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60's age group



  • Hi, I just started last week. I am 62. I suffer from Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis. I noticed I very rarely see seniors who are overweight, so I figured it was time to take the bull by the horns and lose this weight.
  • maryann51515
    maryann51515 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, just started a few days ago. I'll be 65 in May. I have had weight problems all my life and yo yo. I have had the best result with the HMR diet but gain it back when I go on maintenance. This time I am still doing HMR, but incorporating regular food to practice portion control. I record everything that goes in my mouth and weigh and measure food. I started this journey 12/28 and am down 21#'s. I'm sure all water to start. I still have over 100 to loose. I joined I'm here 2 days ago and hope to get the support of others. So much for my rambling. Good luck everyone.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello everyone..........I'm 65 and have been here at MFP getting fit and healthy for almost 2.5 years. It doesn't matter what age you are to lose weight. What generally happens is that people in our age group have stopped or slowed down their active minutes and hence the calories we eat aren't being burned as efficiently.

    The best cure is either to eat less or exercise more, which is really the same for any age.

    I've lost 66 lbs and only have a few pounds left to lose and did it by gradually upping the amount of time and intensity of my exercise routine and found that once I reached a certain level I've been able to eat more rather than less from when I started in Sept of 2013.

    I started out eating between 1300 and 1500 calories a day depending on exercise and lost 45 lbs the first year. Now I eat between 1600 and 1750 calories most days unless I'm sick or injured and can't stick to my workout routine, then I go back to around 1500.

    I started out swimming because that was exercise I was comfortable doing then hired a trainer and began some resistance training. The second year I changed trainers and began weight lifting and I also run now.

    Anyone interested in sending me a friend request please go ahead. I'm active on my newsfeed as well as a couple of groups here. I don't read or comment on food diaries but mine is open for anyone to read and I'll always comment on other fitness news you have as well as share mine.

    Good luck on your journeys and don't tell yourself, or let anyone else tell you, that your age will prevent you from reaching your goals...........it's simply not true!

    Edited to add that I started this adventure with 3 herniated discs that I'd been nursing for 5 years and have had 4 injuries during the last couple of years. I pulled hip flexors in both hips which is about a 6 week recovery and also pulled my gluteous maximus (lol....that's a butt muscle in case you didn't know) and took about 4 weeks for recovery there. Right now I'm working through what my doc called "frozen shoulder" and it's going to take a bit longer to cure but I'm still running and going to the gym 3 days a week as well as physical therapy. I found that being injured doesn't mean we can't still be active, we just have to find the right exercise for us. I've worked through all of them successfully so far.

    You have to choose health to be healthy!
  • daveharris54
    daveharris54 Posts: 20 Member
    I am 61 and would love to have more friends in my age group on MFP. It helps to relate with those of similar challenges. Any one add me as a friend.
  • morey235
    morey235 Posts: 96 Member
    We are in our Golden Years :) I don't know how golden they are, everything is falling apart on me. But I won't give up. We can do it, just in a slower way. I can't even get up to 1200 calories some days.. I still can't even lose a lb, and keep that off, I lose it then gain it back… week after week… I get frustrated. I know I myself can't do the exercises that the Biggest Loser does, but they lose "lbs" every week. I read and read weight loss magazines and I still don't lose a lb. :):)
    No, really. I also have osteoarthritis of the knee. Have you gone into a store and from the door in, they have nothing but cake, cupcakes, donuts, pies right there in front of you. I walk in with my eyes closed. But I won't give up.
  • morey235
    morey235 Posts: 96 Member
    To Vansynder.. Your right, baby steps.. all you can do. You should see when I get out of a chair with osteoarthritis in knee.. I really take baby steps, I can hardly move. Don't give up. :) morey235
  • blazewarrior
    blazewarrior Posts: 10 Member
    Hi ive just joined and i'm looking to lose about 20lbs but no matter what anyone tells you the number one way to lose weight is will power will power will power. i've been on my diet a week kept to my to my MFP plan 1200 calories (looking to lose 2 lb a week) but they keep telling me your not eating enough but if i'm not hungry why eat
    more. Good luck to all
  • morey235
    morey235 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi, I was told that you need more food to burn more calories… I don't get it. I can't keep up with 1200 calories also, I just can't eat anymore on some days.. I tried it both ways, eat less, eat more and I still can't lose 1lb I keep gaining it back and forth. By the end of the week I am the same weight as I started the first day.
  • vansnyder
    vansnyder Posts: 20 Member
    I have tried the very low calorie diet, 800 to 1,000 per day, lost weight for awhile then could have starved to death and not lost another pound. I read a book regarding bowflex excersises and a weight loss diet, they emphazised eating every 3 hours but keeping the calories between 1200 and 1500 per day (for men). I now do not go hungry, and am losing weight again. I have some shifted discs and artheritis in my back this limits my days of being able to excercise and the amount of stress I can excercise with. I like the bowflex because it does not agitate the arthritis in my shoulders and elbows, which only are a problem if I lift with free weights and lift heavy. I also found the eliptical machine does not iritate my knees like walking does. Good luck to all of you.
  • kmbrvt99
    kmbrvt99 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in my 50's. Baby steps in the beginning, don't try to change everything at once or you will get overwhelmed and discouraged. Maybe try one new healthy habit a day. Eat healthy, eat foods with ingredients you can pronounce. This is about you, not all of us on MFP, we are all on our own journey but being supportive of each other along the way. You got this!
  • morey235
    morey235 Posts: 96 Member
    You were on too low of a diet plan. I am on 1200 but don't lose anything. My osteoarthritis keeps me from exercising a lot on machines.. but I would like to know what a elliptical machine is, maybe that would be good for my knees also. thanks
  • bobburgoon2
    bobburgoon2 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Bob and am 67 trying to lose about 30 pounds. Fingers crossed
  • emceel
    emceel Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Cecilia and am in my sixties. Would like also to lose about 30 lbs. From 170 to 140 @ 5'2 ht. I was thinking of joining WW online but find this site useful, esp. the database. Also calories are a basic measure & more accurate than their point system, which I think they still use. Although I did lose the weight with them yrs ago. Anyway good luck to all including myself!
  • morey235
    morey235 Posts: 96 Member
    Baby steps it will be. Your so right about the ingredients in food, I look at labels and there are so many words I never heard of.. so I don't buy it. I have to take it easy, I am getting frustrated, but won't give up.
  • morey235
    morey235 Posts: 96 Member
    Good luck Bob, you can do it. Don't give up.
  • morey235
    morey235 Posts: 96 Member
    I was in WW years ago. I didn't get much out of their meetings. I like MFP, you can track everyday. I do it first thing in the morning and I plan my whole day of food out. Makes it easier and I can go to it if I forget (which I do a lot of lately :)

    If I am going out to eat,(usual restaurants) I add what I will eat and put it on the calorie chart so I don't go over. Good luck on your weight loss and don't give up.
  • SannVe
    SannVe Posts: 2 Member
    I am starting to face the same issue. It is more difficult to firm up. Honestly, I had too much sugar and fat over the holidays. In Louisiana, we celebrate Mardi Gras, so it was king cake which I only ate one day but overindulged. I also go to Zumba twice a week, CIZE once a week, strength training, toning and stretching. I notice the lbs. are not rolling off so easily. However, because of what we are doing, we are in better shape than most. Keep up the good work. I am going to return to my food prepping and cleaner eating and hopefully I will see my mid-section improve. Best to you!

  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 322 Member
    Hi all I just found this thread today. As of Jan 24th I qualify to be in the group. I turned 60. I have struggled with my weight since I was a child. Since my highest weight of 497 I have lost 202 pounds. It has taken many many years and I still have 140 to go. It has been a long hard struggle as I am pretty much wheelchair bound. I can stand for maybe 3 to 4 minutes before excruciating pain sets in. I have a profile here as well as a blog if anyone is interested in knowing more. I am always looking for friends (so feel free to add me as a friend) in my age range as we all have different age related difficulties to deal with that the younger generation just doesn't understand. Hope to be able to provide support as well as receive support from the group.
  • DebraCox
    DebraCox Posts: 9 Member
    I'll be 61 on the 19th, and have about a hundred lb. longterm weight loss goal. I backslid and am just now really trying to get back into developing a healthy lifestyle. I've had a long history of starting strong then just giving up. But I have already had one heart attack a couple of years ago, and am really looking forward to having the support of the MFP community to help me keep myself going.
  • morey235
    morey235 Posts: 96 Member
    SannVe--- Good for you returning to your food prepping… I am surprised at home much sugar and sodium is in foods. It is hard to do, but keeping record on MFP helps a whole lot. Good luck to you and keep in touch.