Need help

been trying to loose weight for sometime but I keep failing, now I have started to get reversable medical problems I really need this to work.

does anyone have any tips to help me suceed :-)


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Why have you failed in the past?
  • chocolatedori1
    chocolatedori1 Posts: 20 Member
    let things get to me so put it off for a day and thinking ill start again tomorrow but theres always another excuse.....something im sure others have felt but overcome :-)
  • chocolatedori1
    chocolatedori1 Posts: 20 Member
    any tips on overcomming this :-)
  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 546 Member
    You have to stop ignoring those excuses to tell yourself. That's the only thing that will work. If you want to exercise, put it on your calendar and just start at the scheduled time. No matter what. If you simply need to start counting calories, just track what you eat normally for a week. See where you are, then make a plan to cut out some calories.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
  • Lutielu
    Lutielu Posts: 188 Member
    Make it your priority. Just like brushing your teeth or going to work. It's something that HAS to be done so you arrange or rearrange life around it. You can make it happen, in fact, you're the only one who can make it happen. :smiley:
  • chocolatedori1
    chocolatedori1 Posts: 20 Member
    I used to be really fit 4 years back gym 3 times a week and a jog on a sunday, obviously gained when I stopped. I love to exercise just strugging with motivation thing :-( I just joined a gym this week so hoping to go mon wed and thurs...after my induction :smiley: but im worried ill just stop going again :'(
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I used to be really fit 4 years back gym 3 times a week and a jog on a sunday, obviously gained when I stopped. I love to exercise just strugging with motivation thing :-( I just joined a gym this week so hoping to go mon wed and thurs...after my induction :smiley: but im worried ill just stop going again :'(

    Then decide not to stop. It's hard to break out of our routine and start new habits, but the only one in control of whether or not you stop exercising is you.
  • chocolatedori1
    chocolatedori1 Posts: 20 Member
    thank you for the links ill have a look and your right im the only one who can make it happen ;)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I used to be really fit 4 years back gym 3 times a week and a jog on a sunday, obviously gained when I stopped. I love to exercise just strugging with motivation thing :-( I just joined a gym this week so hoping to go mon wed and thurs...after my induction :smiley: but im worried ill just stop going again :'(

    Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.

    You need to think positive!
  • chocolatedori1
    chocolatedori1 Posts: 20 Member
    habbits are a nightmare to break and make :-D I am a creature of habbit....Unfortunately the lazy ones have took over ...... for now :wink:
  • chocolatedori1
    chocolatedori1 Posts: 20 Member
    thank you im feeling more positive about this already, ive not really used this section before and feel more like I can do this already :blush:
  • Paulina1230
    Paulina1230 Posts: 215 Member
    You have to decide whats worth it in life...for you. Since August I have reversed my prediabetic A1c to a very normal, healthy number, I have begun to reverse the damage to my fatty liver and I have lost 69 pounds. I choose not to die because I cant control my eating. I choose to live what years I have left not being sick and on drugs and worse stuck in one of those scooter things because I have become morbidly obese. I choose to excersise and make my body strong because I want to enjoy every moment I have left on this rock and not be a burden on my loved ones. You have a choice...its really not that hard. You already know what will happen to you depending on what choice you make now. My only regret is that I wasted so many precious years making the wring choice. Dont waste anymore of your can do this.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, stop depending on motivation, it comes and goes. Do you need to be motivated to brush your teeth in the morning or else it doesn't happen? If a meeting is scheduled at work, do you skip it if you don't feel like going?

    DECIDE that starting today you will log your food accurately and consistently. It's just something you do. Even if you fall off plan and eat too much, you will log it, every single time. Logging the "bad" days is a great learning experience.

    Try pre-logging days, it helps me a lot. If I already logged a great day of food, I am more likely to stick to it. If I've been craving a fast food burger, I will pre-log my meals including that burger and see how the day will turn out, if I have to tweak my other meals. Or maybe I'll see what my splurge will look like once logged and decide to make a better choice.

    If you want to factor in exercise, schedule it. Actually enter or write it in as an appointment.

    The only way you fail, is by giving up. If it's important to you, keep at it. :drinker:
  • speeno
    speeno Posts: 55 Member
    been trying to loose weight for sometime but I keep failing, now I have started to get reversable medical problems I really need this to work.

    does anyone have any tips to help me suceed :-)

    if that isn't motivation enough I don't know what is, do it for deserve it.

  • chocolatedori1
    chocolatedori1 Posts: 20 Member
    im so glad you are getting better what youve achieved is amazing, and from what youve said is exactly how I want to feel again

    my liver is flagging on tests and I now on daily meds to stop my stomach acid from causing me anymore pain, I struggle to breath even when seated im only 3 and a half stone over weight... but have been told that unless I change I will get worse, the rapid change in health is due to the amount I gained in just a few years and is definatly all linked to the weight gain...... i was very recently told this by doctors and advised unless it changes I will be worst fear would be to end up in those scooters..... I used to scuba dive daily, run and gym ..... had friends everywhere and well .... over all loved life...and I hate that I have all that up for tv, pizza and doing nothing all day

    I just want all that back :blush:
  • chocolatedori1
    chocolatedori1 Posts: 20 Member
    thank you I will log everything!! even failure days.....
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    im so glad you are getting better what youve achieved is amazing, and from what youve said is exactly how I want to feel again

    my liver is flagging on tests and I now on daily meds to stop my stomach acid from causing me anymore pain, I struggle to breath even when seated im only 3 and a half stone over weight... but have been told that unless I change I will get worse, the rapid change in health is due to the amount I gained in just a few years and is definatly all linked to the weight gain...... i was very recently told this by doctors and advised unless it changes I will be worst fear would be to end up in those scooters..... I used to scuba dive daily, run and gym ..... had friends everywhere and well .... over all loved life...and I hate that I have all that up for tv, pizza and doing nothing all day

    I just want all that back :blush:

    One more thing that hasn't been mentioned, and not sure this affects you or not - you don't HAVE to give up the foods you like. Just mind your portions. I always tried to eat the cliche healthy diet - broiled chicken or fish, steamed veggies, rice cakes, etc. And I would quit because I was miserable. What worked was eating mostly the same food, just smaller portions. For some people the temptation to binge would be too great, but for me, learning how to have just 2 slices of pizza, or getting the crispy chicken sandwich but no fries, was definitely the way to go. So if eating one way doesn't work for you, don't give up, just try a different way...
  • chocolatedori1
    chocolatedori1 Posts: 20 Member
    that would work as I fear going cold turkey on junk food may cause me more problems, need to ween off it
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    edited January 2016
    Best advice I can give is that it's ok to start slow and build. Weigh and log everything for a week while eating like normal and see where your patterns are. Then, make one change. Give yourself a couple weeks to get used to it, and then make another. Yes, it's slow, but doing so gets you used to things gradually, as well as helping you learn better eating habits because you're not going on a 'diet', you're adjusting what you currently eat to fit what your calories should be. I don't know what you normally eat in a day, but when you actually WEIGH everything and add it, you will be surprised! Don't let it bother you; after all, your goal is to change that. That doesn't mean cutting foods out, it mostly means learning what the proper portions are for something and sticking with that. One or two cookies is fine, 10-12 cookies is not. 3 fried chicken tenders is fine, 10 is not. See where I'm going? And that applies to healthy foods too! You can eat too much 'healthy' foods and go over your calorie limit that way. It's harder to do, but people do manage to do it!

    You probably will want to add in more low-calorie/high nutrient choices, such as more veggies or whole grains, simply because when you take into account the calorie totals of some of your favorite foods, you'll find that eating a single portion doesn't fill you up! But that doesn't mean you have to give up anything unless there's a medical reason for it. I still have my garlic breadsticks, I still go out for wings and cheese fries, I still eat ice cream or candy. The difference is that I know what a portion usually looks like, and even if go over, I know how to adjust my day to account for it.

    You will screw up from time to time. That's normal. Everyone does. When it happens, log it, learn from it, and move on. You'll be fine, but we can tell you that 'till the cows come home. It's up to YOU to internalize it and make it real.