Looking for hashimotos weight loss buddies!

Looking for some friends who share the struggles of hashimotos to share motivation and ideas with! I'm 27 and trying to get things on track.


  • roxymuller
    roxymuller Posts: 29 Member
    Hi. I have the same issue and it is soooooo frustrating to lose weight. Recently I have found that cutting out all sugar and rye bread has helped. Also, upping my fruit and veggies has also helped. Cutting out coffee and switching to tea is good too. I do allow myself a coffee once in a while but I have found it easier to drink tea without sugar than coffee. I am on medication. Are you? Make sure to have your medication dosage checked if you are taking any as I found I needed to up mine even though the test said it was the correct dose. good luck!!
  • mistycoronado
    mistycoronado Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2016
    I had hashimotos, but had to have my thyroid removed 11 years ago to Cancer. I REALLY understand the struggles that do along with that. Hang in there, it gets better. :smile:
  • emoran88
    emoran88 Posts: 16 Member
    I've had it since I was 14 and have been on synthesis since. I recently started seeing a naturopath and have cut out gluten (trying to see if that really helps). I don't drink coffee only tea. I also take a cap ton of supplements (autoimmune, thyroid support, vit d, vit b...)
  • angebean
    angebean Posts: 195 Member
    Here here...I have Hashimotos. I had a partial thyroidectomy in Sept 2013 due to a cancer scare, but thank God it was benign. Since then, I have had a baby and was on Synthroid - lost all my weight and then some afterwards. Unfortunately, my RT3 was too high and I was pooling T3. Dr put me on Armour now and I feel good, labs look good, but I am just gaining like crazy. I can't say it's the thyroid completely though because I haven't been eating right, so here I am back on my fitness pal to keep my accountable. I suspect I've had it for many years and my symptoms just exposed it. I lost about 35 lbs with diet and exercise back in 2012, so I am hoping that will work now.

    I am sure you have all heard this already, but going gluten free and trying the autoimmune protocol definitely helps. Right after my surgery, I went AIP and lost 8 lbs in a month on diet alone, so I know it works. I was not hungry and only eating whole foods .

    I have done a ton of research on this, so am happy to discuss if your want more info.

    Here's to my Hashi friends and great health!
  • buttersbunch
    buttersbunch Posts: 180 Member
    Hello! I am 52 years old and was diagnosed with Hashimotos in my mid twenties, so I have basically lived with it my entire adult life. Weight loss CAN be difficult with this condition, but certainly not impossible! Once you find a medicine that helps stabilize and keep your TSH levels at a normal range, and keep it monitored during weight loss, you CAN find success!

    I lost 275 pounds (from 410 pounds when I started to 135 pounds!) without WLS, any gimmicky diet, etc... I used Weight Watchers, and now use MFP to stay healthy through personal accountability of my food intake.

    I have NEVER felt better in years!! So please, don't let your Hashimotos diagnosis be a crutch that becomes an excuse as to why you 'just can't lose weight'- I used as an excuse for years, resulting in continued emotional eating until I was faced with the decision to STOP making excuses and CHANGE!! faqn8wfl9yxj.jpeg

  • chunkymonkey2005
    chunkymonkey2005 Posts: 2 Member

    I've got Hashi's and also ME/CFS so definitely empathise with you. My weight piled on when I started taking levothyroxine and I looked swollen and bloated.
    I've since tried T3 and now Armour thyroid and look less bloated. Diets do work but I find sticking to them is the biggest hurdle especially when I look to comfort food when I am tired which is nearly every day !!

    I started a Ketogenic diet at the beginning of this year and have lost 8lbs already and inches from my chest, waist and hips.
    I eat mostly meat,fish, eggs with veg and salad and eat less than 20grams of Carbs a day.

    I still drink coffee sometimes with lacto-free milk sometimes black. I'm addicted to Diet Coke or Pepsi which I m trying to wean myself off slowly....and I drink plenty of water.
    There is also a diet called Terri-Ann 123 which is not too far away from Keto and that worked for me also, definitely worth looking into that one day.

    Good luck xx
  • emoran88
    emoran88 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • sunlight_through_trees
    Hi all, some really helpful tips and impressive stories here. I'm a bit late to this post but I also have Hashimoto's (& PCOS) and would love to connect with others who are struggling with the autoimmune blues!!

    I am struggling with my thyoird at the moment, got down to 12 stone 4 lbs over the summer from a height of 16 stone the year before, and then since October my Hashimotos has gone crazy again and I have gained over a stone, and that familiar hashis exhaustion, brain fog and mood swings have hit like a ton of bricks.

    I have been gluten free since early December and it definitely has helped. I am working myself up to AIP as I have heard brilliant things! Just can't quite give up eggs and rice yet.....I'm trying though!

    Anyway if any of you would like to connect, please do!!
  • jlowejharrinjann
    jlowejharrinjann Posts: 14 Member
    I have some similar stuff going on - thyroid issues, low in female sex hormones, and issues with a few other hormones. I was diagnosed with low pituitary function making many different hormones low and all making weight loss more difficult.
    I was just tol an autoimmune disorder may be causing all of it. I don't get results back for almost a month, so I started an elimination diet yesterday. I figured it wouldn't hurt anything and it might just help. The most basic one I read allows rice. It said no other grains, but rice was OK. I've read several versions and they seem to disagree in some areas but agree on others. I'm starting with the least restricted as it still requires a lot of my favorite things to be given up.
    Good luck with this journey!
  • emoran88
    emoran88 Posts: 16 Member
    I have been off gluten since december and have noticed my skin is better. I will be having my antibodies tested in a month or so to see if theh go down with my diet changes.
  • Mama_cc
    Mama_cc Posts: 45 Member
    I've got a busted 'roid as well. Diagnosed in my mid thirties after my second child (now am 47) and struggled with symptoms and weight plateau as well (always seemed to be the same 10-15 lbs), despite all my workout and mindful eating, mixed with monster doses of levoxyl and cytomel. Finally in my 40's, I was put on Armour and saw a huge difference-No longer Bloatzilla, I finally had that thyroid baby and deflated. It gave me the break I needed to find my groove, so to speak. Now I keep an eye on things with MFP and Garmin Connect. Sure, I fall off the wagon and get the temporary tight pants thing, but I know what I've got to do and buckle down hard. In fact, I'm back here actively on MFP after the holiday extravaganza of indulgence.

    I understand the battle and know how hard it is to find that balance. Everyone is different. The most difficult thing was finding out what actually worked in medication and diet/workouts. For me, it was a lower carb/gluten, lower sugar approach (no specific diet) and playing with different combos, in addition to the med change. For eating, I relax on the weekend a bit, but then am stricter during the weekdays. My younger sister has the same darn thing and we cheer each other on (by the way, she is a 3x Iron Man) and laugh about our wacked-out 'roids now.

    But when you are struggling, it is no laughing matter for sure. Hugs to y'all... You'll find your way : )
  • curves2j
    curves2j Posts: 144 Member
    Hand Up this is me as well.

    I started seeing a naturopath and since I have been able to loose weight and begin seeing improvement in my lab work. I eat pretty much paleo customized to eliminating trigger foods for thyroid and stay away from foods I am allergic too.

    However- it is a struggle- because when you have done everything right- diet, exercise you feel excited about it- here comes the thyroid to throw you a wrench.

    Just remember to keep checking your labs and doing what needs to be done with diet and exercise.
    I keep telling myself -It will happen- so what if it takes me longer than others--**This is my journey**
  • JenniferLynWhatx
    JenniferLynWhatx Posts: 141 Member
    Feel free to add me. I was diagnosed in 2014 but I'm sooo bad at taking my levothyroxine every day...Probably working against me a little bit lol