Shin Splints? :(

RiseWayward Posts: 24 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Does anybody else suffer with Shin Splints when running on the Running Machine?
I usually get up a good momentum and then they start to KILL! :(
My friend suggested i try and wear better shoes (I started just wearing pumps) but even with proper trainers they still bother me!
Is there anything else I can try because Running is my fave type of exercise and at the moment I've had to keep cutting my cardio's short?? :'(
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Belinda xxx


  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    you need to let them heal!! running through the pain will only make them worse. Good pre and post run stretching will help in the future but for now, rest is the answer.
  • I suffered from shin splint just over a year ago, the staff at the gym recommended buying a decent pair of running trainers. The pain is usually caused by inadequate shoes, excess weight, not warming the muscles up properly or not running properly. I think i suffered because of all of the above.

    I usually stretch and massage the muscles in my lower leg to get them fully warmed up before running, and i paid extra attention to the way i was walking/running, and with the help of trainers designed for running its not very often i get pain.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Are your proper shoes running shoes fitted in a specialist shop? If not they could cause the problem.

    Do you run on an incline? that can be a killer on the shins. Try it on the flat for a bit.

    Do you run with an exaggerated heel-toe action? You might be more comfortable aiming for a mid-foot landing.

    I agree with Jeff, don't do more until you're healed. Stretch them by kneeling with the tops of your feet flat on the floor and under your bum. Ice them with a pack of peas for 15 minutes at a time. When they feel better, start again using the above tips.

    More beginner's running tips here:
  • BettyBeth14
    BettyBeth14 Posts: 171 Member
    Wow this is spooky....I was jsut discussing the same with ym collaurges in work. I get them whenever I use my old trainers (usually because I cant find my new ones) I also sufferr really bad when I road run as opposed to treadmill running.

    Rest is the best way to ensure they heal properly though! xx
  • lukybug
    lukybug Posts: 209
    Let them heal before you start running again. In the meantime, get a good pair of running shoes. I used to suffer from them daily after running. I found a pair of Asics that I really liked. I've been running for 2 years now splint free. I don't know if it's due to the shoes, weight loss, building up the muscle around my shins, or a combination of everything, but I swear by a good pair of running shoes. I was also told that walking up stairs backwards will help build up the muscle around the shins as well.

    If you have one around you, I would suggest going to a specialist shop so they can see how your step is. You may over pronate which leads to shin splints along with many other running injuries.

    I hope you can get it figured out. I'd totally miss running :o) Good luck.
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    Here is a little more insight on my situation before I get to my actual question about shin splints. Ok, now I'm a cyclist that has started running and found that I have a muscle imbalance by my trainer. I know that the muscles used for running are a little different and can take a bit getting used to when you haven't run in such a long time. I am heavy and my weight hasn't changed but my physical appearance has. I have lost a lot of weight around the legs and now what is left is these huge muscles over my shins. It really looks like I have popeye arms on my legs.

    Now my concern:

    I had to do a 1.5 mile run/walk for my fit test and because of the muscle imbalance I had to stop for a minute to stretch my back after walking each lap. One thing I noticed is that my shins were burning up a storm. First I was suspecting that it may be shin splints but after 3 laps the pain actually died down. Once I was done, the pain did start up again after long periods of staying still. This was 2 days ago, now today my shins just feel like they are sore. This is happening on both legs, not just the one. I did bring up to my trainer that I was worried it may be shin splints but she told me not to worry about it that the training we have been doing would not cause that. And really we haven't done anything different than what I'm used to for the last few years.

    Should I be worried about shin splints or could this be due to the muscle imbalance getting accustomed to the new physical activity?

    I had knee surgery 3 years ago which explains the muscle imbalance and I've been able to cycle into the 30+ miles category. Believe me when I tell you that the shin muscles are huge and I've had people tell me that they have never seen them developed like that. Hey, I at least have one good thing to be proud of. :)

    By the way, I have been fitted with proper running shoes and I was walking/running on a track. One oddity I do have when I run or walk is that I've been told by my doctor and physical therapists that I no longer use my big toe for balance. So my guess is that I don't use it when I run. Apparently I run and walk along the outside of my foot and touches the groun before my heel does. Funny what some people see when they watch you walk.
  • RiseWayward
    RiseWayward Posts: 24 Member
    THANK YOU for the advice everyone, you've been really helpful! I admit that I probably wasn't warming up properly and was even running on a gradient which i didnt realise would result in the splints!
    I get paid next friday so i'll let my shins heal until then & then im going to invest in some good running shoes and hopefully with a good warm up and alternating my gradient when walking uphill and running on the flat i should see a great improvement! :)
    Fingers crossed, because i really really don't want to quit running!! xxx
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