Does your skin go back?

Lets_Do_It Posts: 202
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, I have been wondering thsi for a while... When you lose all the weight (example: 100lbs or so), does your skin get icky? :/ Like, flabby? Or does it go back? Like so far I have lost almost 30lbs and I find my skin isn't going flabby, but I am not even halfway done with my weightloss? Does it all go back? Thanks :D


  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    From watching the biggest loser, I can see it is possible to tone flabby skin after losing a lot of weight, but I know its difficult. I'm just not sure what the process is.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    It really depends. I started out a bit heavier than you (215 lbs) and I'm young (24), no kids. My skin has gone back most of the way by now, and I lost 67 lbs and counting. My stomach is starting to flatten out, but it doesn't look like a deflated balloon like I've seen other people get stuck with. I didn't do anything special, just lost the weight at a reasonable pace. And it has improved in the last 6 months when my weight held steady around 150. Now that it's dropping again, my waist has been shrinking and the skin has been going with it. I don't know if I'll ever have a completely 100% tight stomach or arms or inner thighs, but it's not hanging off me.

    So, you won't really know til you get there, but it seems you have age on your side. Don't let it stop you from continuing tho! I was scared of shrinking out of my clothes and having to spend to get more, I got over that pretty quick. And I was scared about loose skin, but once I saw it wasn't bad, I forged ahead.

    AND! One more thing: Don't neglect strength training! If you just lose a bunch of weight and don't tone up, the chances of still being flabby or "skinny fat" are higher. I've been strength training and toning all along and it's made a huge difference.
  • supershala
    supershala Posts: 30
    I think it really depends on how slowly you lose the weight, how long you were overweight, your lifestyle choices (did you ever smoke, drink lots of caffeine, etc.). For some people it shrinks as they lose the weight and for some people it takes a really long time for it to firm up. For some people it never does become tight like they might want. That's why lots of people opt for surgery.
  • kimkwilliams5
    kimkwilliams5 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there. I just know form my experience that it mostly does. I have currently lost about 96 lbs and I have another 20 to go. I notice loose skin more in my chest and upper arms, but nothing that is so noticeable that people would comment or see right away. I get way more compliments on how I look so much thinner now. Don't get me wrong, a breast lift has crossed my mind, however I figure when I am to my goal weight it probably will be less noticeable. Plus I am losing the weight fairly slowly so I feel my skin is adjusting. In January of this year I weighed 235 and now I am down to 184. I think you are doing a fabulous job losing weight, so keep that up and worry about extra skin later if it is a problem. I'm not sure how old you are, but from your pic you look young, so that's good because age is on your side with skin elasticity. I hope this helps and congrats on your weight lost so far!!!

  • monkeylauralee
    monkeylauralee Posts: 3 Member
    For me, it hasn't...not completely, but I'd rather have extra skin than skin filled with blubber. Eventually, I'll have plastic surgery on the extras.
  • wendyw8
    wendyw8 Posts: 86 Member
    I have wondered the same thing!! I was told that your chances are better if you build muscle as you lose the weight. If it comes off to fast or in an unhealthy way thats when you will get alot of loose skin

  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    I've heard it has to do with (1) how young you are (ie, how much elasticity is in your skin), (2) how slowly you lose the weight (slower gives the skin more time to "adjust") and (3) how much strengthening/toning you do while losing weight (adding muscle is better). This is jsut what I've heard though, I haven't had direct experience or seen data.
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