Qu about recording weight on here

I find that that when I weigh myself my weight goes up and down by 1-2kg for a while (yes I weight exact same time place position etc), sometimes its gets back to the lowest weight I recorded usually it fluctuates at least 0.3 kg above that for a coupe of weeks and then it will drop say a kg or more. thats how its been all the way for me and that fine. I dont record a new weight on here until it is lower than the last weight I entered.

My question is - if you weigh one day 60.0 kg and then the next time you weigh its 60.4kg - do you log that new increased weight AND if you do, when you go back down to 60.0 kg does your page record it as additional weight loss and announce instead of a total 10 kg weight loss you now have a 10.4kg weight loss? Ie does it add total weight loss for weight you may have put on and then lost again since starting the program?


  • LittleMissOptimist
    It adjusts the amount you have lost :)

    Little Miss Optimist
  • blueliss26
    blueliss26 Posts: 79 Member
    I only log my weight once a week... every friday morning. And if it stays the same or goes up, (it hasn't gone up since starting on here) then I wouldn't log that.
  • evertongirl
    evertongirl Posts: 120 Member
    mine seems to hover up and down a lot before dropping each time, but I only ever log a true weight loss - sometimes I re weigh a few days later to make sure it really has dropped before I log it as a lost but I was wondering if tahts what others do as well - thanks