Several Questions, Help. Calories, protein, Sugar, eating something every so many hours

Okay I think Losing weight etc can be so confusing. There are so many different suggestions, plans, do this, do that etc etc

So let me begin with asking a few questions and getting some opinions

1. WHere we keep track of our food and calories for the day it also gives us guideline numbers for sugar, protein etc. Is it important to also try and stay in the guidelines for those as well. So for example say you always meet your daily calorie goal but your protein number is never high enough or your sugar number is quite a bit over etc

2. Some people say you should be eating something ever 2-3 hours ????

3. I know this is asked a lot but does your daily calorie number that MFP gives you... say you exercise that day, Can you eat more calories? Or is it already taking exercising into consideration when it gives you your daily caloric number.
Thanks so much


  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    1. Calories rule over everything. Macros can help you attain certain goals but are secondary to calories.
    2. Those people are misinformed. Eat when you like.
    3. If you are using MFP as intended you should add your exercise calories - exercise lets you eat more. Just be careful of the calorie burn estimates as many people believe they are overestimates. A common tactic is to eat half of the reported exercise calories and adjust as needed.
    4. Good luck.
  • gibran30
    gibran30 Posts: 30 Member
    so Jruzer thanks for your response... so basically eating more protein doesnt help you loose weight faster? And lets say you ate only your caloric limit but most all those calories are bad for you calories, chips, candy etc... a person would still loose weight as long as they kept to the calorie limit?
  • JackieMarie1989jgw
    JackieMarie1989jgw Posts: 230 Member
    gibran30 wrote: »
    so Jruzer thanks for your response... so basically eating more protein doesnt help you loose weight faster? And lets say you ate only your caloric limit but most all those calories are bad for you calories, chips, candy etc... a person would still loose weight as long as they kept to the calorie limit?

    Yes, they would still lose weight as long as they keep within their limit. In terms of weight loss, a calorie is a calorie. Some people find that certain types of foods (such as protein, or fiber) and certain eating schedules (such as eating often throughout the day) help them continue to feel full so that they dont get so hungry they binge. But that varies based on the individual. Contrary to popular belief eating often, though it may help you from feeling too hungry, doesnt really change your metabolism at all
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    As far as weight loss goes, it comes down to calories. Calories in / calories out. Eat less then you burn and you will lose weight. All that's needed for weight loss is a calorie deficit. The foods you pick make no difference as far as weight loss is concerned .

    Meal timing is a myth. It makes no difference as far as weight loss is concerned if you eat 1500 calories all at once or you eat 5 small 300 cal meals throughout the day. It makes no difference. If you prefer a bunch of small meals then go for it but if you don't that's fine too.remember weight loss comes down to calories. Don't get yourself hung up on the small stuff.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    1. You do need enough protein. What that is for you, I don't know. But if you're constantly low in protein, and MFP's defaults are not agressive, look for ways to increase it. Many don't track sugar. Added sugar should be somewhat limited, but natural sugar may not pose a problem area for you. Depends on if you have any medical reasons to watch it.

    2. Depends on your preferences.

    3. Your MFP calorie goal is before exercise. Feel free to eat additional to cover exercise. Just be careful to not eat too much for it. Machines are famous for showing an unrealisticly high burn #.

    4. If you're feeling overwhelmed them pick 1-2 things to work on now. In time, add more. Start with logging everything as accurately as you can & drinking enough water. Then when you have those under control, focus on additional nutrition goals.