1200 calories for a 5'2" woman is supposedly appropriate but I'm still hungry



  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 1200 makes me hangry. I can lose a lb a week if I eat near 1500 calories a day. That's with no exercise. With exercise I can lose even when eating 1800-1900 a day. But I'm pretty fat still. My calorie recommendations go down with each pound I lose.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 113 pounds and I lose weight on 1600 to 2200 calories per day depending on my level of activity. I exercise five to six days per week for 30 to 60 minutes and average 12000 to 19000 steps per day on my Fitbit.
  • anglebear2016
    anglebear2016 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm much taller and very active. 1200 is fine for me. Obviously everybody has a different degree of hunger, but 1200 is NOT a starvation diet if you eat well.

    To feel fuller, try to include more of these in your diet:

    -non-starchy vegetables
    -liquid (water, unsweetened tea, coffee)

    I'll try to drink more water in addition to increasing my caloric intake just a little. I
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    OP if you are still breastfeeding I would be very careful to go as low as 1200 calories, although if your child is 15 months, you may not be producing that much milk and so preserving supply may not be as big of a concern, but something to be aware of nonetheless.

    I'm 5'2 and lose weight eating far more than 1200 calories. I lost most of my weight eating 1600-1900 calories, and am currently maintaining my weight range (120-124) eating around 2100 or so calories.

    You may also want to consider that most people fluctuate regularly, even within maintenance, so while you are within 3 pounds of your goal weight, you may be within an acceptable maintenance range.

    I will try the 1700-1900 range. I've read that a breast feeding woman needs at least 1800 calories. Do you work out at the gym and how often?

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    edited January 2016
    im 5'1/5'2 and eat 1500 and lose
  • anglebear2016
    anglebear2016 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 1200 makes me hangry. I can lose a lb a week if I eat near 1500 calories a day. That's with no exercise. With exercise I can lose even when eating 1800-1900 a day. But I'm pretty fat still. My calorie recommendations go down with each pound I lose.
    synacious wrote: »
    I'm 5'3" and 113 pounds and I lose weight on 1600 to 2200 calories per day depending on my level of activity. I exercise five to six days per week for 30 to 60 minutes and average 12000 to 19000 steps per day on my Fitbit.

    I wish I could work out everyday . It's so hard to make it to the gym everyday with the baby and this cold weather. She keeps me busy. Lately, I've been going 3 days a week. But I'm very active at work. I rarely sit down or even have time to eat or use the bathroom.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP do you have a FitBit? As a busy young mother, I bet you are more active than you think. When I got mine, I was surprised to see how many steps I get just from chasing kids around, getting them to and from school, etc. Add in purposeful exercise on top of that, and I average 15K steps a day.

    I go to the gym some when it is cold, but my exercise is mostly walking - outside or on treadmill or even laps around my house if that's all I can fit in. I do some circuit training with light weights about 3 times/week.

    Does your gym have childcare?
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I'm not sure. I just started mfp about 2 weeks ago. Mfp gave me a goal of 1200. So that's what I've been trying to stick with. Prior to mfp I was not counting calories but I'm sure I was eating at least 2000 if not more prior to mfp. I try to go to the gym three times a week, I work a few days a week at a nursing home so I'm always on my feet at work, and I take care of the baby, cook, and clean up often while at home. My daughter is eating solids but still breast feeds often. Should I change my activity level from sendentary to lightly active?

    The number MFP gives you is bsed on the info you entered. You said you wanted to lose 2lbs per week, right? That's an overly aggressive goal since you only want to drop a few pounds. Generally, the idea is to lose ~.5 lbs per week for every 25 pounds you need to lose. With only 3-4 pounds to lose, you should really consider setting MFP to lose .5 lbs per week. The closer you are to your goal weight (and you're already at a healthy weight) the more patience you need as those final ounces take the longest.
  • anglebear2016
    anglebear2016 Posts: 28 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    OP do you have a FitBit? As a busy young mother, I bet you are more active than you think. When I got mine, I was surprised to see how many steps I get just from chasing kids around, getting them to and from school, etc. Add in purposeful exercise on top of that, and I average 15K steps a day.

    I go to the gym some when it is cold, but my exercise is mostly walking - outside or on treadmill or even laps around my house if that's all I can fit in. I do some circuit training with light weights about 3 times/week.

    Does your gym have childcare?

    My gym does have child care. I take body combat or step aerobics classes. I walk outside and swim during the warmer months. I do not have a Fitbit. I was just reading about fitbits last night. Is there any specific one you would recommend?
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    OP do you have a FitBit? As a busy young mother, I bet you are more active than you think. When I got mine, I was surprised to see how many steps I get just from chasing kids around, getting them to and from school, etc. Add in purposeful exercise on top of that, and I average 15K steps a day.

    I go to the gym some when it is cold, but my exercise is mostly walking - outside or on treadmill or even laps around my house if that's all I can fit in. I do some circuit training with light weights about 3 times/week.

    Does your gym have childcare?

    My gym does have child care. I take body combat or step aerobics classes. I walk outside and swim during the warmer months. I do not have a Fitbit. I was just reading about fitbits last night. Is there any specific one you would recommend?

    Well I've had mine for a few years now - it's a Flex, there are much fancier models now. I would recommend one that actually shows the data on the display, mine you have to look at the app. I think the Charge HR is the current trendy one - it also has a HRM for more high intensity workouts like your classes.

    If you go to the FitBit group here on MFP, I am certain there are dozens of threads debating pros and cons of them, but I am a huge proponent. Mine is very accurate for my activity, it estimates my daily calories burned (TDEE) to be about 2200 cals and my results in eating to that level and maintaining are as predicted.
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    You are actually in a healthy weight range. That being said, more whole foods with enough fiber, fat, and protein and less sugar and refined grains will help you feel satisfied. Remember that you can eat a 100 calorie lollipop or a 100 calorie apple.
  • anglebear2016
    anglebear2016 Posts: 28 Member
    I will go to the Fitbit group now. Thank you for the info.
  • DanGemmell
    DanGemmell Posts: 6 Member
    1200 calories is appropriate for a woman in a coma. That'd where that number comes from. 1800-2000 calories is actually what your body needs, otherwise you risk not getting all the essential nutrients needed.
  • shadows2424
    shadows2424 Posts: 179 Member
    Im 5'2 and i eat 1500 and lose on that. You probably could stand to eat more. I used to eat 1200 and i did have rapid weightloss, but i need more food this time around so im opting for slower weightloss. But if you're losing weight at 1800 I dont see why you couldn't eat more and settle for a smaller weekly weightloss.