combination of yoga and Tai Chi. It's great because I can do it at home, it's gentle on your body, but definitely a workout!
  • I'd like some friends!
  • ArmorForFitness
    ArmorForFitness Posts: 42 Member
    Hi, my name is Erik. I'm just trying to getter in better shape and stay motivated! I also like to hear about what other people are doing so anyone who wants to add me, go ahead c:
  • Starrasmommy123
    Starrasmommy123 Posts: 13 Member
    @CaseRN27 yes the Tai chi is definitely a workout, my uncle he is a martial art instructor and he does all kinds of things like that, if you ever need any help getting motivated or if you feel like your falling off the wagon just msg me! :)
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Hello there, I am 32 if that's close enough. Sitting at 242 also looking to get to 200 for a start,
  • Goatsmith
    Goatsmith Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I'm Paul. Currently 179, trying to get down to about 160. I previously went from 225 to 130, but that was over the course of six months of hard backpacking. Ever since then I've been watching the scale tick upwards, and I'm finally doing something about it.

    I work out at home too, so hopefully we can motivate eachother in more or less similar workouts. As far as not liking to work out goes, think positive and think of it as "buying" food. The more you work out, the more food you're "buying".
  • ivvassileva
    ivvassileva Posts: 24 Member
    Hi :) 23 years old here, trying to lose 30kg. I am also mainly exercising at home for the time being. Feel free to add me :)
  • Starrasmommy123
    Starrasmommy123 Posts: 13 Member
    @50extra that's a great first start! And im here to help motivate :)
  • Starrasmommy123
    Starrasmommy123 Posts: 13 Member
    @Goatsmith hi paul, thats impressive 225 to 130! That gives me hope! And i had lost 33 pounds and gained it back aswell, together we can do this!
  • mskatie83
    mskatie83 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, having people to help motivate you is always helpful. Anyone looking to add more friends feel free to add me.
  • deveauxc
    deveauxc Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! The same here...I need to loos weight! I was 250 went down to 183 healthy eating and working out and then I had a baby and am up to 235-240 again! My first goal as well is 200 lbs and then to work from there back to 183!