Very upset and discouraged.

I have been faithfully using MFP for 3 week. MFP has me at 1200 calories. With that I joined a gym and started weight training 3x week and cardio. I haven't gotten on the scale since I started. Didn't want to discourage myself. I started at 144 and am 5'4" and 38 yr old. I have a bad problem with getting obsessed and weighing constantly and letting it get in my head. Well this morning after all this time I got on the scale. I gained 1.5 lbs. I don't get it. I have been so good except for a few days this past weekend where I went over my calories. What's the deal???? Anyone else have the same thing happen and then weight starts dropping????


  • amyr271
    amyr271 Posts: 343 Member
    It may be because you have just started a new exercise routine. Your muscles will be holding onto water to repair themselves, which in turn is making you temporarily gain weight. Keep at it and as long as you are accurately logging what you are eating you will lose weight :)
  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    Try measuring yourself instead- for the above reasons. If you are loosing inches, you are loosing weight.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Water retention, most likely. You'd have had to eaten 5,250 calories OVER what your body needs to maintain to have actually gained 1.5 lbs. Since you didn't do that, then you didn't gain.

    Weight fluctuates for all sorts of reasons, glycogen replenishment, muscle repair, extra sodium, hormones, injury, sunburn, ovulation, period etc... all of these things will cause temporary weight gains.

    Give it more time.
  • cardertaxidermy
    cardertaxidermy Posts: 86 Member
    I know scientifically it's not possible, but still sucks!!!!! I would of been happy with a 1 lb loss. Anything in the right direction.
  • 75in2013
    75in2013 Posts: 361 Member
    kramrn77 wrote: »
    Try measuring yourself instead- for the above reasons. If you are loosing inches, you are loosing weight.


    Measuring is much more reliable than a scale.
  • scottish_laura_13
    scottish_laura_13 Posts: 69 Member
    1200 a day when working out lots seems too low.... check the nhs bmi calculator it shows the range of calories daily you should be consuming - you may need to increase you call by a few hundred in order to lose, or it might just be bloating due to time of the month or water retention due to high sodium the days before weighing in
    also I agree with measuring not just weighing and try to give it time even though its frustrating - 1lb of muscle takes up less space than 1lb of fat - therefore if you think of fat like a sponge and when it becomes muscle its scrunched tight - its the same weight but is smaller, this can be what's happening to you body which is why you should measure ur waist etc
  • mylukeyboy
    mylukeyboy Posts: 18 Member
    I agree it's probably water retention from starting a new exercise routine and maybe also from weekend eating. This happens to me too. It is super frustrating, but have faith and keep pushing through. You owe it to yourself! Drink lots of water and I'm sure it'll drop again within a few days.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I know scientifically it's not possible, but still sucks!!!!! I would of been happy with a 1 lb loss. Anything in the right direction.

    If you know it's scientifically not possible then why are you upset by this? Most people who get upset over these small fluctuations do not yet understand that the only way they would actually gain real weight is by eating at a surplus. But since you said you understand that its not possible then why get upset ?
  • cardertaxidermy
    cardertaxidermy Posts: 86 Member
    I understand the logistics of it but in my head it still doesn't make since when I know how good I have been and if you create a deficit you should loose and I haven't.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Nobody has a static weight; you have a weight range. You didn't start exactly at 144, because an hour after you weighed in, your weight had already changed. You started at 144 +/- about 3 pounds or so. You are still within that range. What matters is your weight trend over time, not any one data point.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Did you weigh at the same time of day? Weight changes with time of day.
  • getsweaty123go
    getsweaty123go Posts: 53 Member
    I had same thing where I had put on about that but I haven't been measuring. I just tried on a pair of pants today, thinking - don't do it to yourself, but I did and they fit whereas a week ago they didn't. Can't say I'm going to start measuring.. I should, but for me, pants work well too! Muscle weighs more than fat - we have to remember that :-)
  • cardertaxidermy
    cardertaxidermy Posts: 86 Member
    I think I will just stay far far away from the scale. I don't know why I let that number get to me so much. Thanks for all you comments