Estimated calories burned??

Hi all!
During my weightloss journey I have found a new love in muai tai and boxing. I have training about 4x a week (cardio class/sparring ) lasting about 1hr to 3 hrs long...depending on my trainer's crazy workouts for me.

Does anyone know more or less on average how many calories are burned during boxing or sparring? I do have a desk job so my calorie goal is set for 1200 a day. I just want to make sure that I'm consuming enough calories and not mess up my weight loss process.


  • courtneypaige9
    courtneypaige9 Posts: 6 Member
    I personally don't count exercise calories burned. Most apps vastly overestimate it so I just count it as a bonus. Has been working so far!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    there is a entry for "Judo, karate, kick boxing, tae kwan do" in the exercise data base... if class was an hours I'd log 30 minutes to account for time spent on instruction when we weren't really doing any thing and apps over estimating calories. Also on days when I work out I have less of an appetite, so I'll use the calories the next day.