20 Pounds by Easter 2016!



  • I'm in!!! Just found this challenge, better late than never!!!
    Sw: 229.5(January 4)
    GW: 205(challenge)
  • SarahIluvatariel
    SarahIluvatariel Posts: 96 Member
    Hmm... Maybe I'll give this a shot. But I'm a late-comer, so I'll aim for 20, but be happy with a more realistic 10-15. I'm restarting my diet today. I like the idea of an intermediate goal. :)

    SW: 222.3 (Today, Jan 25)
    GW: 202.3 (Easter challenge)
    UGW: 179

    CW: 222.3

    I've never tried one of these challenges before, so I'm not sure how it works... do you just post back from time to time?
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    edited January 2016
    Ok I'm a late start here. I used to do these regularly 2 years ago and they worked for me.so I'll put in todays update

    Height 5'10"
    SW : 229lb
    CW - 223.6lbs (as of this am - the miracle of water)
    GW - 209

    only 14.6 lbs to go lol

    I've not abandoned this, just missed logging here

    Height 5'10"
    SW : 229lb
    CW - 218lbs (as of this am - the miracle of water)
    GW - 209

    only 9 lbs to go , I should raise my target (early days though i lose a lot fast and then plateau for as long as a month if last time is an indicator
  • becca_rup23
    becca_rup23 Posts: 396 Member
    Hi all! Here's my update! The weight is not coming off as quickly as I'd like, but slow and downward is just fine too! I was sick the past week so anything down is good.
    Height 5'9"
    SW 271
    SW for challenge 267
    1/12 264.1
    1/19 263.7
    1/26 262.8
    Total change: 4.2 lbs
    GW for challenge 250
    GW overall 167

    Keep it up everyone!!
  • Resolved2016
    Resolved2016 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm starting late too--my actual goal is 30 lbs by May 10. I'm down about 5 since late December.
    SW - 176
    CW - 171.4
    GW - 145

    Thanks for the inspiration!!
  • SJBanks89
    SJBanks89 Posts: 92 Member
    Weekly Wednesday weigh in
    I am now 153! Lost just under 3 pounds! I am so chuffed! Still got 8 pounds to go for Easter goals!
  • adrndks
    adrndks Posts: 3 Member
    Weekly Wednesday weigh-in: absolutely unchanged from the first weigh-in...
    Ht: 5'5"
    SW: 161
    CW: 159
    GW: 140 by Easter
    Used the snow days as an excuse to blow the diet completely, including beer and wine, and couldn't get to the gym.
  • Hi. My current weight is 250 and my goal by Easter is 230. I am attending the gym as much as I can as well as many Zumba and cardio drumming classes.
  • fitnesslover74
    fitnesslover74 Posts: 42 Member
    Count me in! I will post stats tomorrow. LETS DO THIS!
  • JME67550
    JME67550 Posts: 39 Member
    JME67550 wrote: »
    I'm in. I've been watching my numbers since Jan 1....

    Height 5'10"
    SW: 188 lb
    GW: 165 lb

    01/20/16--184 lb

  • fitnesslover74
    fitnesslover74 Posts: 42 Member
    Hello! My name is Michelle. I am late getting on this challenge bandwagon, but I am hitting the ground running! I have a lofty goal of losing 21 pounds by Easter. This means a loss of .35 pounds per day, 2.62 pounds per week, and 10.5 pounds per month. With proper diet, fitness, and sleep, I think it will be possible. I realize I may have to further curb my social life, but my health is more important than a night out at the bar. Here is my list of instructions to myself so that I stay focused.

    1. Reach out to MFP friends for daily support.
    2. Get to bed no later than 9:00 p.m. each night.
    3. Limit time on phone and laptop before bed.
    4. Eat nothing after 8:00 p.m.
    5. Pre-log food for Saturday and Sunday to avoid weekend food binges.
    6. Choose ONE cheat item for Saturday (no full cheat days).
    7. Stay at or under 1200 calories per day (do not count extra workout calories).
    8. Rely on your measuring tape for a true reflection of your progress.
    9. Do some sort of physical activity every day (even if you can't get to the gym).
    10. Attend group HIIT classes four days each week.

    LET'S DO THIS!!!

    Height: 5'8"
    SW: 170
    01/28/16 CW: 161
    03/27/16 GW: 140

  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
    I am late on starting this challenge but I am up for it. I started (again) two weeks ago at 183, and have lost 3 lbs so far, just by changing certain foods. This week I am adding treadmill walking. My goal is 130 lbs by next December, 31, 2016. I am giving myself one year to lose 50, but if I lose it before that.....bonus!

    SW 183
    CW 180
    GW 130

    Yeah me!!!
  • krb308
    krb308 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! My name is Michelle. I am late getting on this challenge bandwagon, but I am hitting the ground running! I have a lofty goal of losing 21 pounds by Easter. This means a loss of .35 pounds per day, 2.62 pounds per week, and 10.5 pounds per month. With proper diet, fitness, and sleep, I think it will be possible. I realize I may have to further curb my social life, but my health is more important than a night out at the bar. Here is my list of instructions to myself so that I stay focused.

    1. Reach out to MFP friends for daily support.
    2. Get to bed no later than 9:00 p.m. each night.
    3. Limit time on phone and laptop before bed.
    4. Eat nothing after 8:00 p.m.
    5. Pre-log food for Saturday and Sunday to avoid weekend food binges.
    6. Choose ONE cheat item for Saturday (no full cheat days).
    7. Stay at or under 1200 calories per day (do not count extra workout calories).
    8. Rely on your measuring tape for a true reflection of your progress.
    9. Do some sort of physical activity every day (even if you can't get to the gym).
    10. Attend group HIIT classes four days each week.

    LET'S DO THIS!!!

    Height: 5'8"
    SW: 170
    01/28/16 CW: 161
    03/27/16 GW: 140


    Love it!!!
  • najmommy
    najmommy Posts: 19 Member
    saitiffeh wrote: »
    Hi everyone!

    Easter is on March 27th this year... that sounds like a great date to aim to lose 20 pounds by! Anyone else going to join me? I love this style of challenge :)

    SW: 215.5
    CW: 194
    GW: 174

    My long term goal is 134 but I am working in 20 pound increments! I've lost the weight so far with a reduced calorie diet and daily walking.

    Hope others decide to join me and I hope to see lots of goals being met!

    Hi there!

    I'm just getting back in the grove and ready to make some positive changes. This sounds fun and I love a good challenge. Great way to stay motivated. So how are we doing this, or what have you all been doing so far?

  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Friday weigh day:

    CW: 145
    GW: 132


    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Mccmack
    Mccmack Posts: 195 Member

    Lost 3 pounds this week.
    SW: 234
    CW: 225
    GW: 214 (for challenge)
  • quiarga
    quiarga Posts: 408 Member
    quiarga wrote: »
    quiarga wrote: »
    quiarga wrote: »
    quiarga wrote: »
    I just found this post. Hopefully this is still going, and I think it's a great goal. Easter is my favorite holiday anyway!

    MFP SW: 163.0
    CW: 161.2
    GW: Easter 141.2
    GW: ultimate 125.0

    I'm 5'1" and in my 30s. I think that my current loss was only due to getting sick on Christmas Eve. Luckily, it's keeping me from wanting to eat any of the junk I baked before Christmas.

    Let's do this!!

    One week into the New Year and my weigh in day.

    MFP SW: 163.0
    SW Challenge: 161.2
    CW: 156.2
    GW: Easter 141.2
    GW: ultimate 125.0

    15 lbs to go!

    MFP SW: 163.0
    SW Challenge: 161.2
    CW: 153.6
    GW: Easter 141.2
    GW: ultimate 125.0

    12.4 lbs to go!

    Height: 5' 1"

    MFP SW: 163.0
    SW Challenge: 161.2
    CW: 151.8
    GW: Easter 141.2
    GW: ultimate 125.0

    Just over 10 lbs to go. Almost halfway there!

    Height: 5' 1"

    MFP SW: 163.0
    SW Challenge: 161.2
    CW: 150.2
    GW: Easter 141.2
    GW: ultimate 125.0

    Getting closer. Less than 10 lbs to go now. For this challenge anyway.
  • rmcloughlin22
    rmcloughlin22 Posts: 61 Member
    SW: 192
    CW: 189
    GW: 172

    3 lbs down, 17 to go!
  • Resolved2016
    Resolved2016 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in a four day plateau--eeek! Need to get some exercise this weekend!
  • fitnesslover74
    fitnesslover74 Posts: 42 Member
    I am going to wait till next Friday to post my weigh in. My new scale is off by two pounds. Grrr... (It really is the scale. I swear!)