Hopping to lose weight and get healthy!

Hi, im currently following a keto diet, my aim is to lose 23 pound. Looking for motivated people to encourage and support. New meal ideas would be great as well as any tips!


  • lizzycrx
    lizzycrx Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Lucy
    I just started Keto too. If you haven't already, start following Keto Karma. She has great recipes & advice.
  • lucybarry2
    lucybarry2 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you I'll search for her! Good luck
  • scomeg88
    scomeg88 Posts: 16 Member
    You can add me. Keto one month in
  • lucybarry2
    lucybarry2 Posts: 15 Member
    Okay, new to th app so not sure how you add people.
  • michaela4910
    michaela4910 Posts: 544 Member
    Go to their profile and click the "Add as Friend" button. Type a note (optional) If the button isn't visible, that means their profile is set to private.
  • Julz868
    Julz868 Posts: 14 Member
    Please add me
  • lucybarry2
    lucybarry2 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks Michael
  • elks94
    elks94 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I've been watching Keto Karma YouTube videos this week, she's such an inspiration. Today, I decided to start my Keto journey and start logging in MFP. Friends requests are welcome as I could definitely use support.
  • Fivestone
    Fivestone Posts: 1 Member
    Also starting Keto this weekend and would love more MFP friends to keep motivated with. Please add me!