Changing my body shape

I was wondering whether anyone could help me, please?
I am naturally an apple shape and while I always had a little belly, even in my former "slim years", the weight I gained in my mid-twenties has made it worse.
After losing 63lbs since May 2015 I am finally nearing my goal weight, but am still carrying quite a paunch on the front!
Don't get me wrong - I am really pleased to have achieved a healthy lifestyle again, and the most important thing to me is that I have regained my understanding of "everything in moderation" regarding food, and am enjoying more physical exercise than I have ever done before (and looking forward to new challenges). But if I could slim down my middle, I would be absolutely thrilled!
Have any apple-shaped women managed to achieve this following weight loss? If so, what have you done to tone up your problem area?
I currently go running (25-40K per week, depending on how I feel), I do a little bit of time on the rowing machine, I do core exercises such as crunches, planks and side planks 3-4 times a week and I enjoy my weekly pole fitness lesson. Is there anything I should be adding into the mix?

Thanks in advance!


  • HeatherCrazyCat
    HeatherCrazyCat Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you, strong_curves! :-)
    It sounds from the article as though I'm doing most things right... I struggle for protein as a vegetarian but am working on it, and am building up my weighlifting.
    I think I will just need to retain my patience (luckily that's not in short supply) - I'm in this for the long haul so I can't expect miracles after so long being obese.
    Thanks so much!
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    If you are struggling for protein as a vegetarian, can I ask what your normal protein sources are? As a long time vegan, I might have some suggestions for you.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I'd try Jillian Micheal if you haven't already! I've seen changes in my abs that well with all the programs (fitness) I never have! My mothers apron hangs a bit higher and tighter and I have seen my little fat above my belly button disappear ( been with me since 12 and I'm 35) I do beginner shred. It's awesome! I think I'm a pear but always thought I was a apple then I found out I was actually a triangle and my bottom has its own shape (didn't even know butts had types!) well everything makes more sense now!
  • HeatherCrazyCat
    HeatherCrazyCat Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks, BecomingBane! Your help would be greatly appreciated :-)
    I am a lacto-vegetarian but try and go easy on the dairy for my own ethical reasons.
    My typical day normally includes Alpro soya milk, seeded bread and legumes as my main protein sources. Tofu features fairly often and I sometimes have meat substitutes such as seitan, Fry's or Tofurky.
    Tonight I smashed my protein target for the first time ever, with a bean and Tofurky sausage casserole, I was so pleased!
  • HeatherCrazyCat
    HeatherCrazyCat Posts: 46 Member
    I've not heard of Jillian Micheals before, thanks angelexperiment.
    I'm not too sure how I would get on with exercise videos at home as I'm a bit rubbish at motivating myself once in my house (outdoors or at the gym are no problem for some reason!)
    But I shall certainly look into her videos. They would be especially good for nights like tonight when I'm at home.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    I was immediately going to recommend seitan since, by volume it's the most protein dense source you will find. Personally, I steer clear of eating too many beans, legumes etc as a main source of protein and stick with seitan, tofu, tempeh, and textured vegetable protein... in that order.

    I've been vegan for over a decade and a bodybuilder for about half that time and my diet has changed drastically over the course of those two life changes. I don't tend to find it difficult to hit protein macros, myself, but I often see that comment.

    Feel free to ask me questions here or in email/message if you'd like. I'm happy to help and offer advice, but be aware that I will only offer advice that is backed by science and not the woo that I tend to see thrown around.

  • HeatherCrazyCat
    HeatherCrazyCat Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you so much, BecomingBane.
    I have a vegan friend who lifts heavy weights but I hadn't thought to ask her about protein sources. I struggle currently even with silly things, like I still have an injury on my leg from my foster cat that looks fresh at 4 months old, so I know I really need to get on top of this.
    I had never enjoyed tempeh until I went on a business trip to the States... there I had some which was amazing. I will definitely be more encouraged to try it again now, thank you.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Definitely not a problem. I see so much non-factual information passed around here, especially among the vegan/vegetarian crew. It's too easy to get suckered in by marketing gimmicks or simply false information since the health and fitness industry have no qualms about saying whatever they think will sell the most of their supplement, or magazine, etc.

    Nutrition isn't hard once you have some of the basics under wraps, even if you lift heavy, are a runner, or whatever your choice of exercise might be. It just takes a little education as to what your body actually needs, and how best to get it. Being vegan or vegetarian doesn't even complicate it all that much, again, provided you know what your body needs and how to get it.