having a difficult time, mad at myself



  • ImPerfectSoRU
    ImPerfectSoRU Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for your post, Brenn. It comforts me to know that someone else has the struggles I have. I'm hearing a lot of regret and condemnation in your post because you believe you should be doing things differently than finding comfort and satisfaction in past indulgences. Is that accurate? There are many replies here that offer suggestions and encouragement. I'm offering something different. Perhaps a little more self-love rather than more discipline would be helpful. PM me if you want to make this more personal.
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    Sounds like my story. 220 top weight, got all the way down to 149, 2 months ago 170...wth...just time to take back what's mine. Back at it. And it's been hard. 164 now but it's a battle that never ends. You're not the only one. Thank you for sharing because it helps me know I'm not either
  • jeepinshawn
    jeepinshawn Posts: 642 Member
    I know your pain. I find it isn't an item I want but a quantity. I want to gorge myself on junk, hard to stop once it is started. Next four me is to just get the junk out of the house and try and stay busy doing chores or something.
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    I think we all have that trait where once the floodgates open on the junk food intake, we just sort of go full speed ahead. I have to be very careful and thoughtful about how and where I eat junk food, otherwise its open season on the pantry!

    Now that I've reached my goal weight range, I'm being a bit more flexible in my diet, trying to up my calories, and find that happy medium. So I may choose one night a week to have something "special", but I'll try to plan it and include it in my daily allotted calories. It might be a cookie, or a beer, or a piece of chocolate. Not a whole 6-pack or a whole box of cookies, but a very thoughtful, pre-planned treat to reward myself for working out and staying on track.

    I can't do the loosey-goosey thing where I just randomly decide to grab a handful of chips or sweets or junk or whatever, because it'll just lead to me over-doing it and then beating myself up. So I find that planning my indiscretions works much better! Even if its just planning a night out for dinner, at least I know ahead and can plan my calories for the day around it (generally speaking).

    This is still the part of maintenance that messes with my head: I can eat more, I don't have to be so strict, but I'm afraid to fall back into bad habits so I stay on the fairly straight and narrow path. I suppose I'll start wandering farther off at some point...
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    you have done it before, you can do it again. Throw it all out and get in a workout a hard walk for example. you will not want any of this after. Just do it.
  • Schenjena
    Schenjena Posts: 7 Member
    Recommend the podcast Psychology of Eating - Marc Davis. Very compelling insights on emotional eating and self image. I find it motivating to understand the science behind food cravings etc. it's helpful to understand your personal triggers. As others have said - you've got this! You know how to do this and you will get back on track!!
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    One day at a time. You got this!
  • TankTop1231
    TankTop1231 Posts: 8 Member
    You totally have this! Remember....doing YOU is not selfish. It is love!