
It struck me yesterday as I struggled to get into a rather tight 'flatteringly fitted' shirt I picked up in the M&S sales, that clothes play an important part in achieving weight loss goals. The disappointment of feeling that an item of clothing is too tight 'and it's all your fault' is balanced by the elation felt when you easily fit into that item post weight loss and your personal esteem is given a welcome boost. Many people may use this psychology to incentivise weight loss. Purchasing an item known to be too small now knowing that given your target achievement it will fit can be a very effective technique.
In any case the 'slim fit' shirt is not that far off fitting and I am quietly confident that when I hit my goal it will be perfect and will showcase my new and improved waistlines!
So the question is, have you faced the 'clothes' conundrum and what effect did or has it had on your goals?


  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    Yes, my weight loss was instigated by too-tight jeans at work that prompted me to rush out to purchase something more comfortable that day. I did not want to have to buy the next size up and most of my clothes were 2 sizes smaller anyway. I just wanted to fit them again.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    I hung a dress that I wore for my 40th birthday on the bedroom wall to inspire me to wear it on my 60th. I did.

    Here is a before and after.


    Cheers, h.
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    I never found clothing an incentive for me, but now that i'm so close to my goal - it's helping me push through the last little bit (profile picture is of some shorts that used to fit fine without a belt this time last year... not anymore!)
  • NealNH
    NealNH Posts: 106 Member
    Clothes weren't my motivator but I do use them instead of a measuring tape to monitor my progress along with the scale. Each time I go down a size in jeans I go to Goodwill and get the next smaller size and keep them on hand to "measure" my progress. I have never worn a fitted shirt so although dropping a size is meaningful it isn't really measurable.
  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    Getting rid of weight for me, isn't because of vanity; it's because I desire to have children & it's necessary to provide, the healthiest vessel possible; for them. However I have at least 32 more pounds to lose, I've gotten rid of 18 pounds; thus far & that's going to take awhile longer, so I use clothing; as mini goals because 1 looking better currently, is what's actually happening; so why not enjoy it? 2 because achieving the main goal, seems daunting; if I don't have some other accomplishments in between.
  • fatboyslimRP50
    fatboyslimRP50 Posts: 25 Member
    some seriously fine work there ladies! Glad this theory works and will persevere myself. Regards to all, Rupert
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    For a while I got caught up in the numbers, starting with some 16s in my closet, working down to 14s, 12s, 10s, and then 8s. As I changed sizes, I got rid of the bigger stuff, so I didn't have anything to fall back into. However, I have learned the fit is more important to looking fit and healthy than the number. A well fitting 10 can look better than a just too tight 8. In answer to your particular situation, I would get the shirt in a size that fit and made me feel good now. Even though you are on a journey, celebrate where you are now.
  • blue_eyed_fi
    blue_eyed_fi Posts: 24 Member
    Clothes definitely helped in my weight loss (on mfp over a year,left and recently rejoined) Was always quite slim fitting a Uk10 most of my adult life but after back issues had piled on 20 pounds.

    Lost this and more (33 in total) and now fit a UK8. Most of my old clothes fit great again and I ditched all the size 12s!

    Trying on and fitting comfortably into my skinny jeans keeps me focused and keeps my maintenance in check!
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Definitely. I lost almost 80lb in 2013/14 and really enjoyed closet shopping (between myself and my spouse we had clothes spanning from UK12 to UK22). I was comfortably wearing size UK14 work trousers when I finally fell off the wagon in October 2014 (with 20lb still to go, alas). Fast forward to November 2015 and I had to finally admit those trousers no longer did up. I found I'd put on 15lb so got back to it. I've already lost half the gain, and am looking to finish what I started in July 2013.

    I've always got a goal dress hanging in the closet. Originally it was a dress I had last worn when I was 21. When I surpassed that goal, I bought a gorgeous purple satin dress in a size UK12. It's fitted, so it's very small and that's what I'm aiming for at the moment.

    But yes, the only reason why I'm back on track is because my work trousers no longer fit. It was quite the wake-up call.
  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    edited January 2016
    It is an almost daily occurrence on this site with woman purchasing a small wedding dress as a goal. Some make it and some don't. For the life of me I don't understand that type of torture.

    I can completely understand keeping an article of clothing that you "out grew" for inspiration, but purposefully purchasing an item too small is mindblowing.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i keep/buy jeans a size too small simply because my weight loss is pretty consistent and i refuse to wear clothes that are too big LOL

    tops are more forgiving ;)

    i did find some jeans from express that i LOVE and ive now accumulated them in my current size, one bigger and several sizes smaller cause.... im not giving them up anytime soon

  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    No obsession there @callsitlikeiseeit.
    If I find the perfect pair of jeans I too stock up on them. I hauled 4 pairs back from the UK 2 years ago because I couldn't find any that I was happy with under $200 in Canada. I do it with shoes too.
    I have never bought jeans the next size down, too scared my body shape will change.

    Cheers, h.
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    edited January 2016
    I love a style of clothing called "Visual Kei" which is really big in Japan. Unfortunately for me, Japanese people are a LOT smaller than Americans. I bought pants in the biggest size they had, which will fit well if I am at a healthy weight. Unfortunately, I'm not at a healthy weight. I look at those pants at least once a week and am excited for the day I can wear them!
  • nicoiam69
    nicoiam69 Posts: 20 Member
    I started on my journey because none of my work pants would fit - I'm a chef and purchased a bulk pack of pants in a size L and could barely get them on!! I finally had to admit that I hadn't put on just a few kilos - I'd put on my first goal now is to get into those pants!! I'm pretty close - the try on last week had them on but still a little too snug to work comfortably in but it won't be long now. Once I can get into those I have a pair of jeans that I love but which I haven't been able to zip up for quite some time - goal 2. The numbers on the scales are motivating, but seeing that translate into real changes is fantastic.
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    I tried on a skirt every week for months. When it finally fit, I didn't like it and it went into the donate box. Years ago I spent years trying to get into a pair of shorts only to realize with horror that they were WAY out of date! Now I have a pair of pants I'm working on......
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I didn't purposefully buy something that was too small but I had a great pair of jeans that I could not even zip up. I tried them on once a month on the day I took progress photos and body measurements. It was pretty nice to have them fit better each time and eventually be able to comfortably wear them.
    I don't really have another goal piece of clothing like that.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    Clothes are a useful measuring stick. I haven't taken progress pics, but pants don't lie. Right now I'm working on taking off a big regain.

    I bought a brand new pair size 18 jeans at the start this round, went back later and got the same style in a 16...hopefully back again for a 14 sometime in the next month.

    Last time around I kept 1 pair of my biggest size and burned the rest of the bridge behind me.

    Having to buy larger sizes again wasn't enough incentive to turn me around, but having smaller clothes in the basement is nice to look forward too. Even if I get back into them and then decide I don't like them anymore.
  • louisedbatchelor1983
    I'm a nightmare with clothes!
    Shopping at my biggest was just painful before, I didn't enjoy it...I didn't buy because I like them or they were nice...they fitted
    So now I'm able to buy pretty much anything I want....I end up doing exactly that!
  • amber68rose556
    amber68rose556 Posts: 20 Member
    i purposely go to charity shops and buy things which are too small for me now, like designer dresses and quality clothing, and hang it up on my wardrobe to remind me of my goals!
  • angerelle
    angerelle Posts: 175 Member
    I don't buy clothes that are too small any more. I recently donated a dress that had hung in my wardrobe for years, but when I finally fit into it, I realised it was *never* going to be flattering. I've also just tried on a pair of trousers that I loved and grew out of, but a) they are now slightly too big and b) they are wildly boot cut and my 10yo told me I looked like Elvis Presley in them!

    When I had to buy the next size down work trousers, I did buy a pair that were quite, ahem, snug (but wearable and not too obscene!) and I am delighting in the fact that they are loosening up. I'm a bit sad that some of the nice tops I bought last year in the summer before starting to calorie count will be going to the charity shop, but hey ho, just means I'll have to go shopping this year...