Trying to lose weight at uni


As per the title, I'm at uni but also trying to shred a few pounds! I was wondering if any peeps have any tips on how to control the alcohol intake as well as potential dinners out at restaurants? As I find if I want to stay anywhere near my target calories I have to eat very limited throughout the day! I also find people love to use the phrase 'you don't need to lose weight' a lot and try to reason that I've 'been good' the last few days so deserve to treat myself, which we all know isn't the case in the weight loss world!


  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    Hey, I'm a uni student too. You touched on this, but the way I cope is by keeping calories low during the day, so I have room to indulge at night. However, that doesn't mean I don't eat much during the day time. I try to have fruit for breakfast and vegetables for lunch, so volume wise I eat quite a lot, and of whole, nutritionally dense foods, and then I can enjoy tacos and a margaritas at night without destroying my goals. My biggest suggestion would be to find fruits and veggies you love and are super delicious, so you really enjoy your meals, not just suffer through them. Also, look into if your uni has a gym available to students and work into your schedule when you can go :)
  • katieboo93_
    katieboo93_ Posts: 57 Member
    It's hard to loose weight but not impossible! Here's some tips I picked up when I was at uni.

    - Walking to uni (yes even for those 9am lectures)
    - Preparing a healthy lunch the night before so I can bring it with me (stopped me going for bad food)
    - Stairs instead of lift EVERYTIME
    - Reduce calories during the day so you can treat yourself on a night
    - Opt for low calorie alcoholic drinks (no beer, no wine - spirits and low cal mixer only)
  • katiebean
    katiebean Posts: 110 Member
    Stick to low calories drinks like vodka and soda water, diet lemonade/Diet Coke. Lots of unis also have a cheap gym somewhere nearby.
    Make bulk meals when you can and freeze them. This will stop you eating like I did at uni... Frozen chips every day! It didn't seem to make much difference though, it was mainly alcohol intake that affected my weight, so I would definitely say stay away from pints of beer and cider!
  • emmas434
    emmas434 Posts: 29 Member
    I try to have fruit for breakfast and vegetables for lunch, so volume wise I eat quite a lot

    What would you tend to have for lunch? I'm finding at the moment a struggle to try and fit in denser foods/vegetables, I mainly just have a small sandwich I made myself but normally still feel hungry after it
    - Walking to uni (yes even for those 9am lectures)
    - Opt for low calorie alcoholic drinks (no beer, no wine - spirits and low cal mixer only)

    Still hate the walk to uni haha 40 minutes especially Scotland and rain!